Old Xianzhu has been closed for many years and has just left the customs. He knows little about the young people who have just emerged in the world of mortals.

But there is such a special group of people, even if Xianzhu doesn't inquire himself, others will remind him.

The Ten Heroes in the world of mortals are no exception.

"Dragon King" Xu Peng as the top ten, naturally not to mention, not to mention he is expected to compete for the throne of the strongest under the red giant.

At this moment, I see the blue dragon and auspicious clouds, and feel the power and hegemony of them, almost like the arrival of a giant. Xianzhu old man and other warriors of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty recognize who they are at the first time.

Everyone was in a state of uncertainty and confusion.

Not to mention that the Dragon King could almost be half a home on Canglong Island, and walking outside often represented the will of the owner of Canglong island. The oppressive feeling brought by his personal strength alone made people in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty breathless.

Xianzhu old man, as the leader of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, calm down and salute the green clouds in the sky.

"I've seen the Dragon King." The old man's tone is not quick: "we have no choice but to fight with Yanran mountain in Beihai and go to the sea. But we have never set foot in the sea area around Canglong island. I don't know if the Dragon King is coming now. What can I do for you?"

His voice was steady, but he was a little nervous.

Historically, there is no deep friendship between Canglong island and Yanran mountain in Beihai. There has been no news that Canglong island and Yanran mountain have recently formed an alliance.

Canglong island has been closed for a long time, so it is not supposed to take the initiative to intervene in the war and help Yanran mountain.

But both of them are the holy land of evil ways. Who knows if there is an unknown relationship in the secret?

At present, the situation of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty is very good, and the battle has led to the retreat of Yanran mountain and the escape of Yanran mountain.

However, if Canglong Island suddenly intervenes, it may be full of twists and turns.

In the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, people felt uneasy. Although they were not afraid, they could not help thinking about why Canglong Island suddenly changed its low-key style.

In the blue dragon clouds above, a young man of medium build, dressed in black, with a dragon pattern on the right side of his neck.

It was Xu Peng, the "Dragon King".

Xu Peng showed up and didn't respond to the old man. He just focused on each other.

The old man became more and more suspicious and had an ominous premonition.

He subconsciously gathered his strength to protect himself.

Purple light shining, you can see a purple bamboo rose out of thin air beside him, into a bamboo forest, surrounded him in the middle.

Purple bamboo is transparent, shining, flowing, seemingly loose, but like an impenetrable fortress.

However, under the gaze of Xu Peng, the flashing purple fortress rocked, as if it might collapse at any time.

"What do you want to do?" he said

Xu Peng looked indifferent and did not say a word.

But in the green and auspicious clouds that enveloped the sky, the sound of the mighty dragon chant became louder and louder, and at the end, it was deafening and terrifying.

Originally, the invisible sound of the Dragon gradually turned into a visible shadow of the dragon, surrounded the fortress of Zizhu, and kept pounding.

The purple bamboo crackled and began to crack.

The surrounding people of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty were not affected, but they were all shaken to the ground, and everyone was in a panic.

There is a big gap between the realms of strength, and a strong person may take his life if he doesn't have to do it.

But old man Xianzhu is also the cultivation of the 17th realm. How could he be so vulnerable to the Dragon King?

Although there were many onlookers, they were all cold when they saw such a scene.

However, in addition to being frightened, some people's mind is slightly stable.

It seems that Xu Peng is not aiming at all the people of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, but at the old man Xianzhu.

Today, he is not looking for trouble with the Eastern Zhou Dynasty on behalf of Canglong Island, but has personal grudges with Xianzhu old man.

Chen Luoyang's half sea Taoist can be seen from afar, and he ponders in his heart.

If you don't inquire about the white jade vase, he knows very little about Xianzhu.

It seems that the other party hasn't been around in the world for many years.

Don't mention him. I'm afraid few people know the information about him in the ancient books of the red world.

For the younger generation, the old man can barely be regarded as a historical figure.

This may be the reason why Xu Peng only found him today.

Xu Peng didn't know his whereabouts, and even didn't know he was hiding in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, so he never made any moves.

Recently, old man Xianzhu finally came out of the lake and started activities on the East Sea. After the news reached Canglong Island, Xu Peng immediately came to him.

From this point of view, old Xianzhu may not realize that he still has such a powerful enemy.

This is not surprising, let alone Xu Peng's fame in the world of mortals. Before he was born, old Xianzhu had been closed.Hatred may come from Xu Peng's family elders.

Old Xianzhu didn't know that the old enemy he had formed before he closed the door had such a powerful descendant.

So old Xianzhu was a tragedy.

Although Chen Luoyang didn't know the truth, he probably guessed something about it.

It's just such a change, which is really beyond his expectation.

Speaking of all, he did not let Han Mei come here this time, just to avoid unexpected accidents, so that no one would suspect that he deliberately borrowed Han Mei to mobilize Canglong island.

But did not think, Han Mei did not come, actually is Xu Peng arrived, and seems to stand in opposition with the Eastern Zhou Dynasty.

Next, it depends on how the Eastern Zhou Dynasty dealt with it.

This could affect the whole situation.

If you are in the middle of it, you may have to adjust your strategy according to circumstances

When Chen Luoyang was thinking, his heart suddenly moved.

In the distance, black tornadoes suddenly appeared, like angry dragons, raging between heaven and earth.

However, these black tornadoes seem to be running away in a panic.

When the tornado came to the edge of the green clouds, it was as if it had hit the wall directly and could not enter.

But Xu Peng also did not attack the other side, those black tornadoes, quickly around the green clouds, trying to slip away.

However, behind the tornado, a huge dark rain cloud covering the dome moved over and collided with the green and auspicious clouds. It seemed that the two sides met strong enemies and did not give in to each other.

Other warriors of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty cheered when they saw the rain clouds.

"Mr. Cheng is here! Thank goodness

Yuyun was chasing the runaway black tornado, but he had to stop.

In the pouring rain, a man with a little bit of rickets appeared. With an oil paper umbrella under his arm, he sighed and looked at the old man Xu Peng and Xianzhu: "why is the Dragon King so hard for me, Keqing of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty?"

It was Cheng Shuzhi, the "rain master", who was the first of the five pillars of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty and was known as the second master of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty under the empress.

His arrival made the Wudu of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty feel at ease.

In the world of mortals and under Wu Zun, if there are any people who can compete with "Dragon King" Xu Peng, it is the first time that the wild queen qingkong sang and the "rain master" Cheng Shuzhi in front of her.

The three of them, also known as the top three of the top ten martial saints in the world of mortals, are the closest to the realm of giants.

Although the ranking of the three is often changing and controversial, it is generally acknowledged that there is a gap between them and the last seven in the top ten wushengli.

With Uncle Cheng's eyes, the pressure on old man Xianzhu suddenly relaxed.

But Xu Peng didn't mean to give in at all. He stretched out a hand and grabbed old man Xianzhu.

Cheng Shuzhi looks dignified a little bit, the same shot.

Both of them reached out in the air, but they seemed to have two invisible hands, holding the space and time of heaven and earth.

At the moment, the scene of heaven and earth seems to be distorted.

Old Xianzhu was trapped in the middle of the fight. Although uncle Cheng intended to protect him, the old man would not die, but he was under great pressure and had no chance to escape.

"Please show mercy to the Dragon King." Cheng Shuzhi coughed repeatedly: "Xianzhu elder, is my father's old friendship, Cheng can't sit back and ignore."

Xu Peng finally said: "two hundred years ago, he destroyed all the fangs in Chiling. Only my grandfather survived. Since then, he has been missing. Now I have finally found him. This is my mother's dying wish. It's no use asking for help."

All the people were slightly stunned.

We still have an impression of the name of Chiling. Most people have never heard of the Fang family of Chiling. I think it's because they are too old.

However, Chiling is within the control of the Western Qin Dynasty. Looking back 200 years, it seems to be the place of the Northern Wei Dynasty.

After the collapse of the Northern Wei Dynasty, most of the territory was carved up by the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, the Western Qin Dynasty, the Yanran mountain in the North Sea, and the Heishui Jue palace.

"Fang I think it's a famous family in the Northern Wei Dynasty in the past? " The black tornado, which had been chased by rain and clouds, stopped at this time and showed a young woman with pale complexion and bloody mouth.

She walked around Xu Peng, Xianzhu old man and Cheng Shuzhi.

Contact time, two hundred years ago, should be the time of the demise of the Northern Wei Dynasty.

When the building collapsed, no one could care about it. The whole Northern Wei Dynasty was full of fighting.

Maybe it was at that time that old Xianzhu took advantage of the chaos and destroyed the Fang family in Chiling.

But unexpectedly, there was a blood lineage left, and in the end, there was such a character as "Dragon King" Xu Peng.

It was at this time that old Xianzhu understood why Xu Peng was troubling him.

However, the old man did not accept the soft, instead, he gave a cold hum.

"The head of the Fang clan once led to the death of Xianzhu's wife." Cheng Shuzhi sighed.

Xu Peng nodded first, then shook his head and looked at old Xianzhu calmly.

"You have descendants. You can come to me for revenge at any time."After that, suddenly a dark shadow flashed by, so fast that both Cheng Shuzhi and Chen Luoyang felt like flowers in front of their eyes.

As if a black dragon, from the green clouds, suddenly out.

In the sound of dragon chanting, "black dragon" rushes to Uncle Cheng, and then the dragon's tail swings suddenly.

"Black dragon" wants to beat Cheng Shuzhi back, but Xu Peng's hand moves, and he wants to squeeze Xianzhu old man into the palm of his hand.