Zhao Dezhu did not expect happiness to come so suddenly,

His voice was too dry to speak.

Long Zhiyu looked at his dull face and laughed: "where did you think of going? I really want to deal with the possibly busy work!"

Zhao Dezhu rubbed his hands excitedly: "work, work, we can work all night. Let's go!"

He left his Mercedes Benz to Lao Xu. He stayed in the office these days and sat in Feng Xiaoting's car.

I can't wait to drive now.

Long Zhiyu cried and laughed: "I live in the office first."

Zhao Dezhu smiled: "don't think I didn't know you hung up your clothes in the wardrobe... Let's go. Just adapt to your new house in advance. There will be nothing."

Long Zhiyu arrived at the golf manor by CO pilot.

Somehow, he tried to slide himself under the seat, as if he wouldn't be found by the security guard.

Zhao Dezhu was right: "you see, the whole golf manor has not been occupied yet. Aren't you afraid to live here alone? So I must go home with you every day."

Long Zhiyu felt her face hot and didn't speak.

In fact, street lights and security patrols have been improved. It is very attentive to the first owner and the owner who is very important to the whole real estate project. In particular, it is reminded that the whole monitoring system has been put into operation and safety can be guaranteed.

However, the area of this golf course is too large, which is also a new challenge to Tianhu property.

So the back door and side door can't be opened for a while and a half.

Zhao Dezhu expressed his understanding and gave longzhiyu a vision when parking: "in the future, I'll drive you to work every morning, and then I'll go to work."

Long Zhiyu's body and mind were light: "you... Said you were going to pick up Nana."

Zhao Dezhu sighed: "Alas, I think my daughter is redundant at this time."

Long Zhiyu quickly laughed: "I recorded! You're miserable!"

Zhao Dezhu immediately flattered: "I said to play, Nana is the best, and her daughter is the best... Yes, Nana will buy her a car when she is 18 and drive herself to and from school."

Long Zhiyu warned: "don't get used to her. What does it look like to drive a car at a young age? What do other students think of her?"

Zhao Dezhu doesn't care: "if you can't hide it, it's better to open the distance from the beginning... One parking space for each family?"

Long Zhiyu tried his best to keep himself in a state of debate. In this way, his heart pounded harder. It's better to explain: "this row is all from the college. Are you afraid you can't stop? Look back and see which one is for Lao Xu. Is he really going to live?"

Zhao Dezhu comforted: "he shouldn't live long. He doesn't have to make money by filming. We don't give him salary. Isn't the crew going to the country soon?"

In fact, opposite this row of villas is the backyard of another row of villas, with a row of garages hidden under the stepped backyard.

Now, of course, it's all empty. Except for a few street lights, it's dark everywhere.

Fortunately, it's a summer night, not gloomy.

But a woman who comes back to live here must feel terrible.

So after Zhao Dezhu grabbed long Zhiyu's hand, he subconsciously approached and touched the key to open the door: "wait, wait a minute, give you another key..."

I was annoyed that I was calm in dealing with so many empty situations. At the moment, I actually spoke a little trembling.

It must be the fear of wild mountains!

Yes, it must be for this.

Zhao Dezhu smiled and quickly held back.

As a result, long Zhiyu didn't bother to hit him. He opened the yard door and turned on the light to see his expression.

Zhao Dezhu must be full of joy and appreciation.

But any man in this moment doesn't care about the environment.

The garbage can hum with joy.

But the new home decorated by long Zhiyu... In a sense, it's almost like a garbage dump.

She doesn't know what the design concept or central idea is.

Want to express the difficult coexistence of two broken and old hearts, or turn waste into treasure?

Anyway, the appearance of the whole platoon building remains unchanged, and the interior remains the same as the cement frame structure!

The ceiling, column head and beam of the concrete cast-in-situ are also marked with clear fence marks, or there are cement bubbles and no flat mottled marks.

It is always the original ecological environment with no walls. Even the ground is self leveling, and the cement is poured and leveled.

Well, it's like the kind of clothing store that long Zhiyu took Zhao Dezhu to see.

Especially cool, there are cement walls everywhere, the kind of industrial cold wind decoration of cement land.

Fortunately, Xi Lianying saw the rescue.

Otherwise, it's definitely like a garbage dump now.

This is a special style that tests the designer and has high technical requirements for the construction party.

All seemingly cement exposed walls, ceilings and floors are painted with transparent protective paint.

Then the doors and windows, furniture, kitchen and bathroom should be particularly fine, so as to contrast the gap between the original ecology of cement and show that Lao Tzu didn't have money to install it, but deliberately forced it.

In the words of later generations, it is Versailles

So the decoration speed is very fast.

For example, the whole living room is empty with several sofas, matched with a log coffee table. There is no redundant cabinet, but the shelf of the original wood is fixed on the wall.

It is particularly environmentally friendly, particularly elegant and tasteful.

Zhao Dezhu didn't understand this. He didn't bother to see the kitchen and bathroom decoration that cost a lot of thought.

Go directly to the bedroom upstairs: "it's a must for me to make the bed. It's my bounden duty to do more housework within my ability!"

Hearing that he was proficient in idioms, long Zhiyu couldn't cry or laugh: "sleep each! What's agreed..."

Zhao Dezhu has rushed to the second floor and turned on the light probe all the way: "is this one?"

In fact, the area of each floor of the row is not large, one study and one master bedroom.

The bedroom was also empty, with beams on its head and mottled walls.

Fortunately, the white floor doors and windows are connected to the outside terrace, and the white yarn overlaps the gray curtains, which is more elegant.

A white big bed is in the middle of the house. It feels like a simple plank supporting the minimalist style of mattress.

Zhao Dezhu was so happy that he was about to jump

Long Zhiyu hurriedly patted the door behind him: "my! My bed, you sleep in the study sofa bed!"

Zhao Dezhu's righteous words: "can't you trust me?"

Long Zhiyu would not be ashamed of the young deer: "it's strange if you can trust it! Why don't you go up to sleep in Nana's house..."

Zhao Dezhu took a breath: "do you think it's appropriate? There's no daughter's room to be a father. I think we should talk about this problem of mutual trust."

While talking, he rolled into bed.

Long Zhiyu raised her leg and kicked: "then sleep on the living room sofa. It's big enough and keep your word!"

Zhao Dezhu sighed, "are you sure?"

Long Zhiyu firmly said, "it's necessary!"

He also stood by the door and waved his fingers to the corridor.

Like a strict head teacher.

In fact, she doesn't know how tempting she is now.

Zhao Dezhu, who was deliberately depressed, finally chose a closer study, door-to-door.

Of course, I also went upstairs to see my daughter's room. The whole third floor is Nana's Attic Princess Room. With the roof next to it, it can really satisfy every girl's mind.

Looking at the fine decoration covered with pink striped wallpaper, Zhao Dezhu suspects that long Zhiyu actually wants to live in this room.

Long Zhiyu took advantage of him to visit everywhere, locked the master bedroom and began to wash and change clothes full of freshness.

Fortunately, her main energy these days is to improve all kinds of daily necessities here.

Zhao Dezhu can also turn on the TV downstairs, otherwise the empty study has nothing.

He can take a shower in the downstairs bathroom. He's not in the mood to watch TV at the moment.

Instead of listening to the clatter of water upstairs, I leaned on the leather sofa and looked around. It was a little untrue.

Because this is the most golf course platoon.

So the living room floor doors and windows look out in the dark, even without lights. Only when you vaguely see the undulating outline of the hills in the distance can you vaguely see the night sky.

And as long as the TV is turned off, it sounds like the noisy young people on the other side of the college, surrounded by the ear blocking silence of the countryside.

Moreover, because it is a brand-new building complex and golf course, it is so quiet that there are no frogs and insects.

It's easy to feel like you're at the end of the world

But I don't feel lonely.

Zhao Dezhu, whose heart was full, even sat there with a silly smile.

This is the beauty of my dream.

It can be said that we should return to this world and strive to this day.

Personal beauty has actually been fully realized.

The rest is to protect this beauty and let more people feel it.

Sitting in the living room on the first floor, he launched a rare reflection and planning on life, but inadvertently made the whole building quiet enough to hear a needle drop.

Distracted, he didn't notice the sound of water upstairs and stopped.

Then long Zhiyu, who came out with slippers, lingered for a long time, put on his underwear and wrapped up his complete pajamas. He also paid special attention not to let out the spring light and express hints. He didn't tangle up a result. Should he go out to see what the guy was doing.

It can be just applied to the maintenance mask, and what we want to buy tomorrow is just a moment ago.

Long Zhiyu found that it was too quiet!

It was so quiet that she panicked in an instant

In a hurry, he opened the door and ran out. When he whispered his name, he trembled: "Zhao Dezhu..."

With the sound of Wang, Zhao Dezhu jumped up!