Before Zhao Dezhu and song Fuzhen left the e-commerce platform company, Huang Zheng said with difficulty: "Charles, if you completely expand your influence according to the second stage of publicity discussed with President Duan, what will happen?"

Zhao Dezhu is very clear: "the purpose is to let many local businesses board this HK version of TM and let them taste the sweetness of doing business with zero rent and zero cost. We will push several models. The daily sales and monthly sales can be amazing, and we can control news gimmicks in HK in an instant... After all, we also have gossip media in our own hands, so it's no problem to boost this it trendsetter."

Duan Tianping was so excited that he rubbed his hands.

For him, it completely opened up another new world.

You don't need to worry about the previous sales team, marketing network, personnel management, etc. you can focus all your energy on technical links such as advertising and marketing means.

The new play of Internet marketing makes him full of energy.

Zhao Dezhu only needs to put forward a general outline, and the marketing God who has retired several years in advance can carefully create and implement the marketing plan.

But Huang Zheng obviously reads more and more books than Duan Tianping, or he is another generation in his teens: "then?"

Zhao Dezhu smiled: "then? I don't know how fast or slow they call legislation. Maybe it will come down with a bang, and there will be no e-commerce in HK from now on."

Anyway, based on what he had seen and heard in his last life, e-commerce was in full swing all over the country, quietly in HK.

It is not enough to describe the high express fee that HK is an international metropolis and can buy everything.

The characteristic of online shopping is that there is no minimum, only lower.

All products that break through the concept of space are put together to compare the price.

Dare you say HK people don't like bargains?

Online shopping has gone crazy in the past month.

Even Citigroup has price sensitive people, let alone HK.

Huang zhengmeng blinked: "in the past few months, the e-commerce platform we invested tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of funds has failed?"

Zhao Dezhu is ruthless: "that's why we should vigorously promote local businesses in the second stage and community group buying in the third stage, so that everyone can see how cheap and convenient e-commerce is. It's enough that big capitalists work together to cut off this possibility."

Huang Zheng couldn't believe it: "that's it?"

Zhao Dezhu nodded: "bet. Do you think big capitalists will abide by the principle of free competition in business, or will they not use administrative means to cut down the process of e-commerce?"

Now even the balance shook its head: "Today, the business situation of HK will be overturned by us. They will try their best to stifle new things... The biggest problem of HK people is that they were born out of the blind observance of order in the semi colonial period. They still think that the Daying empire is superior and half a foreigner in spirit. Maybe you don't care much about the cheapness and convenience they have experienced , I prefer to continue to live in the original structure. "

Zhao Dezhu blinked: "don't take advantage of anything cheap? This comfortable modern online shopping life is nothing more than? You have to suck blood for big landlords and big capitalists? Lie in a trough... It seems that they really have such cheap..."

The reason why Huang Zheng frowned is here: "so I think your previous three steps are fierce and rapid, which can not only completely cause great repercussions in the market, but also stimulate the citizens and the old business structure, but they are too strong and may be too rigid and easy to break, resulting in the result of losing both sides."

Zhao Dezhu's attitude is: "well, let the public see that the purpose of scientific and technological development is to change and improve the quality of life, but what HK spirit and several major family consortia in their mouth have severely suppressed their lives and can't be changed. A wealth forum will be held in a few days to let the world see this change and who is blocking it."

Huang Zheng stared: "but this may be a game with the livelihood of millions of citizens!"

Zhao Dezhu, hehe, thought you probably haven't seen what will happen here in a few years or ten years. That's a heavy loss: "change, there will always be some sacrifices, and the price will be greater in the future. If HK doesn't keep up with this step, it will go downhill."

In 2009, I told people that HK would go downhill and its future would be bleak.

No one will believe it.

Even Duan Tianping's expression was dignified: "HK people really prefer to invest in basic industries that can earn without losing. For example, there are a large number of Hong Kong funded garment factories, electronic factories, hydropower infrastructure projects in the Pearl River Delta, and then real estate. The representative of all this is Li Bancheng."

Huang Zheng spread his hand: "do you think Li Bancheng is fishing after drying up? No, he just doesn't trust the Internet industry as an old-fashioned businessman."

Duan Tianping: "HK," Shawn Huang and I often talk about what we didn't notice before. Why? I think the biggest possibility is that his son, Richard's famous work, was to use the Cyberport karate white wolf to turn out the sixty billion market value of digital power, and then burst in the Internet bubble, and only rely on dad's help to survive. In the old way of acquiring the telecommunications industry, the Li family completely abandoned the transformation of Internet technology... "

So smart people get together and sort out the whole context.

There may be subjective views, but they can explain the problem.

Zhao Dezhu had no such way of thinking before: "lying in the trough seems to make some sense. Lao Li is not a bad person, but he can't keep up with the changes of the times. When the wheel rolls over, he can't react at all, but it's absolutely unambiguous when he should stop."

Huang Zheng fought for it: "can we adopt a milder scheme?"

In fact, Zhao Dezhu is not arbitrary at all: "well, what do you say?"

The whole direction is to surpass everyone, see the future of HK and point out what to do. The purpose is to collide with Li Bancheng early, so that these big capitalists who are also worshipped by ordinary citizens can show their true colors as soon as possible.

But Zhao Dezhu doesn't understand whether it's right or not strategically.

Fortunately, he knows how much he weighs.

Huang Zheng means: "I've been repeatedly studying the characteristics of e-commerce platforms these days. Your direction and leading means are very wonderful, especially in the part of community group purchase. When the supplier can organize production and purchase distribution according to a large number of group purchase orders in advance, it will greatly reduce the cost. This is equivalent to the capital side paying ordinary people to buy the certainty of his production capital allocation, which is a reverse guarantee Insurance operation... "

Er, Zhao Dezhu's eyes were dazed by this statement, which includes economic politics, marketing and various academic terms.

Song Fu was really thoughtful.

Fortunately, Duan Tianping, who graduated from college in his early years, is more grounded: "we also often discuss the characteristics of e-commerce platform, self-supporting system, the form of opening online stores and group buying in the whole society. These methods have revolutionary characteristics of the times. I didn't expect you to promote all of them to the market in just a few years and achieve success."

Zhao Dezhu summed up all the successful precipitation of the last decade!

So his face was indifferent: "I'm just lucky. I don't want to make money..."

Even song Fuzhen applauded and bent down to emphasize to her son: "we must follow Yafu to learn this strategizing mentality."

Yes, by contrast, her brother is really terrible.

Even if you want to turn your face, you can take a more hidden way step by step, directly dismantle the platform, and force Sansun's mobile phone to fail. This mentality is thousands of miles away from Zhao Dezhu and them.

Therefore, Huang Zhengcai gradually revealed his light: "then I wonder if we can not use the group purchase that is most likely to touch the original business system. First, we should do a good job in the e-commerce platform, accept the supervision of all parties, stand up to all kinds of inspection, and truly enter thousands of households, so that citizens can't leave it, and then gradually make efforts."

Zhao Dezhu's eyes lit up. He liked the soft knife.

Huang Zheng thought: "no matter what kind of management terms, we can comply with the adjustment and actively rectify. Since we can't win us according to business rules and use legal means, we can also see the moves according to legal means. The purpose is to make the e-commerce platform survive in HK and really bring changes to the public. I think this is more worthy of your efforts and efforts."

Zhao Dezhu made a simple and rough decision: "OK! According to what you said, try our best to make ordinary citizens accustomed to online shopping. We can't do without online shopping. Let's fight with those old guys again!"

Huang Zheng seriously hugged his fist and arched his hand: "I really don't want to miss this actual battle that can verify the future. Thank Charles for giving me this opportunity."

Zhao Dezhu is never stingy with talents: "Lao Duan is optimistic about you, and you can fully prove what you want to do in the future. Although I mention it, I don't want TM to monopolize and dominate in China in the future, so you see that similar e-commerce platforms are being built everywhere in China. We don't suppress, but we don't control investment. We just try to maintain our largest scale as much as possible and let people have more choices. I think this is a healthy market , here is your report card. "

Xueba genius, who is a few years older than him, nodded: "you are the first entrepreneur I see who really puts social value above economic interests. I will strive to reflect my value here. Thank you."

Zhao Dezhu nodded to Duan Tianping again. They should have discussed this today before they spoke like crosstalk.

After all, it's not good for them to go on according to Zhao Dezhu's preliminary idea and detonate some social contradictions in advance. It's not easy to see results. It's not cost-effective to merge directly.

You can handle it like this.

Those in the top position have to figure out the ways of these smart people.

But song Fu was really impressed: "my father taught us since childhood that our current career may disappear in ten or twenty years. Now it seems that only you have this vision like him..."

Zhao Dezhu smiled and gave his daughter a proud show with the corners of his eyes.

Nana was convinced.