Chapter 55 - Confrontation between the strongest

(3rd person's POV)

"Hey... Historia... How far you have you gone with him..."

"Eh? So you're curious Mikasa?"

"... Tell me too..." While Mikasa was questioning Historia, Annie had also appeared out of nowhere and demanded an answer from Historia.

Historia, seeing how strange they acted, raised a smirk on face. Then while playing with her hair, she began to blush.

"♡ Kyaaa! So embarrassing!" She squealed cheerfully while covering her red face.

This simple action immediately got the Annie and Mikasa into thinking... something must have happened. Their fantasy began to run wild with all the knowledge they knew about sėx.

"S-so what did you do?" Annie stuttered with her words. She was obviously quite nervous for various. All she had ever done with Athanatos was holding hands or kissing on the cheek. That was it!

"... You..." As for Mikasa, who had gone as far as French-kissing, imagining Historia going further than her... was quite unimaginable.

"He praised me so much about it... Ahh! My, how embarrassing ~. He told me how beautiful I was... then even going as far as complimenting my brėȧsts. Kyaa~"

"Tell us..."

It seemed that... Historia had taken her joke a bit too far. Now she was cornered, with no way to escape.

"What do you mean~?" Regardless, she still didn't get to the point and was playing dumb. This caused Mikasa to get slightly pissed. Of course, she knew Historia hasn't had sėx yet, but how far intimate they got, she didn't know.

Thankfully, Annie was a living lie detector and thus, could vaguely understand what really transpired.

"She hasn't done anything..." After hearing Annie saying that, Mikasa breath a sigh of relief. Then right before enacting some punishments upon Historia for fooling her...


*BAM* The door was slammed hard, revealing Mina panting heavily.

While gasping for breaths, she shouted, "Everyone!!! Something big is happening in the cafeteria!"


"*Sigh*... Why are they bothering us just to escort some brats?"

"The boy we're seeing right now holds the key to humanity's biggest question. Just be patient, Levi."

"Tch. Erwin, this better be worth it..."

"It's our mission."

Of the two figures walking, Levi, the shorter one, was quite irritated. He was busily cleaning his house earlier since it was neglected for a while after he went on a mission. But now suddenly, he received another mission to escort someone within the Cadet Corps.

But first, they needed to get some testimonies from that guy's close friends.

Opening the door, they were greeted with a scene that they somewhat expected—a group of young hot-blooded men playing around.

"ATTENTION CADETS!" Erwin yelled out, calling for attention.

Seeing the two-person walking in was of high-ranks, it only took these young guys a few moments to organize themselves. With a resolute expression of not wanting to lose face, they gave their all into their salutes, hoping that they will leave a good impression.

"I'm Commander Erwin Smith, the 13th Commander of the Survey Corps. We're here to see a couple of you." Saying that Erwin then signaled Levi to say the rest.

With an irked expression, he lethargically said, "The name's Levi. Report to me if you hear your name. Cadet Mina Carolina"

"H-here, sir!" Carolina replied back with a scared look on her face

"Cadet Marco Bott."

"Here, sir!"





But seeing no one replied, he furrowed his brows.

"E-excuse me." Mina meekly said, wanting to explain the situation.


"Some of us aren't here yet...."

"... Go get them after I finish reading."

"Yes, sir."




But before he read the name, he furrowed his brows even further. It was another Ackermann.

"Cadet Athanatos Ackermann," Levi spoke out while trying to sound as stoically as possible.

But no one replied...

This got him even more pissed than normal. He usually only respects those he knows well, but outside of that? He doesn't even give a f**k even if it was the King speaking.

So seeing a bunch of snotty brats trying to act like they were the cream of the crop, was not pleasant to look at.

"Cadet Athanatos Ackermann." He spoke out again, this time a bit rougher.

No one replied.

He then noticed that some of the cadets that were called earlier were now glancing at a figure right next to them.

He followed their eyesight and saw someone sleeping, right next to a big tray of meat.

Without waiting for a reply, he slowly walked to the sleeping boy.

"An Ackermann huh? You got some gut kiddo. Eating meat when it's a luxury... How about you wake up now?" Levi uttered softly, but the entire dining room could hear it. They can see that he's somewhat irritated.

No... everyone felt the same. Each day they had to eat poorly made food while being thankful that they even got something to eat. But seeing someone eating meats like it was just bread, got them to feel quite vexed, even in their sleep.

Then seeing that the boy's uniform was quite clean, he decided to give the boy just a nice 'pat' on the shoulder to wake him up. But before he could even get 10cm close to the boy, he hesitated.

He could feel his goosebumps tingling as if it was warning him something. Deciding to trust his instinct, he decided to slam on the table instead.


"Cadet Athanatos Ackermann. Awake now?" That move yielded some results. The boy was finally awake, although a little grumpy.

"Geez. Why are you being so loud? Just tell me to wake up. *Yawn* Haizz. Who the hell are you?" Athanatos was now awake, but he was a bit confused about who the person in front of him was.

The whole dining room was in an uproar. Something definitely was going to happen!

What's more? It's the battle between Humanity's Strongest Soldier Vs. Humanity's TROLLEST Cadet!!

It was a one in a million-year battle!

After all, how can Athanatos have the guts to say he doesn't even know who Levi was? He's the literally strongest fighter! With the most titan kills in the entire history of mankind! And Athanatos didn't even give a f**k!

"Brat... Since you're awake, mind explaining the meat on your plate? Where's your military ration.." Though he was slightly provoked, he didn't lose his demeanor. But he wasn't just going to let this matter slide so easily. God knows how this boy managed to procure meat when it's so scarce.

"That's dinner. What's else? Are you discriminating between meat and potatoes? That's racist. They're simply food or what else can I do besides eating?"

Not expecting such a ridiculous answer to come out from the so-called 'prodigy', Levi was now losing his cool. No matter how composed a person can be, when he is already pissed, being more pissed won't help much.

In an instant, he thrust his arm toward Athanatos' collar and held it tightly.

"Kid... You know how much goddamn people are starving out there just to keep you little shits fed? And you got the nerve to speak like ain't even grateful? What the f**k are you doing here??"

Of course, Levi doesn't know who Athanatos really is or what he has ever done. He wasn't aware that the reason why the situations within the wall were much better than before, was all thanks to Athanatos' indirect help.

"Wtf? Bro, I don't even know who you are? Stop touching me and look at me so fiercely. I'm not gay. I already have 3 girlfriends."

Athanatos had finally crossed the final line. Levi was definitely not gay and thinking that Athanatos was only making fun of him, Levi finally loses it.

"You b*tch!" Levi shouted aggressively.

He tried pushing the boy out before waiting for the right moment to deliver a kick, but for some reason, he won't budge. Still, that just means he just has to make things a little harder.

Levi slowly began to distance himself away from the boy. Then using the momentum of when his left foot stepped down, he swung his right foot in a 360 round kick with all his might toward the boy's face. He went all out. He knew that he can't hold back even a little since he could definitely feel a dangerous aura lingering around the boy.

The whole room cheered loudly. If there was one thing that they wished to see, it was that Athanatos being stomped by someone stronger than him.

But reality isn't so generous.

Athanatos caught his foot, before putting it down. He wasn't totally aware of what's happening right now. All he knew was that he was woke up by someone, then the next thing he knew, he was getting beat up. How does that even make sense?

Luckily, he didn't retaliate, which was abnormal for the cadets at the scene. It was the first time they have seen him not fighting back, especially when it was the attacker who initiated the fight.

Of course, they didn't know that Athanatos could sense something familiar from Levi.

"Hey chill the f**k down. Why don't you introduce yourself first?"

Levi, seeing that the boy was confused about something, also began to settle himself down. He could see that the boy got no intention of provoking him in the first place, and it was his fault for starting the fight, to begin with. So he calmed himself down as it wasn't worth fighting further. He prefers to solve things in a more cleanly fashion if he could help it. Violence would just get himself dirtier, and he didn't want to get more dirt on his body, especially when he hasn't taken a shower for a day already.

"Levi Ackermann. A Squad Captain."

"Oh? You're an Ackermann? Do you know Karl Ackermann by any chance? Mikasa and I are both his kids."

"... No... never heard of them. But how about telling me why yo—"

"Hey Levi, you should get some sleep. You're looking like you're becoming the sadist instructor. Your eyes look the same."

"???? Oy, don't interrup—"

"Ohhh. Now that I take a look, you have such good hygiene and your skins are so nice. Can you tell me your secret? My girlfriends would benefit a lot from this."

"Hey ki—"

"No offense but... you look like the type of guy that wash his hand both before and after he showers or something. Can you tell me the soap formula you're using?"

"Stop i—."

"My bad. I'm sorry... You know, you're probably one of the only people who aren't afraid of me. That's nice. Hmm... you look about 30 years old. Can I call you Uncle Levi?"

"...No." Levi's voice softens after hearing that. He could sympathize with the boy and see he was acting this way.

"Brother Levi?"

"I don't need another person to call me brother..."

"Levi bro?"


"Alright, Uncle Levi. So what're you here for?" Athanatos said with a smile. He was actually quite happy that this new 'uncle' of his was quite friendly.

"You... Nevermind. You're coming with us as witnesses for the upcoming trial." Levi said as he sighed. This boy's personality reminds him of a certain person close to him. Although there are some differences, both is the type of people stay true to themselves and their dėsɨrė. Though they can be a bit annoying, it's easier to talk to them since they don't hide their feelings.

As he was having this thought, a smile began to form on his stoic face.

"Alright. It's kinda getting bored here."

Then suddenly the door was slammed open.


"Thana-kun! Don't get scam!!" Leading in front was Historia, who crashed the door while exclaiming.

Following that, Annie, with an extremely fierce face spoke harshly toward Levi, "Stay away you pedophile. Thanks-kun is straight and he already have us..."

"Stay away..." Mikasa also growled at Levi, for some reason.

This time, Levi was the one who was confused.

"What the hell are you talking about?"


"Guys, what's wrong? Uncle Levi is a nice guy."


Now everyone was confused. But the reason for their confusion showed up right away.

Another figure who was breathing roughly, then walked in the room.

It was Mina. Then with a flushed face, she said, without even looking at the scene in front of her, "It's Captain Levi X Athanatos. The matchmaking of the century! How is it? Are they kissing yet?"

And it turned out, having Mina as the messenger was a big mistake...

""..."" Silence descended throughout the entire dining room. All the boys' face paled when thinking such an atrocity was even possible. Meanwhile, the girls all blushed in shame for thinking of such an unholy act, and some even spurt blood from their nose.

Levi, hearing someone thinking that he was gay again, was now really pissed.

"For the sake of god... I'M NOT GAY!"







Sr for being absent for so many days. The first 4-5 days I was nearly blind. I went to the ER and they said there wasn't anything wrong. Wtf -_-. I'm fking blind you dipshits. There is something wrong.

Well after seeing things not going anywhere, I just went back home and not even bothering going to another doctor.

Then after resting a couple days, my eyes got better but still not good. So I'm gonna get better glasses.

But what's worse, I'm now having Coronavirus symptoms. The ER place I went to have nearly 0 protection. Only half the people wore face masks. And during my visit there, 2 girls were testing for the Coronavirus, while being handcuffed for violating the rules.

And apparently, there were 2 Coronavirus cases confirmed 2 days after I went to the ER... Currently, there are 3 cases.

I'm now sneezing like hell, runny noses, my left ċhėst hurts, and I got a light fever. I'm gonna go test later if it gets worse.)