Chapter 565

At sunrise in the morning, several female students living in the emergency room woke up naturally when they reached the physiological clock.

The doctor immediately informed the police, and Wen Han and Lin Wushuang rushed there.

Subsequently, the teacher and aunt Zeng also woke up one after another. Wen Han arranged all these people in a ward and began to make a detailed investigation and inquiry.

But the aunts of the student teachers and dormitories who did not know what had happened looked at each other and were a little nervous.

"Comrade police, what happened? Why are we all in the hospital? " One teacher was the first to speak, and the others nodded.

Wen Han sat in front of them. Lin Wushuang, wearing a mask, stood behind Wen Han.

"Do you remember what you did before you went to bed yesterday?" Wen Han began to ask.

The student replied, "naturally, I sleep in the bedroom."

The teachers said, "we were on duty. I remember walking around the corridor, but we can't remember what happened later."

"Me, me too." Aunt Zeng said, "I was on duty as usual and patrolled the building, but later I didn't remember. I woke up and found me lying in the hospital bed."

Wen Han asked sister Hua to take out the clothes and shoes they wore yesterday and asked, "are these clothes yours?"

Everyone looked at the past one after another. They were all white shirts, skirts and other high-heeled shoes.

Everyone nodded.

Sister Hua said, "I think you all know the recent ghost incident in the girls' dormitory of the school, right?"

Everyone turned pale, and even some students cried timidly, "did we meet something we shouldn't meet, and then we were sent here?"

"Stop talking, I'm so scared!"

Several teachers were calm, and one of them said, "it's impossible... There are no ghosts in this world, comrade police. If you have anything to say, please say it quickly."

It's really scary.

Sister Hua glanced at Wen Han and nodded at her. Sister Hua said, "the girls' dormitory is not peaceful recently. At 12 p.m., you can hear the footsteps of high heels and the sound of ghosts crying and wolves howling in the dormitory building..."

People nodded one after another, especially several girls, who were about to burst into tears.

"It's like this every night. I can't sleep..."

Lin Wushuang glanced. You can't sleep when you're like this? I don't know who slept so dead.

"So recently, the school has sent more people to let the teacher patrol with the dormitory aunt at night. Last night, our police also dispatched. Because some students called the police and found that the so-called dirty things are actually unconscious students and even teachers... "

When sister Hua said here, she glanced at the group of people in front of her.

They trembled and had a bad guess.

Sister Hua continued, "I think you may have thought of it. Yes, last night you were crying and howling in the corridor in your own white clothes and shoes. Some people even broke into other people's dormitories and were found later."

"After you are found, you will have the same reaction, that is, fainting... It looks like you are sleepwalking!"

"But it's unusual that so many people sleepwalk and do the same thing!"

"At present, the hospital's examination results of you are that you are very safe, there are no problems, not even a small cold, but why there is a collective hallucinogenic situation remains to be found out. Now please write down what you ate all day yesterday!"

A teacher asked, "you mean that the so-called dirty thing is actually us? But we don't know. It's like sleepwalking? But not sleepwalking? "

Sister Hua nodded.

A girl opened her eyes wide and took a breath, "it's not evil."

Sister Hua stared at the girl and said in a cold voice, "there are no ghosts in the world, and there is no so-called evil in the world, but there are some things that can make people hallucinate, such as common wild bacteria. Many people are poisoned by eating poisonous wild bacteria every year!"

"Wild fungus? No, there were no mushrooms in the canteen yesterday! "

"I brought my own food, and I didn't make wild mushrooms!" Said Aunt Zeng.

A teacher said, "yesterday, my uncle had a birthday and specially asked for a half day off. He ate in someone's hotel at noon. If there is a problem, everyone who eats in the hotel has a problem!"

"So we can eliminate the problem of the canteen, but you still write it down. We need to make a detailed analysis!" Sister Hua gave everyone a piece of white paper.

"Come on, write down everything, including what you drink, and if you use skin care products, perfume, lipstick, lipstick, and so on."

Ten minutes later, everyone gave the written things to sister Hua.

Sister Hua said, "at present, it is only the first survey. If nothing is found here, we will conduct the second survey. The school also gives you a holiday and continues to rest and observe in the hospital. Today, the news media will report this matter, and your family will know that they may come to the hospital to find you. Now go back to their respective wards and have a rest. If you have anything to do, go to the police! "

Sister Hua handed the notes to Wen Han, and then took these people back to her ward one after another.

Wen Han looked at these white papers. Everyone ate different, but they were basically school canteens, school canteens, or snack bars in the new school canteen.

"Huh? What is this? " When Wen Han saw the last row, he was slightly stunned, "unparalleled, do you have it over there? I found that several of them took medicine at about 11 o'clock before going to bed at night. "

Lin Wushuang hurriedly saw the paper in his hand. Everyone wrote it in chronological order. At the end, it was about 11 o'clock. They all wrote that they took medicine before going to bed.

"Take medicine, what medicine? Why take medicine? "

Wen Han thought of the doctor's words and said, "the doctor said they were in good health. They didn't even have a small cold. They shouldn't take medicine... Well, I have every one here!"

Lin Wushuang hurriedly turned over the following pictures and looked carefully at the end.

It's all medicine!

In other words, these people have this in common, take medicine!

"I'll ask them what medicine they take!" Wen Han immediately turned and walked out of the ward, catching up with several dormitory aunts and teachers who had not returned to the hospital ward, "wait, I want to ask, what medicine do you take in the evening?"