Chapter 359 - Reunion ( 1 )

The Golden Trident that has suddenly appeared is none other than Szaaz, the Curse Arcana that has become Reiji's 21st Sword Slave.

Throughout Reiji's captivity, Szaaz never left the 20 kilometers distance set by the ability. If not, Szaaz would've been erased from this world already. 

"Master Reiji… It's settled. Try removing the restrictions by yourself now." Szaaz suddenly said after striking the chain. It seems that the main array stopping Reiji from mustering strength was already destroyed by the Trident Arcana.

"Alright… Back away for a bit." Reiji said as he started gathering his Mystical Energy. 

He didn't activate any of his skills right now and he only burst with energy disrupting the arrays stopping him…


The chains were scattered into pieces and the stone pillar cracked and it seems like it was about to be destroyed. 


At the same time that Reiji managed to free himself, Rufus' team had also arrived. Apparently, Vinete wanted to immediately bring Dingxiang to help their master out of the array so they hurried to his building. 

However, the scene they saw was their Master forcefully getting out of the chains. It appears that Dingxiang's help is no longer needed.

They saw the Shinai levitated and showed a brilliant purple light and hint of black glow showing that he's a Legendary Rank Arcana and a Blessed Arcana as well…

"Master Reiji!" 

Reiji's student kneeled down at the same time and called his name. Ryu and Luoyang remained silent as they watched the reunion of the Master and Students.

"Everyone…" Reiji's voice faltered seeing how his students has grown up.

Diether looks mature already and although still skinny, he's full of muscle and powerful vigor is emanating in his body. It is most likely related to him being a member of the Sun Fire Knights.

Stella looks sharp and it seems that she really had gone to the path of the sword instead of the blacksmith. Nevertheless, she could still be practicing the art of her uncle and Reiji wanted to see how she had improved in this career.

Rufus seemed to have mastered his Ethereal Pathfinder Bow but he still has a sword that seems like a Katana. Aside from that, Reiji can tell that Rufus' mastery with the Array Formations has improved seeing that almost all his items have a hint of enhancements. From his shoes to his accessories, Rufus placed some kind of enchantment on it that is difficult to appraise unless given a long time. 

As for the four Half-Imps, their bodies didn't mature that much from what he recalls. Well, since they have the blood of the Imps, they age much slower so it wouldn't be surprising that there would be barely any changes even after several years. 

Imane decided to grow her hair and she seemed to have grown accustomed to the two swords on her back. Though she's not a Nittouryuu style user, Reiji can guess that it's a spare sword since it appears to be a low-quality sword. 

Mourad has his Savage Hunting Rifle in his hand and since it's emitting heat, Reiji could tell that they have just gone into a serious battle. Perhaps, this made him use continuous high-level bullets overheating his Arcana.

Vinete just phased out a while ago so Reiji can tell that she combined two Arcane Abilities… The Phantom Dash and Silent Steps. Reiji wasn't too surprised about this since he had also learned how to combine two Arcane Abilities. What was just surprising was that he never taught this to his students so it's quite an impressive sight. 

Finally, Stasis still looks the same but his eyes had changed. It feels like Stasis's mind has greatly matured during his absence as he probably acted as the leader of the group. 

"Everyone… you did great. I would like to chat with you guys and hear about your stories. However, I can feel the presence of multiple Dark Elves coming our way. We need to escape from here."

Reiji said to everyone. 

The young Kendo Practitioners then pulled out their weapons ready to fight their way to escape from this place.

"Haa! Don't you know about Master's abilities? Since we're out of the Forest. The Dark Elf King can no longer restrict our Master from fleeing." Szaaz suddenly said recalling Reiji's Void Slash ability that could literally cut the space and create a void where they could flee.

Reiji nodded at this since he can indeed use that trick. The only concern is that he would still be traced by the Dark Elf King since he has been marked.

Unfortunately, even with Reiji's title called Inspired Arcana that is protecting him from being tracked, the King was still a half-step Deity and the title he received from the guide was not enough to prevent this invasive ability. 

'I have to become a Mythical Arcana to remove this. However, where will I find 4 Legendary Rank Arcana and 1 Mythical Rank to sacrifice?' Reiji sighed and looked at Imane.

She's the only one with Legendary Arcana here. Reiji then sighed and decided to just think about it later on.


Reiji suddenly used his Void Slash so he can bring everyone in his escape.

"We will escape now… Just in case, are you sure there's no one else outside?" Reiji asked.

"Yes, Master… We're the only ones who came here to rescue you." Deither answered. 

"If that's the case, enter the void. They should be here in less than 20 seconds." Reiji said referring to the coming enemies.

Without any more words, everyone started getting in including the four Sentient Arcana. 

As soon as Reiji was left alone, he looked at the dead Arcanists who had died without even knowing how and sent them a wisp of his Ember Raze, one of his free abilities after reaching the Legendary Rank. 

The Arcanists then turned into ashes before Reiji decided to leave the place.

He activated his Sword Kinesis to the limit followed by Shinai Cloning Technique.

Soon, there are eight Shinais floating within the room.

However, Reiji's preparation wasn't over yet. 

He activated his Sword Intent to mask the little bit of King's Mark that the Dark Elves could acutely sense.

As soon as his preparations are done, eight Shinais flew out of the building catching the eyes of 800 Dark Elves reinforcement around the town!