Through the blue sky eye on Shen He Rong's head, Zhang Dongyun in the Daming Palace watched them leave Chang'an.

It's hard to make a conclusion whether the magic dragon is aokong or not.

If so, I hope they will succeed in bringing each other back.

Zhang Dongyun was sitting on the back of his chair, looking at the mirror of water waves reflected in his eyes.

From Longbei County, where Chang'an is located, to Xinyuan County, with Huiming's strength, it still takes some time.

While they were on their way, the city Lord Zhang put his mind on his Tianshu temple.

Guard experience task, now is very close to the standard.

However, there is still a long way to go in building experience tasks.

Zhang Dongyun recalled similar things on his previous blue star, while comparing the current reality of Chang'an city.

First of all, business and taxation should be planned first.

At present, the eastern and western cities of Chang'an have their own responsible persons.

However, in addition to the eastern and western cities, Chang'an city should continue to develop commerce and trade and expand its network.

Especially now, in a broad sense, Chang'an is not only the coverage of the invincible City, but also the more peripheral Longbei County, as well as Hexi county which is gradually incorporated into the half way.

If there is a business like Turquoise crystal or wood, you can also give it to a special person to expand the way. Mr. Wu Yun doesn't have to pick up his own business.

In terms of tax revenue, with Longbei county and Hexi County under control, all local affairs should be brought under their own administrative framework.

Imperial power does not go to the countryside, which is definitely not allowed.

Of course, limited to the cost of message transmission, even in this world where practitioners have great powers and move mountains and seas, we still need to work hard in this respect to see the results.

It is believed that Longbei county and Hexi county need to establish their own translation context.

The bottom of the capillary convergence, came to the Tianshu palace, also need a unique large blood vessels.

Chang'an city also needs transportation and communication departments on blue star.

These two departments are even more important in order to gain authority in local areas.

The future control scope and influence scope of Chang'an city can not be limited to Longbei and Hexi counties.

From this point of view, agriculture, water conservancy and so on should be upgraded.

Chang'an City initially received a large number of refugees, which could solve the most important problem of food. Relying on the invincible City, Lord Zhang forced the cultivation of heaven and earth, played with his life and helped the seedlings, and used a large amount of aura as fertilizer, and even affected the climate around the heaven and earth to a certain extent, so that he could harvest a large amount of food in a short time and solve the problem of eating for the people in the city.

But this method can only be used within the invincible City, not outside the invincible city and outside the Qinzhou government.

Of course, he can grow crops and vegetables in the city, and then transport them to various places.

But if it's not time, Zhang Dongyun doesn't like this unhealthy way of operation.

…… Besides, it took him a lot of trouble.

The lazy City Lord Zhang still hopes to control the majority of the people and move on by themselves.

Do it yourself, get enough food and clothing.

Of course, he can help at the beginning.

For example, Tiangong temple can cooperate with the agricultural and water conservancy departments under his highness Tianshu to innovate agricultural tools, even to select good varieties, and even to study high-efficiency fertilizers in the world.

After the success of the city, through the efficient network, open branches and scattered leaves to all parts of the city.

Now, it's just the shelves that need to be put up first.

City Lord Zhang Dongyi hammer, West a stick, little by little will Tianshu Royal Highness under the jurisdiction of the Department out.

In fact, it's OK to say that as a traveler from the blue star society, there is something Zhang Dongyun really cares about.


If an advanced financial system can be established, it will have a great impact on the world with the background of feudal society.

At the beginning, it is even possible to reduce the dimension and attack the neighboring regimes.

You can't kill them without force.

However, when the economic and real sticks hit the royal family of the eastern Tang Dynasty, they must get twice the result with half the effort. Before the other side joined the war, they were in chaos.

Maybe they will be sent back to the slave society

But the embarrassment is that Lord Zhang himself does not know how to play the game. At best, he knows only a little.

At present, Chang'an's talent reserve does not have similar talents. After a few reminders, the other party immediately enlightened and built a blue star financial system from scratch.

City Lord Zhang can only bury this idea back in his heart.

However, there is a foundation for the existence of such things as money banks and bill houses. The world has gradually taken on a similar prototype.

After all, the world here is too vast, too big.

There are too many metal currency bands, which are too inconvenient for most people.

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if the reform of the temple of heaven is too busy, the news will spread quickly.The crowd rushed to tell each other, all excited.

Similar departments should focus on relevant talents rather than merely taking force as the standard.

In addition to the practitioners, many ordinary people also moved their minds.

Of course, there are few who can stand out.

After all, the practitioners who competed with them have outstanding conditions besides military force.

Magic and martial arts may not have an advantage in this respect, but Taoist and Confucian practitioners are different.

On the contrary, they may not be much better than ordinary people when they are in the first place.

But the spirit is vivid and the mind is agile, which makes it easier for them to learn knowledge or deal with analytical affairs.

The higher the realm, the more so.

In several dynasties, the bureaucratic system above the court, and most of them were Confucian practitioners, which was the reason.

If people want to compete with them, they have to be different in some aspects.

However, as long as Chang'an city gives hope, everyone's mind is eager.

Zhang Dongyun is happy to see his success, but he doesn't care whether the other party is mortal.

As long as you can help him with his work.

It's not limited to one type of talent.

When Zhang Dongyun was busy with the affairs of Tianshu hall, Guo Zi, the leader of Hanshan sect, suddenly sent a message.

"People of Northern Qi Dynasty?" Zhang Dongyun raised his eyebrows slightly.

Guo Zi nodded: "there is an elder of our sect who went north to visit the Northern Qi Dynasty when he was young, and made some friends there.

As a result, this time, an old friend of his came to the door and arranged a line in the middle, saying that the king's room of Northern Qi intended to send envoys to Chang'an to see your opinions. "

In the Daming Palace, Zhang Dongyun's eyes turned.

Then he projected the dark cloud, and Mr. Wang said, "yes."

Guo Zi quickly quit and went to contact with the middleman to inform the Northern Qi that Chang'an was welcome.

After the news passed, the Northern Qi Dynasty also quickly gave a reply.

The mission was immediately formed and set off for Chang'an.

The Deputy envoys of the Northern Qi Dynasty made public appearances and ran back and forth to take charge of specific affairs on the road.

Zhengshi stayed in the chariot all day long, and no one was seen.

In his car, in addition to himself, there was a young woman.

However, they sat opposite each other, just chatting with each other.

"Your Highness, Chang'an is really so powerful that the upper and lower officials of the eastern Tang Dynasty could not do anything about it?" Asked the woman.

The man in Xuanyi in front of her was Gao Jun, the sixth son of the current leader of the Northern Qi State, who was also the official envoy of the Northern Qi mission.

It was he who pushed the Northern Qi's diplomatic mission to Chang'an.

"Younger martial sister Yang, just like before, just call my elder martial brother." Gao Jun said with a smile.

Yang Yulin, a direct disciple of wutianfeng, a famous Northern Qi school, shook his head with a smile: "this time, your highness is a good envoy, or it is better to follow the rules."

Gao Jun smiles and no longer corrects:

"if you want to really say that the eastern Tang Dynasty was up and down, it was not necessarily a Chang'an city.

At least, Li Xuanxin, Hong Xiao, and Qingye, the three level nine masters, have yet to move, and many level eight masters have not moved.

It is too early to say that Chang'an is unbreakable.

Of course, they also proved that at least two level 8 masters could not attack them. Chang'an must be a giant on one side. "

Yang Yulin nodded his head first, and then said, "however, there may be mistakes and omissions in the news from the eastern Tang Dynasty. Li Yi and situ Jinsheng may not be the only masters planted in Chang'an city."

"Yes, so I said at least two." Gao Jun nodded with a smile: "they are likely to have ninth level masters."

Yang Yulin said: "it is a giant indeed."

The internal situation of the Northern Qi Dynasty is different from that of the eastern Tang Dynasty.

The Gao family of the Northern Qi Dynasty was not as powerful as the Li family in the eastern Tang Dynasty.

In the Northern Qi Dynasty, in addition to the present King of Qi is the Ninth level master, there are also five ninth level masters.

They are each in charge of the sect, and are known as one of the giants.

One of them is the fog peak.

Although there are often contradictions between the five forces, they sometimes unite to suppress the royal family.

The relationship between the royal family and these five sects is also divided.

Sometimes there are disputes, but there are often alliances.

The king of Qi's sons, the most outstanding ones, were all admitted to these five schools.

In recent years, the situation in Northern Qi is quite strange.

Gao Jun and others were scattered among the five major sects. The royal family supported them and became more and more powerful in their respective sects. They almost had the potential to win the helm of their respective sects.

But on the contrary, it almost extinguished their hopes of succeeding to the throne.

On the one hand, they were forbidden to be close to the core power, on the other hand, they were supported to compete for the throne, and their status in the royal family was constantly rising.Both sides are constantly betting on Gao Jun and others, and are constantly on guard against them.

Both draw in, but also exclude, hope to be able to take advantage of the opposite, with their own internal and external cooperation.

Gao Jun and others are well aware of their own situation and seek capital for themselves.

The whole Northern Qi Dynasty formed a very strange balance.

"If it had not been for the second brother's constant obstruction, this visit would have taken shape." Gao Jun looks out of the car.

There was a good relationship between the Northern Qi Dynasty and the eastern Tang Dynasty, and even formed alliances to fight against other dynasties.

Among them, the second son of the king of Qi is the key person who acts as a bridge.

With the rise of Chang'an, Longbei county is bordering on Beiqi.

The reason why the reaction of the Northern Qi Dynasty was slower than that of the Western Zhou Dynasty was because of the internal disputes among various forces. , the fastest update of the webnovel!