Wait until they come to the opening ceremony.

Zhao Dezhu still couldn't help asking the consumer psychology: "I really appreciate your practice of not blindly consuming because of any relationship, but can you tell me why you don't buy it?"

Xi Lianying couldn't help dialing her hair: "after driving for a few days, it felt very clear. Ferrari could completely control Party A and didn't dare to bargain with me. She even doubted that I had any background. I had strong strength. There were few people who delayed the payment. BMW didn't have this effect at all. Someone even teased me and thought I was a little honey wrapped by who!"

Zhao Dezhu is a real hammer.

The car was completely smashed in his hand: "Alas, lying in the trough."

Xi Lianying pulled her hair again and whispered, "are you short of money? I... can I get you some?"

Zhao Dezhu laughed: "forget it, I'm the standard way for professional players to cheat money and color. How could you be fooled? I was just praising you for being able to carry it clearly."

The beautiful designer, who is seven or eight years older, smiled shyly: "your professional level is high."

Zhao Dezhu patted her on the shoulder: "how comfortable a person is, but you said that."

Xi Lianying replied hard: "yes, but... It's also good to collect fees occasionally. You see, I have acne again."

Zhao Dezhu was ruthless: "solve it yourself!"

Xi Lianying chuckled.

Become leisurely hands in pockets.

Zhao Dezhu still praised: "this place has been changed well, and it will become foreign-style at once."

Xi Lianying didn't find how proud she was.

But he still admitted: "coax these local bosses... In fact, I think we work together. I'll do it if you move your mouth. It's definitely a shot!"

Zhao Dezhu was too skillful in driving this kind of car: "then I won't move. Do you move yourself?"

Xi Lianying blushed: "bah!"

Zhao Dezhu didn't lose heart at all: "I'll get the investment back. If you want to expand the construction, you can afford to design at that time. You can do whatever you want."

Xi Lianying had to cover her cheeks with both hands to calm down: "I saw you on the news. It's a little strange. When I first saw you, I thought you were a prodigal child who didn't know much. You didn't show much ability even when looking for a car. However, up to now, you really have vision, engage in e-commerce and e-sports industry, and have great courage. I believe you can."

Boss Xia and Tang Yuhua worked together to cut the ribbon for the opening of outlets with officials in the district.

For a time, white pigeons were flying all over the sky, and many citizens applauded warmly and rushed into the building in curious groups.

Originally quite rustic reddish brown tile building.

However, it is surrounded by a large number of floor glass, and some coated floor walls are more fashionable and sharp.

In addition, there are architectural detail adjustments that make the finishing point everywhere. For example, hollow partition walls are made with the same ceramic tiles of different colors, and the adjustment of density makes the whole originally messy architectural group have a deep sense of hierarchy like a garden.

Everyone will have the curiosity to go in and have a look.

Coupled with the embellishment combination of various billboards, light boxes and brand posters, the atmosphere is indeed the same as before.

Zhao Dezhu looked at it and admired it: "You are highly educated and educated. In fact, most of us don't have this opportunity to become talents, so I cooperated with long Zhiyu in this education company, which will be my career in the future. How much money I earn is not important to me. The important thing is that I like to do this thing of self-reliance. You can make a house beautiful and I can make an individual useful. That feeling …”

He raised his hand and squeezed his fist to express his description.

I want to wave to the other side. More than a dozen girls in golf classes have been excited to change into other people's international brand clothes. They are acting as real models to show models. Now they are also crowded at the door of the store to see the ribbon cutting.

There is only beauty on that beautiful face.

Xi Lianying answered skillfully: "a sense of achievement."

Zhao Dezhu said comfortably, "I have a strong sense of achievement, and what I do is the same as your business this time. It is already semi waste in my hands and can become shiny again in our hands. Therefore, for this, let alone kneel and lick these sisters and go to Citi, I am not here. As long as I can make these big guys happy and give some opportunities, my children will start on the road again."

Without looking in the mirror and looking down, Zhao Dezhu easily regarded himself as a middle-aged man. Even Xi Lianying was a little girl in his eyes.

Of course, it may also be in front of this woman that he has nothing to hide.

Xi Lianying felt that she had fully understood the big boy. She was still surprised by his mature tone. She saw the girls in his eyes and finally understood.

Take a serious look at those innocent faces still waving here: "Yamamoto Yaosi said that society is impetuous. Too many girls have prostitute faces. They are not women. They are stupid girls. They are spoiled. They think they are great when they are young, and they are great when they are young. If I am young and beautiful, you must want to make an appointment. If you want to educate or control this measure, the desire beyond your ability is very dangerous and will eat people."

Zhao Dezhu was surprised: "lying in the trough, you cultural people are great. Everything you say makes sense!"

Xi Lianying also smiled: "sometimes you deliberately use this coarseness to cover up yourself, but since you want to be an educator, you should keep learning to improve yourself. Although we realize that you are indeed changing by leaps and bounds, your cultural cultivation and appearance temperament can be designed. After all, you can't face it with Coarseness on all occasions, can you?"

Zhao Dezhu nodded slowly and absorbed the woman who had been magnanimous to each other.

Xi Lianying finally added: "if you don't do it for yourself, heaven will kill you. This word means cultivation. It's embarrassing if you don't study hard and improve yourself."

Zhao Dezhu was surprised by his real name: "that's what I mean!"

Xi Lianying winked at him playfully, motioned to several bosses who were coming over there, turned and hid quietly.

It seems that I still dare not compete with the big boss for male favor.

Boss Xia was very angry when he came over: "tell me what you're doing recently. Why are you playing video games again with a hammer in the East and a stick in the West!"

The others snickered. Tang Yuhua's face was better: "your sister Zhou said to open the beauty salon. Is it the service industry you said?"

Zhao Dezhu immediately raised his thumb: "yes, this is also an idea. Anyway, it's one. What can't open a store online for consumption is what can be done here. Don't compete with online stores!"

Aunt Chen seriously asked, "is this the power of e-commerce?"

Zhao Dezhu nodded and then flattered boss Xia: "come over there in a few days and ask you to borrow a business car to support the scene."

Sister Xia, who was deliberately grimacing, smiled and wanted to hit people: "why do you always pay attention to such shit."

Zhao Dezhu hurriedly reminded Tang Yuhua: "cafes, fast food restaurants, milk tea shops and bars should be opened more, otherwise I'll invite sister Xia to have a cup of coffee now."

Sister Xia, who is always steady, looks at people from left to right. It is estimated that she wants to find the workers of the construction team on her own construction site to blow the hammer.

Tang Yuhua quickly asked him to go to his design center.

This is the place where she spent money on decoration. The self leveling paint cement floor and the office area with industrial style internal modeling have a sense of artistic design. The negotiation area with a real bar feeling can really boast that o'feni is a brand from HK or Europe and America.

Zhao Dezhu said this: "I helped designer Xi introduce her to sister Tang to do the transformation design of outlets. She said recently that she had something to do. She stopped by and looked at the office area under construction. I really didn't have money. She introduced a beggar decoration method that didn't cost money. Now I have completely determined my career direction, focused on Higher Vocational Education and really trained these children, As my career. "

Boss Xia won't be surprised to observe his expression: "when I was in Zhejiang and Hangzhou, I found that you were a little handy in using the resources of higher vocational education. So I determined the direction?"

Zhao Dezhu nodded: "higher vocational education is very promising. Now that I have obtained the joint qualification of southwest United University, I have two special majors: E-sports and golf. In addition, I also have a long-term major with an investment period of at least ten years, which is worth doing all my life."

At that time, he mentioned this mysterious long-term profession to his richest father and Li Zhengdao.

Those two didn't notice.

Sister Xia said simply, "can I help you?"

Beyond everyone's expectation, Zhao Dezhu shook his head: "it's the greatest help to learn from you."

Watching this ignorant guy keep saying to study.

Even sister Xia doubted: "just need to learn?"

What Zhao Dezhu is probably best at is the great shift of heaven and earth. He uses what Xi Lianying said just now to learn and apply it flexibly: "if people don't do it for themselves, heaven will kill them. This word means self-cultivation. It's embarrassing if you don't study hard and improve yourself!"

In an instant, they forced gra up. Several local tyrants and rich women inquired about each other: "really? I heard it for the first time!"

If you look at Zhao Dezhu, you won't be the number one in the club.

Only sister Xia smiled at the Tathagata Buddha: "did Xiao Xi teach you?"

Zhao Dezhu couldn't help scratching his head like sun monkey.

Can this be seen through?

You are too good.