In fact, it's like the relationship between men and women. If you try to tell yourself how much I love this person.

There's probably something wrong.

Of course Nana couldn't see it. She was mainly surprised that the newborn was so ugly.

I don't even know the weight of the block.

On the contrary, sister Xia smiled and observed Zhao Dezhu's expression.

Zhao Dezhu was not afraid of her. Naturally, he folded the non-woven fabric wiped by the nurse and put it in his pocket.

He is not a fool. There are no fewer procedures to go.

When Xi Lianying was pushed out of the delivery room by the transfer bed, her face was pale, her hair was wet and stuck on her cheek.

But the spirit was very good. Seeing Zhao Dezhu nodded, he was as relaxed as playing a putter. On the contrary, he was surprised that boss Xia came to the hospital: "you..."

President Xia's rare gentleness: "as a mother, you should be responsible for another life. Take good care of yourself. You can't finish your work."

Then he took a thick red envelope handed over by the Secretary, put it by the hand with a hanging needle and patted it gently.

He said goodbye and left. What he left for Zhao Dezhu was: "take good care of it. You can't finish your work."

Feng Xiaoting immediately followed and sent it out. Li Yuanyuan hesitated and immediately followed.

Because it was premature, I just took it out to show the family members and pregnant women, and sent it to the monitoring and observation room for examination.

Nana and Wang Fang stared at them together for fear that the children would be confused.

In fact, it's not easy to make mistakes in terms of size.

The rest of Zhao Dezhu smiled and followed the transfer bed to the ward: "yes, I heard from the doctor that if it was not premature, most of the child could have more than ten kilograms. Do you want to know his name?"

Xi Lianying immediately vigilant: "surnamed Xi!"

Zhao Dezhu suggested: "call Xi Xi ha ha?"

The nurses who pushed the hospital bed nearby burst into laughter. Xi Lianying felt very ashamed. All she could catch was the big red envelope and smashed it!

Zhao Dezhu quickly caught: "come in a hurry and send it with boss Xia..."

Put it back.

The nurse must despise this man a little. He is super stingy and has no lower limit.

Xi Lianying hummed, "don't do this! How could you bring such a large group of people? There's no man!"

Zhao Dezhu joked: "it's not normal for me to hang out with a group of men all day. Talking about business, it's basically settled on the matter of the science and Technology Industrial Park. Boss Xia and I have two buildings alone. Is there enough money for children's milk powder?"

Xi Lianying's blood color changed in an instant. She almost bounced up like a chicken's blood: "really?"

Zhao Dezhu nodded: "she went to talk. She may advance money for my second building. Generally, it may not be a one-time payment. She is good at this kind of thing, right? Professional things should be done by professionals."

He was so angry that he dared to tell boss Xia what to do.

Xi Lianying is also a professional. She has just given birth to a baby. Her consideration is: "are the four buildings in a unified style or have their own characteristics?"

Zhao Dezhu smiled: "it's good. If you think more about these jobs, you won't be hypocritical. Do you have a good idea of the child's name? Is there any problem in going through the household registration formalities? You need to inform your parents to come..."

It's OK in front. Xi Lianying just waved her hand casually: "don't worry about it. Let's go. Stop! Never inform my parents. Please! If I didn't have to find someone to sign, I wouldn't bother to inform you. Tell me the focus direction of these four buildings..."

Finally, when the nurses and nursing workers transferred the pregnant women to the high-end maternity ward bed, they were probably impressed.

The man is young, has several companies and several buildings, and the woman is so crazy and dedicated.

They deserve to be rich. The most expensive house for more than 50000 months lives in maintenance.

At this price, you can buy a single room in Jiangzhou these days!

So when Nana and her children came with them in the incubator, the gold medal sister-in-law had helped wipe the body and change clothes for the pregnant woman, and even dry cleaned her hair!

The so-called pregnant women dare not do anything during confinement, because the poor do not have enough medical protection conditions for fear that the cold, headache and fever will affect their health.

Money is another dimension.

If it weren't for the operation, Xi Lianying would have wanted to sit up and draw!

She waved to Nana with a smile, and then asked Wang Fang to push the incubator to the bedside and take a group photo with herself

Nana was deeply impressed by all this.

After saying goodbye to the Secretary Assistant back to the company, both father and daughter were a little surprised in the car.

Of course, Zhao Dezhu disguised it better: "I thought the child was premature. I should be busy in the hospital. The big and small always have to take care of one head, right? Well, just give money, professional nursing, gold medal sister-in-law, VIP ward, 24-hour doctor monitoring. I also sent two Nanny assistants and sleeping slots. If only I could help your mother give birth to a child more than ten years ago."

He still remembers licking his dog. He was only three or four years old more than ten years ago. It would be nice to take good care of himself.

Mumbling must be shocking: "every time grandma tells me, it's my mother who suffered a lot at that time. Even my waist is bad because I fell ill. But what I see today, she's not like this at all. Is it the same pattern for her to raise children in the future?"

Zhao Dezhu said, "that's why we have to work hard. Only when we have money and ability can we give... Better choices to ourselves and the people around us. Right? As the old saying goes, couples in poor families are bad at everything. The simplest thing is to make money. Only when we have money can we get immunity from most of the suffering in the world."

The 16-year-old girl sat in the co pilot's seat and was distracted.

Zhao Dezhu is afraid that his daughter will be misled: "your mother and I must give you the best conditions, but no matter who you live with in the future, the most important thing is to be able to be self-reliance like your mother. We will always be your support, but you should also have the ability to support yourself. Otherwise, if your parents have more money, sometimes it will hurt you."

In fact, the feeling of Zhao Dezhu's last sentence is really the feeling after holding his own daughter!

Maybe Nana is basically half formed and excellent. Don't worry too much.

Zhao Dezhu found himself spontaneously worried about hee hee ha!

After returning home, he took the initiative to tell long Zhiyu about this feeling.

Zhao Dezhu has nothing to hide from sister long.

It's already more than ten o'clock. I urge my daughter to wash and tidy up as if nothing had happened. Don't delay the first day of school tomorrow.

Then when I went back to my bedroom and closed the door to take care of my makeup, I made fun of Zhao Dezhu as if nothing had happened: "what's the feeling of having my own daughter?"

Zhao Dezhu leaned vaguely on the bed, crossed his legs and put his hands behind his head: "I didn't have a child before. You told me that as long as I hold my daughter in my arms and look at such a small one, it would be difficult to control and pay everything for her. I didn't believe it before, but I really feel it today."

As expected, long Zhiyu wouldn't mess around and share in the mirror: "this is just the beginning. When the child interacts with you and opens his eyes to see you giggle, you will feel that all the difficulties and dangers in the world are nothing to mention..."

Noticed Zhao Dezhu's expression: "what? I didn't see how surprised you are?"

Zhao Dezhu smiled bitterly: "I've never seen joy, but I'm sure I'm surprised. Even if I have psychological preparation, I really find that a child is born. In fact, I'm very frightened. I found that it's really my daughter because I picked it up. I'll be responsible for her. I'll think about her growth and future. Really, at that time, I was ready to call you first when I heard of premature birth and said that I might stay in the hospital today Care, because I heard that it's not very dangerous, but does it go beyond our boundaries? Even my biggest worry is, if I have my own daughter, will I involuntarily favor her more than Nana? I really want to take care of you and Nana wholeheartedly... "

His openness surprised long Zhiyu and quickly completed the last program.

It was just at this moment that I thought: "it's good. In fact, if you treat children coldly and ruthlessly, even designer Xi, I may think you are too inhumane. You have feelings and responsibilities for your own flesh and blood. This is human nature and should be done."

Zhao Dezhu stared, wearing a very ordinary black silk Pajama, trying his best to suppress the existence of all sexual elements. His usually coiled long hair was straight and spread out, very homely, but serious and dignified.

Why don't you love me.

Long Zhiyu could see that he was listening carefully and felt a little in class: "But the difference between good people and bad people lies in self-control. This is what I repeatedly stressed to you when we first met. When a giggling little girl enters the fleet, she has to train and discipline to become an excellent flight attendant. Working in various tempting environments every day, she needs self-control to avoid going astray. Don't you do the same in the past year? Only get used to it Only with self-control can we get used to rational thinking, rather than following physical instinct. "

Zhao Dezhu relaxed: "are we the same?"

While talking, he patted the quilt wall next to him.

Long Zhiyu smiled really gently and generously: "yes, it's too easy for us to be enthusiastic like fire, but it will cover up many problems, and even dull after burning. Only when the feelings and hearts are really confirmed, it's our turn to the body. I think it's better."

Zhao Dezhu said rudely, "well, you just told me not to greedy for your body. OK, adults don't make choices, I want both body and mind. Rational... Rational consideration is that after the middle of school, I'll go to HK for a weekend and go through the formalities, OK?"

Long Zhiyu cried and laughed and smashed him with a pillow: "I say so much, you still think of this!"

Zhao Dezhu: "Let's be honest. I signed an asset sharing agreement with Nana on penguin's stock, but now she can't even change her surname. Moreover, the e-commerce platform has been pushed to the threshold. Tianhu wants to participate with 500 million. I told them I would take 20% before. Now I'm willing to negotiate. Maybe there's the possibility of tearing my face. Our wedding is the most suitable buffer This negotiation will be successful. "

Long Zhiyu had to observe whether this guy was making an abacus again.