It's over

At the beginning of class, Li Su's eyes were swollen like walnuts because of crying, and they were very red.

But because the position is relatively backward, so the teacher did not deliberately pay attention to her in class. Naturally, she only knew about it except for Si Luoyu.

During the break time, Li Su went to the bathroom to wash her face, leaving Si Luoyu reading in her seat. She carried her feet to read. At this time, ye he came and cared about her: "Luoyu, how are your feet?"

"It's very good. I woke up with pain when I went to bed this morning. I accidentally touched it. I woke up at six o'clock." Slough rain showed helpless expression, how desperate was she at that time? Even if the pain awakes, still can't sleep!

Ye he felt pain when he heard it. He frowned and said, "be careful in the future. Don't forget your foot injury. If you touch it several times, I don't think it's better."

"I see. Don't be so fussy. It's so noisy!" Si Luoyu's ears grew cocooned when she heard this. She knew these things, and there was no need to remind her all the time.

Ye he looks at her with a helpless smile. Is it wrong for him to care about her? What's Rory? It's really infuriating to hear that. If it wasn't for your patient's sake, he would have scolded more.

See Si Luoyu and nothing, ye he turned and left the classroom, went to the bathroom.

After Luoyu silk sent Si Luoyu to school, she went directly to work in the company. When she came to the office, she just put down her things. At this time, the assistant came in with the papers.

"Mr. Luo, this is the project analysis report you asked for yesterday." The assistant put the papers on the desk and went out.

Luoyu silk gave a "hum", and then opened the drawer to get something. Suddenly, she found an envelope made of kraft paper. There was no writing on the outside of the envelope, but looking at the bulging, she was a little curious.

Then she opened the envelope, which contained several photos of her father's car accident. She frowned.

Why are these photos in your drawer? Who put this letter? The more she thought about it, the more wrong Luoyu silk suddenly felt that it was not so simple.

"Xiao Ke, come in!" She immediately called the assistant outside.

Assistant Xiao Ke listened to her voice in a hurry. He was afraid that there was something wrong with the report, so he rushed in: "what's the matter, Mr. Luo? Is there anything wrong with the report? "

"Did anyone come into my office before I came?" The first thing Luoyu silk should rule out is whether she has ever come to her office. The person who put down this letter must have put it before she came. She guessed that someone must have come.

Assistant Xiao Ke shook his head and said, "no, the door was closed when I came."

Luoyu silk Leng for a while, still a little can't believe it, but after a while, she said: "OK, nothing more, you go out first to help you."

After the assistant left, luoyusi sat down and looked at the photos carefully for a long time. Slowly, she thought that she had received the photos related to siyeqing before.

She said in silence, "is this from the same person? Who could it be? Why send these photos? What do they want to do? "

Luoyu silk began to doubt the two photos, she thought it would not be so simple, she did not dare to mention it with Si Yeqing, for fear that he would make a mountain out of a molehill.

On the other hand, as soon as siyeqing was working, the manager knocked on the door and came in: "Mr. siyeqing, I have sorted out the annual financial statements here."“ I see. Show it to me. " Si Yeqing took over the document and began to read it. After a few eyes, he finished reading it.

He handed the report to the manager and said, "OK, no problem. Just give it to Mr. Luo."

"Yes." The manager took over the document should be a, is preparing to leave to take in the past, suddenly the division night engine changed attention called him.

Si Yeqing thought about going to see what happened to Luoyu silk, so he said, "forget it, you're busy with your business. I'll take the report myself."

"All right, chief secretary." The manager didn't think much, put down the papers and left.

Here, Si Yeqing picked up the document and walked towards Luoyu silk office with a smile. When he walked in, he just looked at Luoyu silk and looked down at something. He said, "what are you looking at?"

Luoyu silk was startled by his sudden voice. She quickly threw the photos into the drawer, then quickly picked up the project analysis report and said with a smile, "nothing. How can you come to my office when you have time to read the report?"

"I'll send you the report, but you look a little strange. Were you really reading the report just now?" Si Yeqing looks at her suspiciously and asks, he always thinks that there is something wrong with Luoyu silk. It just looks strange, but he doesn't know how to describe it.

Luoyu silk silently took the report and did not answer his question, because she was afraid that she would let him see something when she spoke.

Si Yeqing saw that she had been looking at the documents, so she left without disturbing her any more.


After a morning's class, Si Luoyu was already hungry. Li Su helped her to the canteen for lunch.

Maybe she was watching her feet tied with bandages, so she was let go everywhere, even Li Su.

When she was in line at the back of the meal, suddenly a boy in front of her said, "classmate, please line me up here. If you stand for a long time, your feet will hurt."

"No, thank you!" At that time, the embarrassment of siloyu was beyond words. She was not used to other people's eyes.

Because the boy gave way to the position, standing in front of her gave way to the position, afraid that she would wait too long, foot pain.

In less than a minute, it was time for them to have dinner. When the aunt heard what they said, she said, "classmate, what do you want to eat? I see your foot is injured, auntie, give you a little more! "

"Well, thank you, auntie. I'll have a dish and a drumstick." Sloyu laughed a little awkwardly.

Well, now even the aunt of the canteen knows her and gives her special care!

Li Su touched the light with her and cooked the meal first. However, when it came time to pay for the meal card, Si Luoyu couldn't find it. Li Su asked, "what's the matter? Can't find the meal card? "

"I put it in my pocket. How could it be gone?" Si Luoyu felt strange and couldn't figure out when the meal card was gone.

At this time, Li Su also began to touch his pocket, and then showed a helpless expression: "well, I forgot to bring it. What should I do now?"

There are still people in the queue behind them. They are in a very awkward situation and at a loss. Uncle looks at them quietly.