It's like a group of stock market leaders talking loudly. As a result, the little girl they brought suddenly said: "the K-line chart of Maotai liquor industry's stock market is not like that..."

How can you not be surprised?

Moreover, Zhao Dezhu's opening remarks are also very compelling: "there is a Songshan city in Aiyuan County of the little devil. I don't know if you have been there. The little devil likes to take a bath. There is a family road. The soup pool is very famous. It is famous in the style of this building..."

At this time, Zhao Dezhu can only suffer from the era of no mobile Internet access.

He can't easily search out the photos to show off. He can only snap his fingers and signal the female secretary who personally orders for the boss to take paper and pen to himself.

However, Zhao Dezhu did not have the ability to draw. He drew something like a pyramid in a mess: "Listen to my advice and let your designers see what the buildings of Daohou hot spring are like. They may know how to design this place. What's this special? Is the wharf where the poor eat and work? Does the dilapidated buildings deserve such a good location?"

He was sure of what the future would look like, and he was dragged by the woman to punch in and visit the original location of Chihiro, so he was clear about the fake legend that this place should become the prototype of Chihiro.

Now, of course, I'm very sure of the design.

Several aunts who didn't care at all took the design renderings, listened to him so sure, and insisted on taking out foreign buildings for comparison.

Somehow, it was affected.

Zhao Dezhu also turned and asked the female secretary who was less than 30 years old, "is there an animated cartoon called Chihiro and Chihiro?"

The Secretary said, "ah? I don't have time to see it."

Didn't you bring... Male PR from the boss?

Zhao Dezhu has the boss's command: "ah, what, call someone in the office to check whether there is this cartoon. If so, find it and send it to the room immediately."

He just vaguely remembered that the film was very early, but it was released in China many years later.

The dining aunts all looked up: "go, what's the pestle doing here? Xiao Zhao, please be more detailed. What are you painting?"

Zhao Dezhu couldn't express: "first of all, your original design is not good at all. You look poor, want, want, very, very... Lying in a slot. How do you say?"

He is really illiterate. He can't describe himself in the world.

But the hands were struggling, and the hen fluttered.

Aunt Xia saw it: "very majestic, very atmospheric?"

Zhao Dezhu breathed a sigh of relief: "it almost means that it is built close to the mountain. It needs to have a large feeling of layers. Do you understand? Oh, just go to see the hot spring soup house. It has a traditional feeling and is very beautiful. It is full of lights, inside the window and on the eaves outside. When it is full, turn on the lights at night. Wow, monkey Sai Lei!"

People in eastern Guangdong seem to have great talent in expressing these words. Zhao Dezhu looked fascinated by the beautiful scenery and made his aunts laugh again.

Just at this time, the Secretary rushed in: "I got in touch. They said yes. I'll arrange contact immediately and find the film and send it."

Zhao Dezhu raised his hand and applauded the Secretary: "yes, you can! You saved the boss a lot of travel expenses to coke pots. Praise!"

How to put it?

Is there no handsome boy in Jiangzhou?

When I came in just now, my aunt also mentioned that her catering group has its own song and dance troupe, which performs in chain stores all over the country. Do you want to call some young men to drink with me.

Sister Xia shook her head and said no.

Maybe it's Zhao Dezhu's generous momentum. He is not afraid of being shy.

I didn't take dinner with several rich aunts seriously at all, and even vaguely turned away from guests.

It's a big deal. I'll pay for the meal. What's the big deal.

Even if he owed a lot of debt in his pocket, Zhao Dezhu dared to bet 100000 yuan on the Internet.

That's how he fell upstairs.

You can't lose momentum.

So the atmosphere in the luxury private room immediately burst into a warm smile.

Sister Xia took the lead in applauding: "Yes, yes, Xiuqin. If you really made a change in this project because of Xiao Zhao's proposal, you would have to pay the consultant fee. I also think he made a little sense. At that time, I thought it was a little inappropriate when the plan was reported. This is the most golden area in Jiangzhou. It is a restoration of the ruined scenery of the old society? Where does the face of the municipal Party committee and district Party committee go? But I didn't think about what to do, so Tell you to slow down and think more. I think Xiao Zhao's idea is right. The momentum of prosperity and beauty should be taken out! "


The old aunt has her momentum.

The dining aunt is weak. She is always a strong woman in business. She doesn't have the overall view.

Beauty aunt is worse. She will only raise her glass immediately: "let's respect this idea first..."

The boss spoke quickly.

At most half an hour later, the secretary brought people in, quickly connected the karaoke projector and notebook in the private room, and began to play cartoons.

Several old aunts may not have seen it for years.

Zhao Dezhu went straight over and pulled the mouse fast forward to find the scene of grandma Tang's oil house.

Under the blue sky and in the night, huge buildings stand towering.

Zhao Dezhu pointed out: "certainly not copy, but it should be such a thing, a huge building, not piecemeal like mouse shit."

In order to attack the original unlucky plan, he said what he said.

Not to mention, the atmosphere of the meal changed.

First, the clothing aunt burst out rude words: "I have a sentence that MMP should not be said. If my outlets building complex is discussed like this, I would definitely rather make it like this. Don't say more. Xiuqin, look at how much commercial area your original shit design is. Xiao Zhao gave you this suggestion, at least ten times! Come on, have a drink. Do you study golf or architecture?"

He disdained to throw the original document on the table and spilled the soup on it. He didn't bother to answer.

It has the style of being born in the market.

Zhao Dezhu raised his glass: "no, no, just happened to have seen the hot spring building in Jiaopen, which is similar to this. As soon as I saw the scenic spot built near the mountain, I thought of it. You see, it was the appearance of the old society and not good-looking. According to... Restore the original flavor, there was no toilet in ancient times. Ask those designers to continue squatting in the pit next to the pigsty?"

This is actually the characteristic of the small yard he bought and the old man's yard.

Huang Panpan, they never go to the bathroom in the yard and would rather run back to school.

As a result, he described it on such a luxurious table. Not only did no one scold him for being vulgar, but his aunts laughed and raised their glasses one after another.

Only the dining aunt didn't laugh and drank slowly: "have you been to the place where the coke basin was just mentioned?"

If Zhao Dezhu wants to check Laozi's entry-exit records, he will know to help.

But I've been there before and I'm impressed

I didn't expect sister Xia to help him explain: "he's Ningchang in eastern Guangdong. There was a strong atmosphere of working abroad. Do you still think it's necessary to go and have a look?"

The dining aunt nodded: "I have to go. The total investment is so large. If you make a mistake, you may be wrong in the end."

Zhao Dezhu said definitely, "listen to me, absolutely right. If this place doesn't make money in 20 years, I'll cut off my head and give it to you."

Aunt clothes actually reached into her mouth and blew a loud hooligan whistle!

The media aunt is the youngest, most fashionable and most elegant. She applauded: "it's called a military order. Sister Xiuqin can. Just recruit Xiao Zhao to your company to take charge of the project, ha ha ha."

Zhao Dezhu thinks this woman is really bad.

Such a large catering group has invested at least hundreds of millions of major industrial projects and handed over to an 18-year-old higher vocational student. Is this to tell the boss of the whole group about the politics in the harem?

The dining aunt glanced at her best friend, but said to Zhao Dezhu, "are you free, then we'll go to Jiaopen in the past two days."

Zhao Dezhu thought to himself, I don't even have a passport in my life. How can I have such immortal time.

Shake your head steadily on your face: "Thank you. I'll give you the detailed address and orientation. You'd better take the designer to see it. You'd better take a designer with feelings. Before, let him figure out this cartoon. This film is very popular in... Coastal areas and coke pots. Maybe it can bring a lot of coke pots tourists. We should combine this kind of architecture with our tradition. Oh, professional designers I know how to do it. I'll have a fart... "

His abandonment makes the wily aunts feel that this son is not in the pool!