The seven countries in eastern Xinjiang, which have been in chaos for many years, have all become history.

From now on, there will be only one voice in eastern Xinjiang.

The voice of the Lord of Chang'an.

Although Chang'an city itself did not intend to hold a celebration, people from all over the eastern Xinjiang went to Chang'an to see him.

Therefore, the people of Jin and Chen came naturally and quickly.

The Wei family helped Chang'an to stabilize the land of Jin Dynasty.

Their upfront investment is fully rewarded at this moment.

This time, there is no need for Wei kunxuan to replace him. Wei Chong, the head of the Wei family, went to Chang'an city to congratulate and meet in person.

When he saw Mr. Wu Yun in Tianshu hall, he found that there were other people here.

One Confucianism, one Taoism and one martial arts.

For Wei Chong, the scene is all acquaintances.

Yiru was the head of Jiguang academy, Yuan Zhe, who was the same as him and Wei.

The Eastern Jin Dynasty is one of the most popular Confucian schools among the seven states in the eastern Xinjiang.

In addition to Wei Chong and Yuan Zhe, there are many great Confucians.

Academies spread all over the country, and most of the famous families established themselves by Confucianism.

Together, he is the master of Lin Shan Temple and the Taoist priest of wind.

In the Eastern Jin Dynasty, he was second only to the master of sanxinggong Tianlu Zhenren.

In the past, Linshan temple and sanxinggong were called the same.

But in recent years, Tianlu Zhenren's cultivation strength and sanxinggong's influence have not stopped rising.

In the Eastern Jin Dynasty, Linshan temple was severely suppressed by sanxinggong.

Now sanxinggong is declining because of its resistance to Chang'an, while Linshan temple is following Chang'an and taking advantage of the situation to rise.

There is a big man beside Yuanzhe and Hefeng daoren. He is full of Qi and blood, showing the strength of Wudao guixiong in the eighth frontier. He is the leader of Jieshi sect, the largest martial arts school in the Eastern Jin Dynasty.

The military style of the Eastern Jin Dynasty was not prosperous.

In addition to the Royal Sima family, Jieshi school is the strongest.

When the iron hoof of Chang'an comes, Xiong Yao immediately returns with his disciples.

The reason is that they were the first group of people to welcome them, and then they knew that the Wei family had been in secret contact for a long time.

At this moment, when Xiong Yao saw Wei rushing in, he could not help turning his face to one side.

Wei Chong, as if nothing had happened, saluted Mr. Wu Yun: "Old Wei Chong, I wanted to see your majesty and Mr. Wu Yun for a long time, but I had no time before. Now I finally have the chance. I'm really surprised."

"No gift."

Mr. Wu Yun gave an indifferent command.

His eyes crossed the faces of the two Confucians, one Taoist and one martial artist: "if it is unnecessary, I won't say much more. The post of director of the land of Jin will be temporarily suspended, and those who have done meritorious deeds will live there.

Although both your majesty and I want Jin people to govern Jin, if you don't have a suitable candidate, I will follow your Majesty's will and choose from other places. Do you understand? "

Wei Chong four people, Qi Qi said: "please rest assured."

Mr. Wu Yun nodded his head, then gently waved his hand, and the four retired.

Wei Chong and Yuan Zhe, two great Confucians of the ninth state, looked at each other.

Although the meritorious live in it, not the able.

But if you want to make great contributions to Chang'an, there is no doubt that the stronger the strength and power, the more confident you will be.

Therefore, in the land of Jin, it is obvious that the two practitioners of the ninth realm are each other's most important competitors.

When a group of people came out of the hall in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, they met another group of people.

Wei Chong, Yuan Zhe, Hefeng Taoist and Xiong Yao all had a slight twinkle in their eyes.

There are three people, one is martial arts, one is Taoism, and the other is Confucianism.

For Wei Chong and others, although all of them came from Nanchen, they all knew each other.

The king of Wudao in the ninth state was a real rich king.

Chen Wang, Chen Mengyang.

In the past, in addition to Sima Xuan, the king of Jin, the only living monarch in the seven states of eastern Xinjiang.

Compared with Sima Xuan who was directly captured, Chen Mengyang is now free.

He had submitted himself to Chang'an on his own initiative, and avoided the fate of his own and the Nanchen royal family.

As a ninth level master, as long as he is sincere and obedient and follows the rules of Chang'an City, there will even be places for him to be used in the future.

However, whether we can return to the old place is a question.

For the choice of Chen Mengyang and the southern Chen royal family, there are many popular views in eastern Xinjiang.

Some praised them for their understanding of the current affairs and did not confront Chang'an.

There are people who praise their love for the people, who can't bear to lose their lives and conform to the general trend.

Of course, there are also people who think that Chen Mengyang lacks dignity and integrity.

Because Chang'an is now unifying the eastern Xinjiang and the general trend of the times, the latter's arguments are naturally very few and can only be spread in a small range in private.

At this time, Wei Chong and others observed Chen Mengyang and found that he had a good bearing and a stable expression.Obviously, the former king Chen, after making a decision, will no longer tangle.

The Taoist priest around Chen Mengyang is the real person who teaches Huifang in Fulu palace.

Like Wei Chong, as a force that Chang'an had taken refuge in before the March, Fulu palace took advantage of the situation to expand in the old Chen area, and it was a time of complacency.

However, when Huifang came to visit Chang'an, his attitude was still very low.

The Taoist Yanzhi has told his master about ziri Laomo, Gu Hechuan and, most importantly, the snake meteorite.

In the face of such a vast city of Chang'an, Huifang does not dare to be slighted.

As a real person in the ninth state of Taoism, he used to face the king Chen beside him.

But now, the old Taoist priest is humble like a Taoist child.

He deeply knew that this Chang'an city was far from being comparable to the old Nanchen Wangting.

If Fulu palace can make a good impression on the people, it is possible for the whole clan to go up to a higher level.

Compared with Chen Mengyang and Huifang, a middle-aged Confucian scholar in the ninth realm, is much more low-key.

He Fangping is the contemporary master of he family, a famous family in Nanchen.

He's family was established by Confucianism, and he Fangping himself was the eighth statesman. He was the great scholar in the southern Chen Dynasty after Xu Feng in the past.

Now that Xu Feng has fallen, he Fangping is basically the person with the highest Confucian cultivation strength in the southeast of eastern Xinjiang.

In the face of the arrival of the Chang'an army, he and his family were also determined to yield.

However, he Fangping and he's family are upset that the Nanchen royal family has not been destroyed.

The royal family has always looked down upon them. If Chen Mengyang continues to gain a firm foothold in the old Chen area, then everyone will return to Chang'an, and the life of the he family will not be easy.

In the Eastern Jin Dynasty and the southern Chen Dynasty, the two sides were facing each other and nodded to each other as a courtesy, but they did not speak.

Everyone passed in silence.

Chen Mengyang, Huifang Zhenren and he Fangping met Mr. Wu Yun.

Mr. Wu Yun is still under the same command.

He finally looked at Chen Mengyang: "you can go back and take advantage of the opportunity yourself."

"Thank you for your grace, Mr. Xie for your grace." Chen Mengyang gave a gift.

To be honest, he was a little surprised himself.

He thought that he and the Chen family of the royal family would be forced to leave the old Chen land and find another place to start again.

I never thought that Chang'an City allowed them to continue to breed in the old Chen area.

They were once kings.

Although Chen is still in the position of director of the land, Chen Mengyang, as the former king and the Ninth level master, undoubtedly has great advantages in this respect.

Chang'an, don't you worry that their Chen family will become the Lord of Chen land again?

…… Yes, they don't worry.

If the Chen family has more ideas, the snake in the realm of demon emperor will be killed immediately.

Chen Mengyang has a clear mind.

The other side has enough self-confidence and enough tolerance.

However, in accordance with the rules of Chang'an, Chen Mengyang was confident of fighting for the position of director of Chen.

He Fangping and the real person Huifang beside him are not so happy.

For Huifang Zhenren, Chen Mengyang's return to the old place of Chen must slow down his pace of helping the deer palace to expand, and may even lose his gains.

He Fangping began to seriously consider whether he wanted to find other places to move and settle down.

In addition to the southern Chen and Eastern Jin Dynasties, the Northern Qi and southern Liang dynasties, and Zhang Dongyun did not immediately arrange responsible personnel.

However, the eastern Tang, Western Chu and Western Zhou had their own supervisors.

Zhou earth manager, the least suspense, is assumed by Zhuo sin, the leader of Huang Lei sect.

From a practical and realistic point of view, it is more appropriate to discuss comprehensive ability, especially the ability to manage all kinds of things in a vast territory. Cao Ranran, the president of the Academy of classical learning, is more appropriate.

Confucian practitioners have objective advantages in this respect.

But Zhuo sin, as the first top expert in the Western Zhou Dynasty to devote himself to Chang'an, has made the most contributions these days.

Therefore, in the end, he will take over the post of manager next week.

While Huang Lei sent people to cheer, there were also some disturbing things.

In addition to this deputy director, there are two weeks.

On weekdays, the deputy director assists in following the general manager's dispatch.

However, the deputy director has the right to reserve opinions and report directly to Chang'an.

In terms of power and function, one chief, two deputy and three chief managers are directly responsible to Chang'an city.

One of the two deputy directors, this time naturally can not run away from Cao Ranran, the dean of Liaoyuan Academy.

Another deputy director was a little unexpected, because it was not from the Western Zhou Dynasty, but Zhang Chong, the elder of Longmen in Dahe, the land of the Tang Dynasty.

This makes people from all walks of life murmur in their hearts.But when we think about it, we feel that it is reasonable.

Although Zhou people rule Zhou is a great principle, Chang'an always wants to extend its influence.

Chang'an does not worry about the rebellion, and can be pacified by every move.

But if you can have less trouble, it's better to have less trouble.

Moreover, the eastern Xinjiang has been unified.

Although Chang'an still has the position of seven prefectures, the concept of seven states in eastern Xinjiang will gradually fade away.

In the end, the concept of eastern Xinjiang and Chang'an was the only one.

Personnel exchanges between the seven places will become normal in the future.

Considering this, all the people in Zhoudi were relieved.

What's more, the position of the chief executive is not fixed.

They strive for meritorious deeds, and there is no possibility that they will replace them in the future.

If we say that in the land of Zhou Dynasty, at least Zhuo sin is still the chief manager, the situation in Chu is somewhat unexpected.

The position of the chief inspector of Chu fell on Li Qiong's head. , the fastest update of the webnovel!