Chapter 820

In such a moment, the corridor in the Municipal Bureau became a lengthy and unreachable channel, and even an old and rotten scene appeared around it.

It seems to be an abandoned building. No one has been here for many years.

Generally speaking, ghost films also like to shoot in such scenes.

Wen Han subconsciously grabbed Ying Shun's sleeve. In fact, he wanted to grab Lin Wushuang's hand, "what should we do now?"

"Nature is to break the array. Where is the heart of the array?" Lin Wushuang took his time in the array. After all, anyone who tried to tie her with the array was playing a big knife in front of Guan Gong.

"I remember you broke the array by force several times before. Why do you want to find the array heart this time?" Wen Han is a good student who has to ask if he doesn't understand.

But this time, Ying Shun answered him, "because this is in your Municipal Bureau building. If you break the battle by force, the building will be blown up. I'm afraid the people inside will be more or less unlucky."

Wen Han: "??? In other words, the place we are walking now looks like a gloomy corridor. In fact, it is still in our Municipal Bureau building? "

"That's right."

"The door that looks like it's going to fall when you touch it is actually the door in our Municipal Bureau?" Wen Han not only asked, but also pushed it with his hand to see if he could really push it.

As a result, support ah.

The door is not only closed, but also emits the terrible sound common in ghost films.

Wen Han: "..." the people who make this array are afraid it is poisonous.

"Don't touch it." Lin Wushuang said coldly, "although it is the array arranged by your Municipal Bureau building, after all, what you see in the array is not real, and what you encounter looks like a door, not necessarily a door."

"What would that be?"

Ying Shun: "it may be a door, a potted flower, or even someone."

Wen Han suddenly felt his back chilly. He wiped his clothes with his hands on his back and never touched anything again.

Lin Wushuang still leads the way in front, like wandering in his own back garden.

Wen Han took Ying Shun's sleeve and walked slowly.

The more you walk, the darker it gets inside. Soon you can't see your fingers. You can only judge whether Lin Wushuang and Ying Shun are still around you by listening to the footsteps nearby.

He is now a little glad that he shamelessly grabbed Ying Shun's sleeve just now. "I know for the first time that our Municipal Bureau building is so long. We have walked for ten minutes now, but we haven't come to the end yet."

"Huh? Did you hear me? "

Wen Han: "

After talking for a long time, no one answered him.

He suddenly felt creepy, but his hand still pulled Ying Shun's sleeve, "Ying Shun, Lin Wushuang, open your mouth, don't scare me."

Still no one answered him.

He didn't dare to go. He stopped directly and stretched out his other hand to touch it.

As a result, I felt nothing.

Wen Han felt that his back was full of cold sweat. He didn't go, but he didn't dare to take out his mobile phone to light up and see what was next to him.

Even, I dare not roar.

He took a deep breath. After all, he was supported by his experience in the wind and rain over the years. He was not afraid of the dark, just afraid of someone playing tricks.

He decided to go on.

He still pulled a piece of sleeve on his hand, but obviously he was no longer Ying Shun.

He walked slowly step by step. He didn't know how long he had walked. Finally, he saw a light coming in front of him.

It's the light from the crack of a closed door somewhere.

He quickly walked over and opened the door. Lin Wushuang in the house was looking back at him, "where have you been?"

Listening to Lin Wushuang, Wen Han breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, because there was a lamp, he finally saw the thing dragged by himself. It was just a piece of cloth, which looked the same as the cloth of Ying Shun's clothes.

His eyes shook and he looked up into the room, "Ying Shun didn't come with you?"

"Lost." Lin Wushuang replied coldly, "just now in the dark, I went straight ahead and occasionally asked, but I didn't hear your answer. I knew you were lost."

"This place is really strange." Wen Han took out a piece of toilet paper and wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, "what are you doing now? Stay here and wait for Ying Shun, or shall we continue to look for array eyes? "

Lin Wushuang walked towards Wen Han, reached out and took out a piece of toilet paper to wipe his forehead. "What else can I do? Of course, I'm waiting for him here."

Wen Han was stunned. He couldn't believe that Lin Wushuang was wiping his sweat in front of him!

He was surprised that he could put an egg in his mouth.

Lin Wushuang wiped his sweaty hands and asked, "what's the matter with you?"

"No, nothing." Wen Han shook his head, "you, it's the first time you wipe my sweat."

"What happened to wiping sweat?" Lin Wushuang obviously didn't care and continued to wipe for him. "Look at you, you're scared to sweat so much. You should have held my hand earlier. Ying Shun is also unreliable."

"Yes, I should hold your hand." Wen Han looked up at Lin Wushuang in front of him and smiled, "but I'm afraid I'll turn into a fake hand when I hold it. I'm estimated to be crazy at that time."

Lin Wushuang chuckled and threw the sweaty toilet paper into the nearby trash can. Then he reached out and took the initiative to smell the cold. "What are you afraid of? The real hand has temperature, but the artificial hand has no temperature."

"Yes, your hands have your temperature." Wen Han took the initiative to hold Lin Wushuang, "your hand is so small... But I still feel that it's not stable. Why don't we tie it together? I don't think anything can unlock my lock. "

"Well?" Lin Wushuang tilted his head and looked at Wen Han suspiciously. He took out a pair of handcuffs from his trouser pocket.

Police handcuffs!

This thing can't be pried open at will.

Lin Wushuang was stunned and said with a smile, "it seems that you are scared. Come on, tie our hands together, but don't lose the key."

"Of course not." Wen Han took out the handcuffs and put them directly in Lin Wushuang's hand. On the other hand... He snapped them on the handle of the next cabinet.

Lin Wushuang was furious, "you!!!"

"What is it?" Wen Han jumped back a few steps in an instant, "do you think I'm stupid?"

Seeing him say this, 'Lin Wushuang' immediately showed a strange smile, "when did you find it?"

"I found it as soon as I came in." Wen Han looked warily at the fake Lin Wushuang in front of him, "Lin Wushuang and Ying Shun will never be separated. They are connected."

People who know Ying Shun know this!

Even if he was jealous, he had to admit that Ying Shun was the exclusive property of Lin Wushuang!

Like hands and feet, they will never separate unless they are cut off.

So as soon as he came in and saw Ying Shun absent, he knew that Lin Wushuang was fake.

After all, Lin Wushuang said that everything he saw in the array was not true.

Not just things!

There's someone else!