Chapter 299

Xue Shuo calls Xiao B. Xiao B is controlled by the system. Whether he wants it or not, Lin Wushuang is the driver.

And it happened that he was very willing.

Xue Shuo smiled. "Unexpectedly, someone came to me to dig people. Lin Wushuang, you have to invite me to dinner."

"Yes." Lin Wushuang replied generously, "I'll invite you to dinner when I'm free at the weekend. I'm here for important people, otherwise I can't drive the car. I'll take the people first. There's something else. Bye."

Xue Shuo cried and laughed, "Why are you busier than me? Let's go and I'll see you off."

Xue Shuo sent Lin Wushuang to the bottom of the company building, and then called the driver to take Lin Wushuang and Xiao B to the 4S store to collect the car.

"From now on, I'll call you boss." Little B drives Lin Wushuang's new nanny car. He feels special. When he is in a good mood, he talks more.

Lin wushuangen said that she had no problem with what to call.

Lin Wushuang asked Xiao B to drive to Hairui Galaxy city and asked him to park the car in the parking space she had just bought. Then he took him upstairs to see the apartment. "I rented the apartment for a year and it has complete appliances. You move here first. You're busy first. I'll go to school."

After arranging Xiao B, Lin Wushuang went to Wen Han.

Wen Han is on vacation today. It's almost half a month since the shaft rotation. The iron can't stand it.

Lin Wushuang went directly to Wen Han's apartment and brought some snacks.

"Here we are." Wen Han's home has sufficient heating. As soon as the door is opened, it is very warm. Lin Wushuang feels that his cold limbs are much more comfortable. When he enters the door, he can take off his heavy down jacket.

"What brings you here?" Wen Han cooked coke ginger juice in advance and handed it to her, "have a drink."

Lin Wushuang held the warm cup in his hands and said with a smile, "I'm curious about what means those people used to buy Fan Xueer's mother."

"Huh? Do you want to investigate? " Wen Han smiled, "to be honest, the investigation of this matter is meaningless."


"Fan Xueer said that she accidentally fell down, and then the families of the five students compensated all the medical expenses and one million rehabilitation expenses. The agreement has been written and has legal benefits. What else can we do?"

The main reason is that the victims said they fell down accidentally, so the punishment for students is only the punishment of the school, which does not need to rise to criminal cases at all.

Now there is no way to change it.

Lin Wushuang felt powerless, but he still wanted to see what he was doing.

"I still want to investigate. I know you have this connection!" Lin Wushuang looks at Wen Han seriously. After all, he is the prince of Qingcheng, and there are still some channels in his hand.

"To be honest, as far as my work is concerned, I can't continue to investigate this matter, but in my personal capacity, I can still investigate it. If you want to know, I can send someone to investigate." Wen Han said, "you have to know that I'm looking at your face."

"Yes!" Lin Wushuang nodded, and then said what Fan Xueer said. "I just went to the hospital and asked fan Xueer. She said that her fall was also her mother's meaning. In fact, she knew very well that someone picked her up and she fell in the process of struggling."

Smelling Yan's squint, he immediately decided, "if she was in the classroom, no matter how fan Xueer struggled, she couldn't fall out of the window, unless it was the man who wanted to throw her down."


"Then this nature is intentional homicide." Smell cold sigh, sometimes feel very weak.

They tried their best to find the truth, but the parties were unwilling to find the truth.

Lin Wushuang chatted with Wen Han for a while. Thanks to Lin Wushuang's personal space, Wen Han avoided sleeping directly all day on vacation.

When it was time to go to school in the afternoon, Wen Han personally drove Lin Wushuang to school.

Back to school, it seems that everything is back to the way it was before.

The end of the term is coming. Everyone in the rocket class is buried in learning. In one semester, the rocket class has learned all the contents of senior one. The teaching contents of senior two will be carried out next semester. It is very nervous and under great pressure.

On Monday, Xuexue directly gave a punishment notice to record the demerit of the six people who had fought.

This naturally includes fan Xueer.

Xue Lanlan's mental state was also very bad. It was obvious that fan Xueer was frightened when she fell. Lin Wushuang saw that she was depressed, so he took her to lunch every day.

"What's the matter with you?" Lin Wushuang asked with an eyebrow, "I'm out of my mind and my face turns white."

The parties continued to get involved in the school. On the contrary, Xue Lanlan, a bystander, was frightened and his spirit shrank.

Hearing the speech, Xue Lanlan shook her head and said, "I don't know what's wrong with me. Every night when I go to bed, I think of Xueer's tragedy at that time. Although Xueer survived, I'm really afraid."

Xue Lanlan felt more and more uncomfortable when talking about this matter. "Unparalleled, soybeans told me that they carried Xueer and walked to the window. Didn't they do it intentionally? However, Huang Doudou's words were very little, so that those people were not punished at all, but...... "

"But what happened?"

Xue Lanlan hesitated to tell Lin Wushuang, "I, I don't know, Wushuang, I don't know if I should say."

Lin Wushuang suddenly felt something was wrong and asked in a deep voice, "what's the matter? What are you hiding from me? "

"I, I..." Xue Lanlan still couldn't wrap it up and said to Lin Wushuang, "those people were not only not punished by the law, they didn't even realize their mistakes. They knew clearly what people in class 15 said bad things about them and what helped them."

"It's because soybeans insist that they deliberately fell fan Xueer. Now, they bully soybeans every day in school... Unparalleled. I really don't know whether to change or not to tell you, but I'm afraid when I see the tragedy of soybeans..."

"I hate my weakness. I hate that I can't be as brave as Xueer and that I can't be as brave as soybeans... But I was really not in class 15 at that time. I really don't know what the situation is. I, I..."

Xue Lanlan was incoherent. Lin Wushuang directly grasped the key point and asked, "what did they do with soybeans?"

"I, I just heard that when their class was doing the in class test, they deliberately threw a note to soybean to make the teacher think she was cheating. They not only cancelled soybean's grades, but also invited parents. After soybean came home, she was beaten by her parents."