Miao Tong saw that he could not do anything to Li Jie for a while, so he simply took it with his own family and country.

However, as soon as the "giant tripod" entered his family and country, it immediately penetrated the independent world and could not be suppressed in it.

Li Yeyu and snake meteorite fight at the same time, said: "do not continue to entangle, we go first."

He must inform the elders of Jiufeng academy as soon as possible about the strange changes in front of two people and one demon.

Zen master Zhiguang and Miao Tong obviously share the same view.

Although it is difficult for them to defeat their opponents for a time, they still have a chance to go.

So the three showed their own tricks, temporarily forced back three opponents, and then immediately continued to withdraw westward.

Chang'an two people a demon refused to give up, still continue to pursue.

At the same time, Li Yeyu responds to the attack of the pursuers behind him, and unfolds his teacher Shen Hao's words like a face book.

However, he found that the ink characters on the books seemed to be suppressed by some invisible existence.

The pen and ink were shaking on the paper, but they didn't work properly.

Li Yeyu is surprised and turns to look at Miao Tong on the other side.

However, Miao Tong, with the calligraphy written by Chao Yun, the head of Hongping academy, is also shocked and looks at him.

The ink on the other side's calligraphy and painting also seems to be constrained and suppressed by some invisible force, so it is difficult to play the role of the magic power of seeing characters like face.

"Who is it?"

When they were shocked, they all felt a little moved.

Including Zen master Zhiguang, everyone raised their eyes and looked forward.

In front of the clouds, two figures, one tall and one short, appeared.

Tall woman, looking about 20 years old, beautiful and handsome.

Next to her was a girl who looked eleven or two years old, carved in powder and jade.

Seeing such a group of some strange combinations, Li Yeyu's three are slightly stunned.

Zhuo sin from the rear is equally unexpected.

He and Li Jie have seen Ming Yixue, the servant of Daming Palace, and both he and Li Jie have also seen the classical theory of Hongping Academy in Qie Yuandi, intending to weaken each other's knife light.

However, compared with Li Jie's fist power before, this knife light is really fierce.

Almost in an instant, the light of the sword directly cuts through the light fog.

Under the light of the knife, the fog broke out directly.

Miao Tong was shocked when he saw this.

At his side, Li Yeyu hastens to praise Miao Tong with his own words.

With his help, Miao Tong's "different ways from the South" has finally reached a new level.

However, the knife light, which cuts through the mist, is still moving forward.

Although the speed is much slower than before, but still cut open the fog, cut to Miao Tong.

With his lips dead and his teeth cold, Zen master Zhiguang immediately took action.

Under the blessing of the seal of the outer lion, a form of Amitabha palm evolves into an infinite light lotus table, which strikes the side of the sword.

The light of the knife vibrated slightly, and the forward momentum finally stopped temporarily.

Li Yeyu, Zen master Zhiguang and Miao Tong finally managed to catch the knife.

The light of the knife is still not broken, just temporarily stopped.

Zen master Zhiguang is trying to break it, but they see a scene that makes them want to crack their liver and gall.

The tall woman's expression is calm, then immediately is a knife to chop.

One knife after another.

Under the chain of seven sabres, the light of the sabre gathers together.

A bright ocean of light, it seems to show even brighter seven points of light, shaped like the handle of the Big Dipper.

The seven stars were broken, and the terrible power of destroying all things broke out.

It destroyed Zen master Zhiguang's Lotus platform and destroyed his hands and arms.

It annihilates the mist formed by Miao Tong's classical theory of "the South and the north", and then cuts him into several sections.

Although Li Yeyu only blessed Miao Tong with his own magic power, he also screamed.

The powerful sword of the other side seems to be cut against the invisible literary talent, which severely damages Li Yeyu's spirit.

Li Yeyu only feels that in his mind, it seems that there are seven stars broken, which blow up his spirit.

All of a sudden, the three masters of the 11th level in China lost control and fell to the sea.

Zhuo sin gaped at this scene, completely lost his voice.

The serpentine meteorite was also shocked.

He knew that this girl Lin was extremely powerful, but at the moment he saw the other side's hand and really realized the horror.

Li Jie is the most normal person at present.

He skimmed over the sea with the help of Li Yeyu, Zen master Zhiguang and Miao Tong.

Among them, Miao Tong's limbs were all broken, and his trunk was cut into two sections. Seeing that he had inhaled more air and had less air out, he was about to die.

Li Yeyu's spirit suffered a heavy blow, and Zen master Zhiguang lost his arms. However, both of them still had some fighting power and barely resisted Li Jie.But both of them are at the end of their tether. Li Jie punches one punch at a time, so that they are all honest.

Zhuo sin and snake meteorite came back to their senses and quickly came forward to help them deal with the captives.

After shaking the seven swords, Chu has already put the knife into the scabbard, calmly watching the other three people being captured by Li Jie and them.

She turned to Shen and Rong beside her and said, "I'll go and keep my eyes on the middle earth side and let me know if there is news."

In front of Li Jie and others, Shen and Rong paid attention to his words and attitude: "yes, master."

She took a green eye from her hat and gave it to her.

The two Qing Tianyan of the eastern Tang Dynasty have now fallen into her hands. She keeps one of them and gives the other to Chu Yaoguang.

Chu Yaoguang nodded slightly, took things, turned away.

Shen and Rong made a Taoist Jishou to Li Jie, Zhuo sin and Xieshe meteorite: "please take care of them."

"I don't deserve it. Come on my back." The meteorite said.

The other side looked at him as a young man, but he was a servant of Daming Palace.

That was the man in front of his majesty. To a certain extent, he was not inferior to Mr. Wu Yun and Mr. Zhang.

So the serpent meteorite didn't dare to be rude.

Zhuo sin, Li Jie also dare not, and then shake light to Chu to say goodbye.

Chu Yaoguang turned around and went back to the Western wasteland.

Shen and Li Jie go back with the captives.

She glanced at Li Yeyu of Jiufeng academy without saying much.

Chang'an City, Daming Palace in Zhang Dongyun, look at the two pictures of light and shadow.

One comes from the blue sky eye of Chu Yaoguang, whose vision is similar to that of Chu Yaoguang himself. At present, he can only see the vast blue sea, but can't see Chu Yaoguang's expression.

The other is derived from the seal on Li Jie's forehead, showing Shen Herong's posture.

After thinking for a moment, Zhang Dongyun calls up the system task list to refresh:

[random defense task 8.6 - capture or kill Li Yeyu, a student of Jiufeng Academy who is against Chang'an, Miao Tong, a teacher of Hongping academy, and Zhiguang, the elder of Lingguang Temple]

[capture Li Yeyu, Zhiguang and Miao Tong, who are enemies of Chang'an, to complete random defense task 7.4 and gain upgrade experience nine Fortunately, Chu Yaoguang did not kill Miao Tong on the spot.

Miao Tong, who was seriously injured and dying, was caught by Li Jie and others, and hung up on the way back.

Otherwise, if it's a task, you can only count Li Yeyu and Zen master Zhiguang.

Because Chu Yaoguang had never been to the city, he was not recognized as a guest of Chang'an like Shen Herong and aokong.

If Miao Tong is killed by him on the spot, the system will calculate the task reward.

After Miao Tong is captured by Li Jie, it doesn't matter whether he is alive or dead.

The most important thing is that the city master Zhang has 3000 experience points.

Strictly speaking, only Li Yeyu is allowed to live.

The higher the level of the enemy, the more rewarding the system computing task is.

Although the city Lord Zhang suffered a lot of bleeding, he continued to upgrade three places, Viper meteorite, Li Jie and Zhuo sin, as the 11th level. The amount of experience points consumed was also huge, which was 9000 points.

But it is necessary.

Take Li Yeyu three people, just all earn back.

If Li Jie and his three are not promoted, they will inevitably run away.

City Lord Zhang couldn't determine the exact location of the other side, so he couldn't direct Chu Yaoguang and Shen Herong to intercept him accurately.

Although Li Yeyu did not lose or make money on the three, they still gave the city Lord Zhang a gift:

[random guard task 8.2 - kill or capture Qian Haofeng, a Jiufeng college student who entered the city]

[the city master's subordinate captured Qian Haofeng who entered the city, completed the random guard task 8.2, and obtained 2000 upgrade experience]

earned 2000 points At the same time, he earned two students from Jiufeng Academy.

Especially Li Yeyu, one of the two.

At a young age, he has the cultivation strength of the 11th state of Confucianism. I believe it will be closer to the center of Jiufeng academy than Qian Haofeng, Liao Ping and Zhang Zhongxing.

Even better, Shen and Rong finally came back.

Zhang Dongyun has a hunch that the other party should have a good talk with his big brother.

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