Qincheng has no immediate flight to Jiangzhou. The flight connecting Jiaopen and Nanli here is the best in the country.

The municipal government arranged a car to send Zhao Dezhu and his party to the provincial capital to take a flight to Jiangzhou.

The arrival and landing is after midnight.

It seems that at Zhao Dezhu's level, there should really be a private business machine.

But Sun Xingping was so excited that he was filled with chicken blood that he directly asked the driver to send him back to the office building of the industrial park and worked out the plan overnight.

Zhao Dezhu went home.

Long Zhiyu's yawning probe: "you didn't say earlier. I called Nana back to accompany me these days. Sleep in the living room, put the quilt there, and the air conditioner is on."

Zhao Dezhu's bags are gifts: "you sleep below, too. I'll make the bed!"

Long Zhiyu white his eyes: "don't mess around, there's no cover."

In fact, she missed it very much, especially when she was separated in such a sudden situation.

Tiptoe up the stairs.

Zhao Dezhu almost bowed down and helped the old Buddha: "I can go home safely this time. I'll try not to go abroad in the future."

Long Zhiyu actually sat at the window for several hours: "if you don't go out, you won't go out. The great rivers and mountains of the motherland are enough to see. You drank wine."

Zhao Dezhu smiled: "after drinking in Qincheng, I wanted to go home. Later in New York, I didn't dare to go downstairs. Only my family was at ease."

That's about to hug. Long Zhiyu snuggled up to her husband. She was really at ease.

Just look up and kiss, and then don't toss like dry firewood and fire.

There are a lot of emotions to vent.

So when she rushed to school the next morning, Nana didn't want to talk to her father.

Fortunately, Zhao Dezhu would coax, and she was angry: "my mother is really enough. She told me not to come back at night. What am I? I'll call you back when you're not at home. I'll kick you out when you go home?"

Zhao Dezhu stepped up the accelerator: "go to eat duck blood vermicelli soup to reduce the fire. I also want to eat your favorite one. This business trip is really a little long, mainly to worry your mother. It won't be available in the future, but you don't want to go abroad."

Zhao Yuena was really attracted. I didn't worry about swallowing it. I was surprised to ask why.

Zhao Dezhu broke the context and told his daughter.

With a seemingly $100 billion worth, you risk your life if you get 20 billion in cash. Don't be greedy.

Now there are 10 billion in Jiaopen's account. In addition, various handling fees are deducted before they arrive at HK. The acquisition of the packaged memory chip production line will be debugged and produced within a few months. This is also the result of the crackdown on Jiaopen. If Citigroup finds that a Chinese enterprise is secretly breaking through this blockade, there are all kinds of possibilities.

There are cases of car accidents and suicides everywhere.

"I dare not bet on how others will treat my family. We won't go abroad until the day of victory. We can go everywhere freely and travel together."

The sophomore girl was finally distracted. She didn't know when she had held her father's sleeve tightly and nodded firmly.

When she got to school, Nana went to class, but Zhao Dezhu met with the school leaders.

After a brief talk on the current parts of chip production, manufacturing and R & D, it is true that the domestic foundation is weak. The school of Communications only began to recruit students of relevant majors last year. In addition to the basic undergraduate class, there are also those similar to the graduate class. Yue Yaofeng arranged experts to give lectures.

But the cultivation of chip talents has been going on for ten years!

Now Zhao Dezhu wants the communication college to recruit the best system software engineers from all over the country.

Because whether TM or WB comes forward, it's too ostentatious.

It is easy to think that domestic enterprises should make efforts in some aspect.

Therefore, the school of communication must recruit first, and then confirm that there is enough patriotism and sense of social responsibility before entering this confidential project business group.

Zhao Dezhu also stressed: "don't let those guys who have received foreigners' money sneak in. Maybe they can't be famous here, but the treatment will certainly not be bad."

The leaders of the communication college, who are used to the confidentiality regulations, listen to Zhao Dezhu, a layman, but emphasize it so seriously.

Instead, he nodded frequently.

Zhao Dezhu doesn't need to say more about the importance of smart phone system. Professionals understand it.

Zhao Dezhu mainly emphasizes the sense of discretion: "Smart phones and mobile Internet are an irreversible trend of the times. We have fallen behind in front, but we have caught up with the wave of smart phone production and R & D. We hope to get benefits from the middle when several systems struggle. I don't engage in the slogan type national production system, which is unrealistic. Let's have a foothold in the Microsoft system, have the right to speak and have us first The patent can compete with Android and apple systems, and then in the future. "

The school leaders with titles also invited several experts in white coats to listen together.

Yue Yaofeng is very familiar with the ups and downs of Jiaopen's chip war, but Zhao Dezhu's sword is at the forefront. He was surprised to get such a few production lines from Jiaopen's time-honored chip company.

This is the product line that is being blocked openly and secretly at present. If the three in one company is not forced to the brink of bankruptcy by Samsung, it is impossible to change it privately.

Zhao Dezhu is still waiting for a rabbit and wants to dig the foot of the wall from Toshiba.

One of the old experts was even more tearful. He was transferred from Qingjing University. He participated in the research and development of lithography machine in the 1980s. At that time, he was close to the international mainstream level, but the whole country had no money and had to give up the independent research of the electronic industry. Later, he was assigned to Ezhou wireless power plant, and went bankrupt in the 1990s to sell non-staple food!

Even if they are as knowledgeable as they are, in the change of the times, they are just like a fallen leaf tossing and turning in the torrent!

But there was no complaint to the country: "no way. At that time, it was poor. We had to let the people eat and wear warm first. Only by solving the problem of food and clothing for everyone can we have the strength to engage in discipline construction. Xiao Zhao, it's good for you to invest and promote wholeheartedly now, but I have to make it clear..."

In fact, Zhao Dezhu is in awe of real scientists: "you say."

Being a scientific person is serious: "it's good for you to buy a production line, dig workers and dig engineers, but you can't follow the factory workshop route. Understand, we should build a discipline system structure from the beginning..."

By, Zhao Dezhu's eyes began to be empty and dazed.

But his advantage is that he never pretends to force things about knowledge: "I don't understand. If you all think this structure needs to be repaired, we'll repair it first!"

Experts wonder why you dare to invest in such an abnormal and counter cyclical project that you can't see benefits in the short term?

Just by patriotism?

If Zhao Dezhu didn't send his daughter to study, someone might doubt whether he had any intention.

School leaders laugh: "It's not about building. For example, China's aerospace discipline was built by Mr. Qian Xuesen from the beginning, because he was also an important participant in Citigroup's aerospace R & D framework and the first director of California rocket jet research center. Therefore, we can gradually climb to the top of the world in aerospace development, but aerospace development is not, Aviation development is to take the factory workshop route of buying and repairing. It can do it, but I don't know why. If I don't set up a good discipline framework at the beginning, I will be energetic and can't make it. "

Oh, even Zhao Dezhu, a gambling dog, has heard of anything in the last life. Domestic aircraft always pull the crotch. It is everywhere because aircraft pull the crotch. Big planes can't get out, fighters can't get out, and space rockets can't get out. They are stuck in this link.

He was in a cold sweat: "understand the meaning. You can't do bad things with good intentions. Build a good discipline framework. I can't do anything else. There's no problem with investing money. I'll give you any money."

Several old scientists and school leaders can't cry or laugh, this young man!

But he was patient and introduced to Zhao Dezhu: "in the past, the national policy for developing industry was to spend money, build roads, bridges and houses, and use infrastructure to drive the R & D market of all walks of life. He was used to spending money, but in chip and semiconductor industries, it was not enough to spend money alone. He had to spend money on mathematicians, physicists and chemists..."

Zhao Dezhu was single-minded: "OK, um... Well, first repair a house for each expert and equip each family with a car. I'll pay the money personally and calculate the scientific research funds separately. Anyway, we won't let the scientists and researchers suffer. The college will get me a piece of land and start repairing it right away."

School leaders covered their heads: "I mean to train a large number of mathematicians..."

Zhao Dezhu is simple and rude: "Whatever his home is, he must have a home. Only when he is happy can he have motivation for research. I come to the college and give him the land. Today, he must give it to me. I will immediately start arranging the design and construction. Let alone, this time I saw a land in Jiaopen, which is not much different from the mountains around you. You also have hot springs. Build a living Park and give it to the scientific research center after it is repaired, But don't mention my name. "

Look at Zhao Dezhu, the highest state of local tyrant.

What kind of reborn person is hoarding and speculation? He has something important to do. He brushed his clothes and hid his merit and reputation.

So in the eyes of experts and school leaders, how can this local tyrant look more and more lovely.