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No matter how much emphasis is placed on equality for all.

The price is also indicated in the law. There is no case for hundreds of small things, even if it is a deadly baby for the poor.

For Zhao Dezhu, the dispensable ball bag can immediately attract several police cars, flashing lights and stopping under the dormitory building overnight.

The Criminal Investigation Brigade of the municipal police station, the District branch and the district police station all came. One team couldn't find a place to call Zhao Dezhu.

Zhao Dezhu explained the context clearly: "I am an employee of Nanyun golf club and the monitor of the 03 Golf class of the college. A set of imported top golf tools worth 500000 yuan presented to me by Hong Kong merchants. This is a freight order SMS. The freight company can check the insured value..."

Well, more than 10000 mobile phones also seem to prove that the value of this set of ball tools is not groundless.

It's not cheap anyway.

If the amount of money is high, things will be handled quickly.

Several roommates were immediately asked separately, and the on-site investigation was meticulous.

Liu Jiangtao, while raising their doubts, had to prove their innocence.

Zhao Dezhu himself was the simplest. He left his bedroom after seven in the morning and came back in the evening to find that something was missing.

Come back in a Jetta king.

The police looked at the rich second generation with a little complicated eyes.

The sheriff in charge did not wear colored glasses and asked Zhao Dezhu if there were any points of attention that needed to be reminded.

Zhao Dezhu had been standing at the gate of the dormitory for a while, looking at the male and female students stretching their necks in the surrounding dormitory windows, balconies and corridors.

Refers to one of the buildings: "Because of jealousy, some boys from the energy commission once wanted to beat me together. This matter was also reported to our police station and warned, and I avoided it. Now they probably think that stealing the ball bag by pranks can make me worry. The best way is for me to offer a reward of 5000 yuan and let everyone in that building report and receive the reward. It must be done immediately 。”

The sheriff had to look up at this second generation and didn't want to answer: "not everything can be measured by money, young man!"

Turn around to your police car, turn on the horn and shout, and cough around: "Students, we have just received a report of a theft with a huge amount of money. We must solve the case and catch the suspect. The sentencing standard is from 10-year fixed-term imprisonment to life imprisonment. If you surrender voluntarily now and if you are an accomplice to help commit the crime, you can get the judge's discretion and leniency. I repeat, you have committed the crime of stealing Golf tools It's a crime, and it's a very serious crime. Starting with 10-year fixed-term imprisonment, any accomplice who assists in hiding and destroying stolen goods will also be severely punished by the law. Be lenient in confession and strict in resistance! The last chance... "

The red and blue lights flickered in the campus dormitories, and the stern voice of police officers echoed in the night sky. After being metallized by electronic components, they had a cold deterrent.

Also recording, can repeat automatically!

The dormitory building, which was noisy and curious just now, was very quiet.

One minute, two minutes, five minutes later

The sheriff turned back and motioned to his subordinates: "you may have missed the opportunity to surrender now. Now please go downstairs in turn. We need to check the dormitory..."

But in fact, the staff with full police equipment are not looking for things.

Eighteen or nine year old boys with various expressions came downstairs one after another with slippers.

They were asked to line up in the corridor on the first floor.

Then one by one, he walked into the guard room alone and told his one-day trip.

The speaker outside is still echoing the recording: "for a theft case with a particularly huge amount, the principal offender is sentenced to 10 years' imprisonment. Any accomplice who assists in stealing, hiding, transferring and destroying stolen goods will also be severely punished by the law. Only if he confesses can he be lenient, and if he resists, he can be strict, and those who shield, conceal or fail to report..."

This is called psychological shock.

Several young people aged eighteen or nine have experienced this.

I don't even have experience dealing with police uncle.

I don't have to go to pheasant university.

Even if there is a lack of heart, it can't stop the fear of others.

Therefore, in front of the criminal police who have been dealing with criminals for many years, more than ten minutes later, someone couldn't hold his breath and poured beans into the bamboo tube to explain this self righteous prank.

The two leaders were the head of the group of Wei Peisheng who took the initiative to find Zhao Dezhu to provoke him to talk alone last week.

They couldn't find a chance to clean up Zhao Dezhu for a few days. They lost face when they boasted in front of the people.

Just this morning, I saw Zhao Dezhu get on the bus with empty hands. I didn't even take the fight pole 7 with me on weekdays.

Everyone prepares nunchakus and other weapons. If they are found by the security guard, they will be confiscated.

It's only natural that the grandson always takes the club with him.

I invited him to steal it. Besides, it's convenient to beat him in the future.

But they should not. After prying open the dormitory door here, they found this high-grade ball bag.

Take one. People still have more than a dozen.

Why don't you just take it and let him have no choice?

Many things are like this. Taking one may really be just a prank. Zhao Dezhu can't help them.

But take a bag, quantitative change will eventually produce qualitative change.

Therefore, it is the accomplice who can't help turning himself in downstairs.

It was just a small matter. Why did you become an accomplice in a big case when you stood downstairs and smoked a cigarette?

With a breakthrough, the whole case came out quickly.

The ball bag left in the pond outside the college wall was fished ashore overnight.

Together with eight participants wearing free double watches, they took them to the police station that night.

The whole students of southwest city college watched this unforgettable scene from the dormitory window, balcony and corridor.

Maybe just before that night, everything they do will be labeled: "it's just a child fooling around..."

Now I finally understand that I am responsible for everything I do.

Zhao Dezhu looked at the muddy ball bag, confirmed that it was his own thing, nodded and went back to his bedroom to sleep.

All the students were left in their dormitories to discuss all kinds of emotions all night.

A few guys who heard about it but didn't participate were just glad they passed by.

Even Liu Jiangtao couldn't sleep over and over.

Only Zhao Dezhu gets up on the alarm clock at seven in the morning to exercise.

Twenty girls, many of them, also kept up.

The breathless Li Yuanyuan couldn't help asking, "your bag of clubs is really valuable?"

Zhao Dezhu nodded: "it's a second-hand product from a friend, but it's definitely not from an aunt."

Girls laugh.

Shen Jianing worried: "will it offend people too much?"

Gao Yuxin swaggered: "offend people? Do they do wrong and worry about offending people?"

Zhao Dezhu also has this attitude: "if you make a mistake, you have to admit it. If you hit your face, you should stand upright."

Whoever speaks is the same.

Since the morning, there has been a lot of traffic at the school gate.

After graduating from high school at the age of eighteen or nine, you are just past the age of criminal responsibility and should be responsible for everything you do.

For these families who received the news, it must be a bolt from the blue.

Even the police have no obligation to inform their families.

This is the stage of criminal investigation.

It's the relationship between classmates or some parents who know each other at work. Those with mobile phones call, and those without mobile phones don't get in touch until the next morning.

Some parents came from energy units hundreds of kilometers away.

Finding the school's first reaction, most of them did not admit their mistakes and repent, but complained that the school was not well educated.

In addition, under the guidance of other classmates, he came to Zhao Dezhu to threaten: "if you are still so ignorant, be careful that you can't get out of Jiangzhou!"

Zhao Dezhu was frightened: "ah, which student's parent are you? I will report it to the government. It's nothing else..."

He changed his face after someone reported his name: "well, wait a minute. I'll call the police station and say... Hey, demon spirit, I have something here. The classmate's family threatened me that I couldn't get out of Jiangzhou..."

People who speak the law are so confident and fearless.

Some may be in small places or units, and the emperor is far used to it.

I also want to roll up my sleeves and teach the little boy a lesson.

Gao Yuxin steadily held up the digital camera and took photos next to it. A circle of girls were watching.

Parents who have no choice can only pressure the school.

Long Chuxiong must come to talk to Zhao Dezhu: "almost on the line. You have to forgive people and forgive people."

Zhao Dezhu smiled: "when they want to clean me up with steel pipes, nunchakus and bricks, why don't you tell them to forgive people and forgive people? At this time, you're not qualified to pretend to be the boss and go away."

Long Chuxiong didn't expect: "you, how do you talk to me?"

Zhao Dezhu still smiled: "since you ignored my 20000 yuan labor fee, you have lost my trust. Get out!"

Long Chuxiong, who was used to haggling over everything, found that he seemed to have lost a lot this time.

Gao Yuxin steadily held up the digital camera and took photos next to it. A circle of girls were watching.

Parents who have no choice can only pressure the school.

Long Chuxiong must come to talk to Zhao Dezhu: "almost on the line. You have to forgive people and forgive people."

Zhao Dezhu smiled: "when they want to clean me up with steel pipes, nunchakus and bricks, why don't you tell them to forgive people and forgive people? At this time, you're not qualified to pretend to be the boss and go away."

Long Chuxiong didn't expect: "you, how do you talk to me?"

Zhao Dezhu still smiled: "since you ignored my 20000 yuan labor fee, you have lost my trust. Get out!"

Long Chuxiong, who was used to haggling over everything, found that he seemed to have lost a lot this time.