Mr. Cha came to see Zhao Dezhu most.

He invited Zhao Dezhu to his home for a big banquet.

He doesn't like sports. He often accompanies Zhao Dezhu to play golf.

Let alone accompany Zhao Dezhu to visit the streets of HK and make a carefree attitude in front of various media.

Absolutely give Zhao Dezhu enough face to prevent Zhao Dezhu from being laughed at.

He was also worried that Zhao Dezhu could not bear the pressure.

He also praised Zhao Dezhu for choosing to stay away from the vortex. The complex darkness of ZZ is annoying. Stay away.

With Zhao Dezhu's ability and economic level, it is no problem to freely enjoy life and cultivate sentiment, and even universal life. There is no need to wade in muddy water.

Just like the most natural and unrestrained Yang Guo and Linghu Chong in his book are reclusive heroes. What happened to Qiao Feng who had to get involved?

Long Zhiyu respected everyone very much. She was also a small professional. She nodded gently.

In the presidential suite overlooking Victoria Bay, I received Shen Jianing's tea.

Zhao Dezhu first paid tribute to the writer, but his words were a little hard: "Don't talk about this. Change. Do you understand? Those engaged in politics must be literati, but good literati are not good politicians. I'm not even literati, so I don't understand. So we'd better not talk about things we don't understand. What you and I say will affect others. Concentrate on doing what we're good at is not to add chaos."

These days, if anyone talks to Mr. Cha like that, it's really impolite and even a little offensive.

Long Zhiyu was slightly surprised.

But what is Zhao Dezhu's identity.

At least in terms of money relationship between the two, he is also the relationship between major shareholders and minority shareholders.

All the assets of Mr. cha in the past can not equal the wealth brought by the shareholders of fruit media. Anyone with this price has a good temper.

The old man was happy: "it seems that you have a bottom in your heart?"

In fact, these days he also mentioned whether he should be shy and pass on words from all kinds of contacts to be a peacemaker.

Zhao Dezhu slowly took tea: "I respect you very much. It was you who gave me the copyright of online games that made my first big success and won the full recognition of penguin, but you can't do it again with your fame and culture, can you?"

Money ability is really a good thing.

It can make the illiterate 23-year-old young people on an equal footing with the literary giants. Mr. Cha listened carefully and was curious to hear what Zhao Dezhu said.

In fact, Zhao Dezhu doesn't understand the truth: "I just want to tell you something. Since the day of its birth, there are really political parties in the world that want to seek happiness for the world. When there are many people, there will be many ideas. You think your method is right, I think I am right, and maybe I will kill blood everywhere for this, but at least I know that after decades and hundreds of years, some political parties are for votes and money Interests, some political parties just want the people to live better, which is very different. "

Mr. Cha frowned. In his novels, all the leaders of the Wulin alliance who are in power and power are for the sake of power and selfish desires. Only Jianghu Xiake is a noble and perfect character.

Zhao Dezhu did not aim at anyone, but described the situation more than ten years later: "Did you know that in 2008, the state abolished the agricultural tax the year before last, many of our agricultural products merchants didn't realize it, but the financial officer lamented that this is the first time in 2000. There may be many imperfections, corrupt officials, cultural quality, unjust, false and wrong cases, but the general direction is changing little by little. In history, you can find out which dynasty did better than now "So that the vast majority of ordinary people can live well. You have a high culture and can find it and hit me in the face."

Mr. Cha didn't speak.

Zhao Dezhu looked out of the window and saw the bright pearl of the East in front of him. These scenes really deserved the price of 30000 Hong Kong dollars a night.

But he said, "I don't know if you believe it or not. In more than ten years, no, maybe not so long, HK will be worse than dirty, backward, poor and like blind comparison. Mainlanders will look here with poor eyes."

Mr. Cha was shocked and finally said, "impossible!"

These days, even if HK is going downhill, it is still hanging on the mainland in all aspects.

Why do HK people have a condescending sense of superiority?

Zhao Dezhu smiled: "let me give you the simplest example. Four years ago, I just started to do the divine carving heroes When I was young, I met Li Bancheng. He is a rent collector. This practice of focusing on the real estate and financial industry has left the whole HK behind in the wave of mobile Internet technology. Tita will destroy the foundation of local young people's science and technology entrepreneurship. It is too small to produce anything leading in the world. If it can't keep up with this era, social contradictions will become more and more prominent. You and I can Living in good houses, more and more young people were too poor to see hope and wanted to make trouble in the street. Who did you blame at that time? "

Mr. Cha wants to stop talking.

Zhao Dezhu said the truth that people all over the country will understand more than ten years later: "China is not a small country in Europe, let alone Hong Kong. Who can rely on to survive? No big country will allow China, a country with a large population and large area, to rise. Because the rise of such a big country also wants its people to live a happy life, it will completely disrupt the world economic and political order, so it is not far away... No, I think it has started from now on It's time to start hunting China. HK happens to be a place for confrontation. It's normal for experts to fight and overturn some bottles and cans. For example, when you go to the 19th ladder in Jiangzhou, you see those thick life gas. In my eyes, only the housing households in Jiulong city are eating people's mouths! "

Yes, scholars care about fireworks. Yuanyuan has lived for 18 years. She asked if she would like to go back?

Hong Kong's housing households are separated into pigeon cages. When it comes to the quality of life, Zhao Dezhu and his wife can't live with such fire.

Mr. Cha was doubly shocked. He probably didn't expect Zhao Dezhu's eyes to be so high.

Long Zhiyu is full of pride.

Nana went out, but Shen Jianing looked straight at the tea.

Zhao Dezhu really came with this idea: "Domestic affairs actually don't put any pressure on me. I even walked away from the remote control to see if everyone can work, or if there are people who eat inside and eat outside, and are timid and afraid to escape. It's good. It's a big deal. I don't care if I dedicate all these businesses to the country. I just think it will be more correct to play in my hands in recent years. I want to see if HK can be saved in the face of this situation."

Mr. Cha has the common faults of literati, but the great Xia of righteousness has enough heart: "is there such a crisis?! what can I do?!"

Zhao Dezhu satisfied with the cup: "I'm also asking myself. One of my brothers taught me that once people are selfless, they will be great. Let's find a way together."

Mr. Cha, who has been carefree for most of his life, has a sense of urgency: "I feel deeply when I talk with you! I don't even find the great changes around me..."

Zhao Dezhu: "As I just said, abolishing the agricultural tax, well, China's satellites are flying into the sky, poverty alleviation projects are everywhere in the mainland, and the high-speed promotion of our mobile Internet. These things are not done in one day or two. Countless people in the previous generation took their lives in exchange, and whether there are many people in front who have suffered losses and hardships slowly accumulated until now. I'm just the lucky one who happened to cut the ribbon, Right? I can't say I'm fine myself and ignore other people's life and death, can I? "

Mr. Cha arched his hand: "shame, shame!"

Nana came back with a sweat: "Wow, it's not Dad. You said, I didn't know there were so many places for poor people in HK."

Zhao Dezhu asked sophomores to seize the opportunity to do social practice.

Every summer vacation is an important stage for long Zhiyu to require all higher vocational colleges to engage in social practice.

Basically, the naughty and arrogant students from various colleges and universities go to the construction site to move bricks for boys and work for girls in the electronics factory.

"Social practice" sites can be easily found in all cities.

There are so many electronic factories, not to mention.

There is no middleman to earn the price difference and pay directly from the contractor and the factory.

Nine hours a day, one hundred and fifty-one days, earn more than the average salary of most office workers these days.

But in the weather of July and August, I was exposed to the sun. In the middle of the roaring machine, I soon got out of the water. After working for a month, I knew what social beating was.

Most can correct a lot when they go back to school.

In order to support their daughter out of the door, Zhao Dezhu and his wife called her to experience the life of ordinary college students.

Go to the supermarket in Kowloon to do odd jobs and serve dishes in restaurants.

At any time, there are four male and female bodyguards staring at each other.

Luo Shixin, who arranged this matter, couldn't laugh, but he carried it out very seriously. He still runs a restaurant.

Zhao Dezhu was satisfied: "OK, Grandpa Cha and I will accompany you to Jiulong city for social investigation tomorrow..."

It's annoying to be brought to the hotel every day with various purposes in simple terms.

Mr. Cha also said it solemnly.

Long Zhiyu hurriedly said, "I'm with you, Jiajia... Go out for a walk, too."

Shen Jianing, who felt left at home, just tooted her mouth and smiled.

But before going out, Zhao Dezhu received a phone call: "do you have time to come to my house?"

He is the second richest man.

Zhao Dezhu immediately said yes with a smile.