"It seems that you are not stupid."

Li Changsheng smiled.

"Now that you know my identity, don't let me go!"


Feng Nan lowered his head.

He hurriedly asked his subordinates to release Wen pengfeng's son.

At this time, the hengrou man who was beaten out by Li Changsheng got up from the ground and grabbed a submachine gun from his companion.

He pulled the trigger at Li Changsheng.

"Bang Bang..."

The muzzle of the gun was filled with flames.

Countless bullets flew towards Li Changsheng.

"Ha ha! Go to hell!"

The other party's face was ferocious, his eyes were crazy and laughed wildly.

However, at the next moment, within half a meter of Li Changsheng's body, the bullet was banned from the air as if it had encountered an invisible barrier.

Then, with the flick of Li Changsheng's finger, the countless bullets immediately turned around and flew towards the position of hengrou man.

"Puff, puff, puff!"

Just for a moment, there were several blood holes in hengrou man's body, and then he fell straight to the ground.

Silence, silence.

The legs of Feng Nan's men were shaking.

And Feng Nan himself was filled with despair, which was simply an immortal means.

Even bullets can be manipulated. It's terrible.

"Let go!"

Li Changsheng snorted coldly. Feng Nan reacted and immediately untied the rope on Wen pengfeng's son.


The little boy ran over crying and threw himself into Wen pengfeng's arms.

Even if Wen pengfeng is one of the leaders in the border, he can't help tears at the moment.

On the other side, Feng Nan was so frightened that he knelt in front of Li Changsheng.

"Please forgive me, Mr. Li."

At the moment, Li Changsheng is almost like God in his eyes.

"You said your son worshipped under the door of Wei Chi lie, the supreme elder of Huashan. Did Wei Chi lie say anything else besides asking for revenge?"

Hearing Li Changsheng's question, Feng Nan dared not hide it and hurried to say.

"Uh huh! He also said he was looking for a treasure."

"When did he leave?"

Li Changsheng frowned.

Once Wei Chi lie returns to China and can't find himself, what can he do if he lays hands on his relatives?

There was a sudden sense of urgency in his heart.

"He left ten days ago."

Hearing Feng Nan's words, Li Changsheng nodded.

Cold voice said: "I should have killed you with one hand, but for your sake, I'll spare you a dog's life."

"From now on, dissolve your subordinates immediately and be a rich man honestly. Do you hear me?"

"Yes, thank you, Mr. Li."

Feng Nan knelt on the ground and constantly kowtowed to Li Changsheng.

He's got a life in vain.

"Well, boss Wen, I've done what I promised you. I'm going back to China now."

Li Changsheng felt like an arrow in his heart.

Because he delays one point here, Yu Youwei and others are in greater danger.

"OK, Mr. Li, I'll send a car to take you back."

When Wen pengfeng finished, he saw Li Changsheng shaking his head.

A flying sword was sacrificed in his hand, and then he stepped on it and disappeared into the sky in an instant.

At this moment, everyone in the field stared.

"Yujian Feixian, Mr. Li is really an immortal!"


Li Changsheng flew all the way back to Qingzhou.

So that his strong body, which has broken through to the peak of congenital environment, can't bear it.

After all, it is the flying of the imperial sword. Walking through the sky with the help of the flying sword is not really getting rid of the gravity, and the consumption of the real yuan has reached a terrible level.

After returning to Qingzhou, he lay down on a big tree and rested for 20 minutes before he felt that his body had strength.

First, I called all the people I knew and was relieved to learn that they didn't encounter anything unusual now.

He destroyed the whole Huashan sect. The supreme elder of Huashan sect will never show mercy to his relatives and friends.

When you call Yu Youwei, she says she is shopping with two classmates.

Bi Chang, who took the driver's license test with her last time, and her boyfriend Zeng pan asked Li Changsheng if he wanted to go there.

Li Changsheng nodded.

When they came to the square, Yu Youwei and she were sitting in a snack stand.

Zeng pan saw Li Changsheng's identity in the driving school last time. This meeting was obviously a little reserved.

After sitting down, Li Changsheng ordered a coke.

They are probably hungry. Yu Youwei and Bi Chang are better, while Zeng pan wolfs down.

Finally, he wiped his mouth when he was full, turned on his mobile phone and brushed the news at will.

Suddenly a piece of news attracted Zeng Pan's attention and showed it to his girlfriend Bi Chang.

"Why do you think this man is so like Li Changsheng?"

Bi Chang took a look and was surprised.

The headline of the news is very eye-catching. "God stones are unearthed at the border, and many big men go one after another." "mysterious people are not afraid of bullets."

The image above is still relatively clear. There are Wen pengfeng and others sitting on the high platform, including many rich people under the stage. Only one young man took his back.

Even Yu Youwei showed some curiosity. She came over to have a look and said, "it's very similar to Changsheng, but the title is too exaggerated."

"A man uses his flesh to block bullets. He thinks he is an immortal."

Nearby Bi Chang also compounded: "these small editors now dare to write anything up in order to attract people's attention."

Li Changsheng glanced and was slightly surprised.

I didn't expect that there were reporters confused about the border on that day. Fortunately, I only photographed one back of myself.

"There are many follow-up stories about this, and there are videos as evidence. The next article will expose it for everyone..." this is the end of the article.

Zeng pan is obviously very interested in this news. After he returns, he refreshes it again. He hopes to see what is written at the end of the article: "it must be this reporter's nonsense, so he is prohibited from publishing these strange and chaotic contents. Now there is real-time monitoring on the network."

Bi Chang said so.

Zeng pan and Yu Youwei agreed.

Li Changsheng is thinking that this supernatural event may occur many times a year, and the state must have control in order not to cause social unrest.

Just like this news, it was deleted immediately after it was published. It can be seen that the border affairs have probably spread to the tables of those big people, and they have also made a response.

Just this doesn't mean that he has fallen into the sight of security organizations.