Time soon entered the autumn, the weather has gradually turned cool up, and it's time to buy new clothes.

When it comes to this kind of time, it makes people happy and sad. The happy thing is that they can wear new clothes again. The sad thing is that choosing clothes is also a very tiring thing, because there are too many styles, which always makes people unconsciously fussy.

Today is just the weekend. After finishing her homework, Si Luoyu climbs on the bed and looks at some treasure. She wants to see if there are any attractive coats in it. Last year's clothes can't be worn, but it's better to wear new clothes.

After watching for a long time, Si Luoyu's eyes only stayed on a military green coat. This casual style and color just happened to be what she liked. Thinking of this, she collected the dress first, and was ready to see if there were other things she liked.

If you can't find the right clothes in other shops, look back at this one.

In fact, the main reason is that this dress is too expensive. It costs more than 600 yuan. No wonder it looks so good.

Although her parents usually give her a lot of pocket money, she still has to buy books or something. She can't afford so much money to buy this dress.

As like as two peas in the shop, the other shop found a dress exactly the same as the one they had just looked at, but it only cost one hundred yuan.

She immediately realized that the cheap one must be pirated.

"Dong Dong Dong!" Someone is knocking on the door outside. She knows it's Luoyu silk without asking. Only when Luoyu silk knocks on the door will it be so gentle.

"Ma, if you don't have a lock, come in yourself."

Si Luoyu shouts at the door, and continues to struggle between the two clothes. Which one is better? If you buy the genuine one, you can't say the quality, but you can't afford the purse; But if you want the pirated one, what if it's defective?

"What is one doing in the room?"

Luoyu silk pushed the door in and saw her daughter's two small eyebrows tightly twisted together. Then she went over.

"Mom, I'm wondering which dress to buy!"

Si Luoyu said with a wrinkled face, and pointed out the two clothes on her mobile phone to Luoyu silk. If her mother could give her some advice, she would not have to worry.

Luoyu silk looks at siluoyu's fingers, first noticing that the style of the clothes is really good, and then focusing on the price of two clothes.

"So much money is missing!"

"Well, Ma, which one do you think I should choose?"

If she could, she certainly wanted the genuine one, but she didn't have enough money. Her parents usually gave her enough pocket money. She didn't want to ask them for money for clothes.

"The cheap one should be pirated. If you want to wear it, you should buy the genuine one."

Luoyu silk said to her daughter with a smile, "are you short of money? I can give the rest for you. Pirated clothes will be uncomfortable on you! "

She had already guessed the reason why her daughter was tangled. She liked the dress very much, but she was embarrassed to ask her for money to buy it.

Of course, Luoyu silk wants her daughter to be more comfortable. Although they usually manage her daughter's money very strictly, she will never feel distressed as long as she is spending properly“ Really? " Sloyu's face immediately showed a big smile.

"Of course, what did mom lie to you for?" Luoyu silk laughingly looked at her daughter's smiling face and said that children of this age are really easy to be satisfied. A piece of clothing can be so happy.

"Thank you, mom. I love you so much!" Si Luoyu stretched out her arm to hold Luoyu silk for a while. When Luoyu silk was given money, she immediately began to photograph the dress.

The next step is to wait patiently. The mood of waiting for express delivery is painful and happy. On the one hand, waiting makes people feel anxious, but thinking of the joy of receiving something, they think that this kind of waiting is worth it.

After a few days, Si Luoyu came back from school and saw the express on the table.

"Luoyu, it seems that your clothes have arrived. Please take them apart."

Luoyu silk saw that the name of Si Luoyu was written on the express, so she guessed that it should be the dress that her daughter bought from the Internet a few days ago. She specially kept it for her own demolition after she came back.

"So soon

Si Luoyu cheered and ran over. He took the package apart, took out the army green coat from inside, and tried it on under his mother's gaze. Unexpectedly, the size was just right.

"Mom, is it good?" She put on her clothes and turned around in front of Luoyu silk. Then she asked.

Luoyu silk nodded to show that it was good-looking.

Now that we have new clothes, we must wear them. It's just right for us to wear this kind of clothes in this weather. The next morning, Si Luoyu put on his clothes, and then put on his school uniform.

When he came to the classroom, there were many people. Maybe it was because he was afraid of running in late. At this time, sloyu felt a little hot, so he took off the school uniform outside and directly revealed the new dress inside.

Just here, a female classmate came into the door. The coat she was wearing was the same as that of sloyu.

"Eh, Luoyu, you see your clothes are the same!"

The sharp eyed as like as two peas, he saw the two identical coat, and shouted at the Department of rain.

As like as two peas of love great minds think alike. The hero likes everything.

The girl has entered the classroom. After putting down her schoolbag, she looks at Si Luoyu. Si Luoyu is also looking at her. She smiles when she touches the girl's eyes, which is regarded as greeting.

The girl also smiles at siloyu, but a look of embarrassment flashed on her face. She didn't expect that siloyu bought the same clothes with her, but what she bought was pirated, and the one on siloyu's body is obviously better than her own. It should be genuine.

"Your clothes are the same as those of Luoyu. Where did you buy them?" A female classmate came up to the girl and asked, touching her clothes.

The girl was stunned. She didn't expect that these people would be so interested in clothes, but she couldn't admit that she bought pirated clothes in front of so many students. She didn't know how to answer for a moment.

"I bought it from the Internet just like me. I think this style is very popular this year." Si Luoyu saw the girl's embarrassment and helped her out.