A Sophora tree parachutes to the western regions, and immediately makes the whole western regions for it.

Cang Hui, the head of the Youhuai clan, is the abbot of Xiankong of the demon emperor's ganye temple, frowning: "Zhongtu and Nanhuang, send someone to inquire about the situation first."

People nodded: "this should be, but what about the dark locust?"

Abbot Xiankong said: "you can also go to ask. Maybe you want to contact the alliance, but..."

He didn't finish, but everyone else knew what he was worried about.

If we talk about contact, we won't have Cang Hui, the patriarch, come here in person?

Even if you want to come, just a leaf.

Now that the whole dark locust tree has been moved here, it is unusual to see it.

"It may be the same as those in central Turkey." Jiefeng said.

Abbot huaiyong and others nodded slightly.

If we say it's a refugee, it makes sense for Cang Hui to come up with the whole tree.

But doesn't that mean that Nanhuang has been captured by Chang'an?

The news of the great Qian Dynasty in the Middle Kingdom has just come back.

Were the soldiers of Chang'an city divided into two ways, attacking the great Qian Dynasty in the Middle Kingdom and attacking the Southern Huang you Luo Yuan at the same time?

Their strength, however, should not be underestimated

"If that's the case, it's not that the soldiers are divided into two ways, but three at the same time." The abbot of Yuanfeng of Huanshan temple said at this time.

Everyone else was looking at him.

The abbot of Yuanfeng met everyone's eyes: "Confucius Shengzhen, a Confucianist in the middle land, escaped here. Have you heard about it?"

The people nodded, and the abbot of Yuanfeng added: "I just got the news that they fled from the Middle Earth because of the" sword demon "Su Po. At the same time, Su Po was looking for Gao Shihui in Beimang. It is said that he found the sea between the Middle Earth and the western regions."

The abbot huaiyong of Dabei temple and Xie Feng, the leader of the prison dragon sect, looked at each other: "so it is. Is it that Su Po and Gao Shihui fought each other to make such a big noise in the wild sea before?"

"It's not certain, but it's possible." The abbot of Yuanfeng said: "if this is really the case, then Chang'an will be attacked by Beimang, Zhongtu and Nanhuang at the same time."

Abbot Xiankong of guanye Temple breathed out a long breath: "Twelve hell Of course, they have this ability, but in this way, they are more powerful than the previous rumors in China. "

Abbot huaiyong said: "as for the movement of the wasteland sea, some disciples of our temple went to investigate, but they never came back, which worried the poor monk."

Xie Feng said: "there are also elders and disciples missing in our sect."

When the crowd heard the words, they were all silent.

A moment later, the abbot Jingge of Longxiang temple, who had not spoken before, opened his mouth to break the silence: "contact some benefactors from China."

The others nodded in silence.

It seems that China and the western regions will unite again.

"That locust tree It's better to be careful first. " Abbot jingo continued: "if he really wants to seek refuge or seek alliance, he should take the initiative to contact us."

"Nanhuang, let's have a look at the news." Abbot huaiyong said.

Abbot Jingge put his palms together: "what the martial uncle said is very true."

After a pause, he said slowly again, "besides, we Would you like to contact the pure land

Abbot huaiyong, abbot Xiankong and Abbot Yuanfeng were all slightly silent, and then nodded slowly: "the twelve Yama are coming back. We'd better inform them for prudence."

Xie Feng was listening, his eyes flashed slightly.

The "pure land" mentioned in abbot Jingge's words is not the pure land of the evolution of the supernatural powers of Buddhist Dharma Masters, but the Xiniu Hezhou.

There, it is the true pure land of Buddhism, even more Eastern than Shenzhou and western regions.

The inheritance of Buddhism in Dongsheng Shenzhou was slowly infiltrated by the western regions.

And Dongsheng Shenzhou, the western regions here, is derived from the ancient times, Xiniu Hezhou.

There, is the source of Dongsheng Shenzhou Buddhism inheritance.

Over the years, the relationship between the two sides has actually weakened a lot.

Just like the great Leiyin temple in the Middle Kingdom, it hopes to maintain its independence from Buddhism in the western regions.

The Dabei temple and ganye temple in the western regions of Dongsheng have their own plans to maintain their independence outside Xiniu Hezhou.

However, at present, there is an important crisis. Abbot huaiyong and others have to shake off their previous concerns.

For Xie Feng, this is the key to his choice.

Behind the Buddhism schools in the western regions, there is a higher pure land of Buddhism.

If not, it would be easier for the prison Dragon School to choose between Buddhism in the western regions and Chang'an city.

In the western regions, they were beaten down by Buddhism.

Now Chang'an city is coming, which is the east wind of liberation.

But the question is, in the future, will there be a time when the west wind will again overtake the east wind?

How to make a specific choice will test the leader Xie FengHowever, for the schools in the western regions, the first priority is to understand Chang'an, understand the present Central Plains, and even the changes in the northern Mang and southern wilderness areas, and collect information before making the next decision.

All of these scouts, without exception, ran into the invincible city and were cooked up by Zhang Dongyun.

What he regretted was that Abbot Xie Feng and Abbot huaiyong were extremely cautious. They only sent their disciples to inquire about the news, and did not intend to commit any danger in person.

So Zhang Cheng looked at the temporary expansion time of the day gradually passed, but couldn't catch a big fish.

Now he can only hope that the Taowu family and the nine holy palace can help him to catch big fish from Dongsheng Shenzhou.

Unfortunately, Lord Zhang is doomed to be disappointed.

The ancestral land of Taowu people in Nanzhan Prefecture is more dangerous than the evil Tongfeng in Dongsheng Shenzhou.

It has a bronze luster, but a black mountain range stretches for thousands of miles.

There is no sign of life on the mountain except for the numerous Taowu that are active.

From the mountain range outward expansion, is a larger area of desert, continue to outward for thousands of miles, just gradually there are signs of life.

Taowu, who lives here, is more powerful than Dongsheng Shenzhou in the south.

In front of Taowu, the peak of the demon emperor, he was a member of the same clan, shivering.

In the face of the same clan's request for help, the Taowu clan chief in Nanzhan Buzhou just uttered a strange roar: "since the day you left, it has nothing to do with my family. If you die clean, what can I do?"

After that, he did not wait for the old Taowu to open his mouth again, and then he waved his paw out.

Then the other party became a rolling gourd, rolling into the side of the bare Black Mountains.

Those who asked for help from the nine holy palaces were a little lucky than Taowu.

At least, there's no need to be beaten.

However, the elder of the nine holy palaces, who has cultivated in the 13th state of the devil's road, has to stand with his hands tied up and wait for his fate.

In front of him, a young man in white thought: "Twelve hell..."

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