Chapter 744

Walking in the mall, Su Weiwei looked east and West. When she saw anything, she would say, "Hey, look at the sand table, or you can make a picture of her and give it to her, or you can show me her picture first."

Xue Shuo walked forward without looking back. "Do you want me to record this? Can you take it? "

"It seems that I can't, but I can invite people to do it." Su Weiwei followed Xue Shuo and said, "just show me the photos. Isn't it very nice, isn't it very beautiful?"

"Does this have anything to do with you?" Xue Shuo turned back and looked down at her. "Besides, if you ask someone to do it, can it be preserved forever? Why do I feel so stupid when I think of that picture? "

Su Weiwei immediately lowered her head and thought seriously. It seems that she is really stupid?

With a puff, she laughed, "yes, I was thinking... Hey, isn't there a q-version doll? Or you can give it to her. It's meaningful. She's so beautiful. The q-version doll must look good. Or you can show me her photos first. "

"Is that how you want to see her?" Xue Shuo said coldly, "the Q version of the doll has already been sent!"

Su Weiwei said, "it seems that this girl has many suitors, but think about it..." after all, the girl whom Xue Shuo likes will not be too bad.

Who is it?

That celebrity has such good luck.

"Think about it quickly. I don't want to waste my time this afternoon." Xue Shuo said.

"Isn't that what I'm thinking? You say this is not good, that is not good... I'm thirsty. Please buy me and milk tea. " With that, Su Weiwei pointed to the milk tea shop.

Xue Shuo took out his mobile phone and said, "go."

Su Weiwei immediately smiled, jumped over and ordered a cup of signature milk tea, "two thank you."

"Just one cup." Xue Shuo finished and paid.

Suvivi asked, "don't you drink?"


"Oh!" Su Weiwei looked at Xue Shuo. It's hard to imagine that he would spend his precious time shopping for a girl. "Why don't you give her a princess dress, the kind of high-end customization, one in the world, and it's produced by a famous designer? Such a thing is not difficult for you. "

"It's not difficult." Xue Shuo said, "but she doesn't wear this much."

"Ah?" Su Weiwei was surprised. Don't those celebrities often wear beautiful dresses to parties?

"Doesn't she have a birthday party? When you put on the princess dress you sent, it will shine in the audience, and as long as she is willing to put it on, it means to you... "

"Stop!" Xue Shuo interrupted her fancy, "I don't have that relationship with her, and I'll send this gift. People won't go there. I don't think she'll hold any birthday party. Besides, your milk tea is ready."

"Oh." Su Weiwei hurriedly turned back and took her milk tea, inserted a straw and took a sip, "OK, I'm thinking..."

It's really big. Neither this nor that.

How do you do that?

"You will feel insincere about ordinary jewelry. How about choosing a top-grade jade to carve one of her? This must be sincere. " With milk tea in her hand, Su Weiwei said, "it's much better than looking everywhere here, and carving portraits and ornaments, but if it's kept in the house for a long time, it may become an heirloom with collection value, and it's still her own portrait, which is more meaningful, don't you think?"

Xue Shuo: "...." although jewelry and jadeite are inevitably tacky when they are used to give Lin Wushuang, they really can't think of anything better. It's really sincere to ask a world-famous sculptor to carve a portrait as a gift, as Su Weiwei said.

"OK, that's it." Xue Shuo nodded, turned and went to the basement. There was no need to visit other shops.

"Hey, are you leaving now? It's decided! "

"It's decided!"

"You decide to go?"

"There's no point in wandering again!"

Suvivi stamped her foot, "but aren't you going to invite me to dinner?"

Xue Shuo stepped in and said, "sorry, I almost forgot, but now it's four o'clock in the afternoon. Are you sure you want to finish your meal now?"

"Are you going to walk with me for a while?" Su Weiwei pointed to other shops.

Xue Shuo immediately said, "let's go and have dinner now."

Su Weiwei laughed. "It's really a big boss. Time is money. Let's go. I have a buffet barbecue upstairs. I've always wanted to eat it. It's a single price of 188. I can't bear to give up."

“188?” Xue Shuo really didn't eat such a cheap buffet. "Are you sure?"

Su Weiwei nodded, "is it difficult for you to eat tens of thousands of big meals? Forget it, I'm not that kind of person. I like the buffet. "

Since it's a treat, the host and follower will say, "OK, let's go."

Su Weiwei immediately happily took Xue Shuo to the buffet upstairs by elevator.

During this period, Xue Shuo has called his assistant to arrange the carving of portraits, emphasizing that the best Imperial Green must be used, and the size and length of the ornament should be 30 cm, otherwise it will be more tacky if it is too large.

Su Weiwei was curious about who it was, but she didn't see the photo from Xue Shuo, so she had to say, "emperor green, it's really a big president, and her hand is extraordinary. When it's carved, can I have a look? After all, it was my idea! "

"Yes!" Xue Shuo did not refuse this time, but agreed.

Su Weiwei was in a good mood. She almost hugged Xue Shuo's shoulder and made up with her brother.

We went to the buffet at this point. There were no guests who didn't say anything, and the dishes were not served very much.

Su Weiwei felt that it was a little bad to eat like this. Maybe she didn't come up after eating some dishes, so she immediately entered the acting appearance, "well, why does the oil smoke smell so bad in this restaurant... Vomit... Sorry, i... vomit..."

With that, Su Weiwei ran outside the door.

Xue Shuo immediately followed her out, but he didn't come to her. Instead, he stood behind Su Weiwei, frowned and said, "what's the matter with you?"

"Vomit..." Su Weiwei's retching intestines are going to hurt, mainly because she pretended to work too hard. "No, it's all right. It's just that she doesn't have a good appetite for a time. Why don't we change a store."

Xue Shuo turned around and gave the staff some money. He asked the other party to clean the door, and then took Su Weiwei to a hot pot shop.

At this time, there are people eating hot pot.

When she passed the table where the guests ate, she suddenly ran out and retched madly.

So Xue Shuo reluctantly gave the staff some money, asked them to clean it, and bought a bottle of mine water for Su Weiwei, "what's the matter with you? Bad stomach? "

"I, I'm fine..." Su Weiwei straightened up and drank some mineral water from Xue Shuo, pretending to be more comfortable.

At this time, the cleaning aunt of the hot pot shop came to clean. She looked at the ground and there was no vomit. The money was really comfortable, so she said a few more words, "is the little girl pregnant? Generally, she can't smell these smells after she is pregnant."

"Pregnant?" Su Weiwei suddenly shouted and praised her aunt as a divine teammate.

Xue Shuo's face suddenly became very black and dark, "pregnant?"