When the net fell, the girl sneered.

"This hateful outsider clearly heard him say that if he wanted to fight his people, he must teach him some lessons."

Only her smile just rose and solidified on her face.

In the face of the big net falling from the sky, Li Changsheng just took a step forward gently, stretched out his palm and clapped it in front of him.

Then the strong net that could trap the tiger and leopard was torn from the middle and scattered with fragments under the palm strength. It was so understated that it was broken by Li Changsheng.

"How is that possible?"

The girl's eyes widened, but the next moment her eyes blossomed, and a figure appeared in front of her, with her fingers against her jade like neck.

"Little girl, I came with great sincerity. If you are so rude again, don't blame me for destroying flowers."

Li Changsheng smiled faintly.

The Miao people around them were holding weapons one by one and looked at Li Changsheng nervously, afraid that Li Changsheng would hurt their second miss a Zhu Na.

A Zhu looked at Li Changsheng, who was close at hand, and subconsciously swallowed a mouthful of saliva. She was about to say something threatening, but she saw that Li Changsheng had taken back his fingers against his neck and looked at her faintly.

Ah Zhu blushed. Knowing that she met an expert, she said, "well, it's my abrupt guest."

Then he muttered a string of words to the subordinates behind him, and then saw that those people put away their weapons.

"Since I know the three elders, that's the distinguished guest of my Shijia stronghold. Please."

Azuna made a gesture of invitation.

Li Changsheng and Liu Chong nodded and took the lead.

The Miao people behind them also moved their feet and stared at Li Changsheng.

Since Li Changsheng almost hurt their young lady just now, their hostility to Li Changsheng has not disappeared.

Azuna, who followed Li Changsheng, patted her chest with lingering fear.

At that moment, when Li Changsheng put his finger on her neck, she had a fear like facing death.

"This guy is not old. He is really terrible, but he is so powerful. If you can ask him for help, there will be hope for that..."

Under the leadership of azuna, Li Changsheng and a group of people from shijiazhai walked through the dense forest.

The road ahead is becoming more and more rugged. Turn left and right for a while. Suddenly, it suddenly opens up, and the trees become scarce. A stream appears in front of several people. The stream is sparkling and reflects the sun, like a dream.

On the other side of the stream, an ancient stockade appeared in front of Li Changsheng.

"The scenery is so beautiful!"

Even Li Changsheng couldn't help sighing.

No wonder people here don't want to get close to the outside world. In such a quiet place, the arrival of outsiders will break their original track.

Only Liu Chong saw Li Changsheng as like as two peas in the face. He felt the same as he had been here for the first time. Only when he really touched the people in the mountains, would he know that everything was not so good as he had seen.

Led by azuna, several people smoothly entered shijiazhai.

They were invited into the hall, and azuna asked someone to report.

Soon an old man in his 60s came out. Just after seeing Liu Chong, he laughed and said, "it's really master Liu."

The three elders of shijiazhai are named Guo Xiaolong. He entertained Liu Chong and his master when they came here a few years ago.

When he saw Li Changsheng next to Liu Chong, he wondered, "Master Liu, is this your apprentice?"

Liu Chong shook his head quickly.

"I don't have this qualification. This is Mr. Li. He is a monk with real strength. His ability is much better than me."


The three elders showed surprise in Guoxiao's longan and looked at Li Changsheng curiously.

Master Liu knows his strength very well, but now Liu Chong even says that the young man in front of him is even stronger than him.

At this time, ah Zhu next to him said something in his ear. The eyes of the three elders became brighter and brighter, and the eyes of Li Changsheng became more and more enthusiastic.

"My name is Li Changsheng. Nice to meet you."

Li Changsheng stretched out his hand to the three elders.

The third elder was stunned on his face, and then he saluted Li Changsheng with a fist.

Li Changsheng was not surprised to know that although the three elders seemed to have some communication with the outside world, they should still stay a long time ago. He didn't understand the foreign gift of shaking hands.

"What an isolated place!"

Li Changsheng sighed.

"Mr. Li has strong strength at a young age. If he is really a young hero, the second lady of my family said that Mr. Li can tear our special net with one move. He must have a cultivation of no less than five layers of Qi practice?"

"Mr. Li is an expert in practicing Qi."

Liu Chong explained.

The three elders' eyes brightened.

"Three elders, Mr. Li and I came this time to explore the ancient cave again. We don't know the way. We want someone from shijiazhai to help us as a guide."

Liu Chong said straight to the point.


The three elders hesitated on their faces.

In those days, the leader of shijiazhai personally served as a tour guide for Liu Chong's master, but he never returned. Shijiazhai people had a natural fear of that place.

"This time we just need your people to take us to that place, and then we can leave. It won't be a little dangerous."

Liu Chong hurriedly explained.

"So it is."

The Third Elder nodded.

"It's nothing to be a guide, but..."

Three elders, Guo Xiaolong, showed embarrassment.

"But what, three elders might as well say something directly."

Liu Chong saw that the three elders seemed to have something to hide.

"Well, there is a stronghold called Mashi stronghold on the only way to enter the 100000 mountain. Some time ago, there were several conflicts with our Shijia stronghold because of competing for a piece of land. If you want to enter the depths of the 100000 mountain, you must pass through Mashi stronghold. If our people led you into the mountain, they would definitely intercept it. The people of our Shijia stronghold were not afraid of him Ladies and gentlemen, an expert has been invited to Mashi stronghold recently. His strength is very terrible, so... "

Li Changsheng understood. It turned out that shijiazhai met a strong enemy.

"It's all right. As long as you shijiazhai are willing to send someone to show us the way, it's just a Ma corpse village. I'll help you solve it."

Li Changsheng suddenly opened his mouth.

The three elders were overjoyed.

"OK, Mr. Li, I'll arrange for you to stay now. I'll start tomorrow and go to the depths of 100000 mountains."

Ah Zhu, the second young lady next to her, also showed joy on her face and muttered: "the people of Mashi stronghold hurt many of our people several times before. This time, if they dare to stop in the depths of the mountain, let them know that my Shijia stronghold is not easy to bully..."