LAN Xiangyu closed the barrage directly, out of sight and out of mind. No matter how they scolded, she couldn't see it anyway.

"I went to Xiaohegou to catch the red, and then brush the mud on it. Remember to brush it, otherwise there will be dirty things.

After brushing, we should remove the line behind it, and then directly remove its head, which can't be eaten without meat. We mainly eat the back part.

Then, after dealing with the red, it's like this. I handled it at noon. "Lan Xiyu put the red in front of the camera at noon. Because the bullet screen was closed, she couldn't see a quarrel on the bullet screen.

[hehe: what a mess, hehe]

Shan Shan: please be careful. You social scum are more annoying than red


"Spicy thirteen spice red needs a lot of seasonings, pepper, dry pepper, green onion, ginger, garlic, licorice, vinegar, rock sugar, salt

The first step is to pour the oil into the frying pan, heat it, and then add pepper and dry pepper. "

After a while, red oil was stir fried in the pot, and a spicy fragrance quietly emerged.

"Take it out, pour in green onion, ginger and garlic, saute until fragrant, add licorice, Angelica dahurica, cumin, nutmeg, cinnamon, fragrant leaves and star anise, and then fry until fragrant.

Pour in the washed red tail and stir fry until the red tail becomes very red and bright.

Finally, we pour in thirteen spices, a tablespoon of spicy sauce, a little rock sugar, an appropriate amount of raw and old smoked salt and vinegar.

This is seasoning. After boiling over high heat, turn to medium heat and cook for about 15 minutes.

The production steps of spicy thirteen spice red are relatively simple, but the seasoning should be put enough and the heat should be well controlled, otherwise the red red will not be delicious. "

As he spoke, LAN Yueyu took the cooked rice and put it aside to cool.

After a while, the smell in the frying pan came out. LAN Xiangyu looked at the time and opened the pot.

I saw the hot soup in the pot still rolling, bright color, full of spicy temptation.

Many viewers in the live studio watched LAN Xiyu live for the first time. They witnessed her turn the tasteless red meat into the spicy red meat, and immediately burst into a pot.

[I can't get through: why do I have the idea of super eating?]

[vhvv: stop it, brother. I've never smelled such delicious food before. The fresh nutrient solution in my hand suddenly doesn't smell good.]

[Shan Shan: great! Super fragrant!]

[hehe: if I take it, it's delicious, but it's insect and animal meat. Who dares to eat it?]

[after the change: Yes, yes, most of the insect and animal meat is a bluff. The anchor doesn't dare to eat it! If she eats it, I'll reward 10000 starry coins immediately!]

[Shanshan's little wife: hehe, you are so interesting.]

LAN Xiangyu, who finished the dishes, had opened the barrage. Seeing the barrage, she immediately picked up a red one. "The red shell can't be eaten. Peel it like this and dip it in some soup. It's more delicious." then she put the red into her mouth.

LAN Xiangyu lowered her body slightly, so the audience in the live studio can see the place below her lips. Although she can't see the whole face, it's enough.

People were shocked to see that the anchor really ate the red meat.

[vbhvhvh: did the anchor really eat red?!]

[change is good: I advise the anchor not to hurt his body for the sake of fans and traffic. Go to the hospital quickly.]

[I can't do it at all: I've seen it. I've taken it. Red meat contains violence factors. We're supposed to eat red meat. Wait for me to report you.]

[alas: I can't help it, everyone. It's so fragrant. I'm moving!]

[Lan Lan: to say the least, even if Chihong has a violent factor, these are also virtual in the live studio. We have nothing to eat. I can't help it. Let's move!]

[Shanshan's little wife: my big knife is already hungry and thirsty!]

[neither: crazy, crazy. The anchor is crazy, and so are the fans. Bye, no, never again.]

[multiple users V: the anchor has too many sailors, Niu PI. Reported!]

[Shanshan: the anchor ignored them, you and us!]

[Shanshan gave you a reward of 500000 starry coins]

Rewards and barrages filled the screen in the last ten minutes.

LAN Xiangyu said I'll see you tomorrow morning and then broadcast it.

Shen panchi has been watching LAN Xiyu live broadcast. Naturally, he also saw the insulting language on the virtual screen.


How come the quality of federal residents has become like this? There is a miasma on the Internet.


For someone who cooked with insect and animal meat and ate it, it became popular on the star network.


[Federal Entertainment: there is a live food broadcast in the starry sky, which uses insect and animal red to cook and eat. What do you think of this? (picture) (video link)]

Quite popular: children, do you have many question marks?

Inconvenient to move:???

Get better and reply to mobility inconvenience: reflect on why you can't do the first floor.

Dbggb: the current anchor can really do everything for fire. Aren't you afraid to teach bad children?

Never taboo: the star anchor food channel is full of liars who attract attention to earn traffic. Are you really stupid to watch it? Hehe. I said the stars should have been offline long ago!

Several customers never avoid replying: you don't have to kill all of them. There are many big anchors on other channels!

Vgv: it's been approved. Isn't the anchor dead?

You: Well, let's break up. The anchor has settled down.

You won't reply well: brother, send you up.

Go home and see your reply: hahaha, the banquet has been arranged. The whole village is eating.

Ke AI's skill: lying in the trough, watching the video, suddenly felt that the red meat was delicious. Drooling

Vvgv reply to KE SHUAI's skill: the water Army bought by the anchor?

Ke AI's skill reply vvgv: No, I'm just a passer-by.

Hehe, reply to Ke AI's skills: hehe, brainless fans say so.


[messenger of Justice: let's see, there are anchors who openly eat insects and animals in front of billions of viewers in order to make money. (picture) (picture)]

Keep changing baby: WOC, what's this? Starsky live hasn't closed her yet?

Vbvh replied: I heard that the president of star live broadcast gave her a reward. His brother is also a loyal fan of the anchor. Hehe, why seal it if you can make money.

Easy to use, didn't see the reply vbvh: really? what the fuck. Even so, you can't openly joke about human life.

Matchmaker: disgusting, reported it.


[my God: in order to make money, the host of vicious food broadcast on the starry sky actually called on everyone to eat insect and animal meat? Sisters, report it! Don't let such people harm the Federation!]

I ok ski: Yes, I have reported it.