Soon it's time for self-study in the evening. Because the monthly exam will be held tomorrow, everyone will take the time to review. The class is silent and the learning atmosphere is very good.

But Si Luoyu is not nervous because of tomorrow's monthly exam. In the first section of self-study, she casually took the main subject book to review the knowledge points, but she didn't read it. On the contrary, the more she read, the more sleepy she was.

"I want to sleep." She turned to her deskmate and said in a low voice.

My deskmate looked up at her and found that her eyelids were going to hang down. He was very worried, so he touched her with his elbow and said, "don't sleep, tomorrow's exam is coming. What should I do if I fail in this exam?"

But now Si Luoyu didn't have the spirit to answer, just a slight "um".

My deskmate thought that she could cheer up, so she went to review with ease.

When she got to a knowledge point and didn't feel able to fully understand it, she wanted to go to see Si Luoyu and ask her to explain it to her.

But as soon as she turned her head with the book, she found that snow rain had already narrowed her eyes to sleep.

She looked really sleepy. Her deskmate was embarrassed to disturb her, so she let her go to sleep and went on to review the next knowledge.

The second section of self-study is used to make the examination room. The monitor stood on the platform and explained to us: "our class has to put 40 tables in total, and the extra tables should be put in the back. Let's start!"

Si Luoyu just went to bed during the first self-study period. She couldn't clear her desk. Now she has to set the table. She is in a hurry to get the textbooks on the desk.

The students in the class have begun to move the table, making a "squeak" noise, which is very harsh. Sloyu frowned displeased, thinking about how they didn't lift the table and move it.

But now she can't take care of others. First, she put her books on the cabinet in the back utility room, and then quickly went back to her position and moved the table.

When my deskmate came back, she asked, "deskmate, can you help me lift the table to the back?"

My deskmate readily agreed to lift the table with her.

They moved together, but there were other students moving in the classroom, so they had to dodge and move to avoid hitting people.

But they did not expect, dodging, as a result, Si Luoyu hit a person's desk, her desk books have not been cleaned up, a collision, books scattered on the ground.

Si Luoyu and his deskmate immediately stopped to pick up the books. In the process of picking up the books, they inadvertently saw the name on the textbook, which turned out to be the monitor's.

A few days ago, Si Luoyu had a grudge with her. When she picked up the book, she didn't want to, but she ran into it.

She picked it up and saw the monitor come over angrily at this time. She said angrily, "Si Luoyu, what are you doing?"

Then the monitor snatched the books from her hand and turned to clean up the rest of the books on the table.

Si Luoyu is baffled by her roar, and he didn't mean to. Besides, he helped her pick it up, so he wouldn't be so angry, would he?

My deskmate didn't agree with shiluoyu and complained in a low voice: "she doesn't clean up her books and doesn't move her desk. Her desk is in the way here, and it's other people's fault."

They're all in the same class, and they're still at the beginning of school. Si Luoyu doesn't want to be so hard on the surface, so let's just think about it“ Let's go. Let's move ours. " She said to her deskmate, and they continued to move the table.

When Si Luoyu came home in the evening, Luoyu silk saw her coming back and immediately said, "Luoyu, come on, mommy has cooked dumplings. Come and eat."

Si Luoyu was so tired of arranging the examination room today that he didn't have a good appetite. Seeing that he didn't want to eat dumplings, he shook his head.

"Mommy, I won't eat any more. You can eat. I'll go back to my room first." She said weakly.

After returning to the room, Si Luoyu began to take out her textbook and read it. She didn't review it tonight. She felt a sense of crisis when she got home, so she reviewed quickly and prayed that she would not be poor in the exam tomorrow.

She looked at the textbook and recited the knowledge points. The voice of endorsement came from the room to the living room. Luoyu silk heard a faint voice in the living room, and then she went to find the voice.

Luoyu silk quietly pushed open the door of her daughter's room. She was carrying a book and was very serious.

"Why do you suddenly recite books?" She felt strange. After all, she had to go to bed at this point when she got home. How could it be delayed today?

She wanted to find out, so she cut the apple into pieces and put it in a fruit plate. Then she knocked on the door with the fruit plate and went into her daughter's room.

"Luoyu, Mommy cut you some fruit and eat a piece." She looked lovingly at snow.

Si Luoyu originally wanted to say no, but when she was free, she wanted to eat again, so she accepted her kindness.

She took a stick to poke an apple and ate it. She was very satisfied.

Watching her daughter eat apples, Luoyu silk asked: "Why are you still studying so late today?"

Si Luoyu sighed and said slowly, "don't mention it. I don't want to count down our monthly exam."

Smell speech, Luo rain silk suddenly bright, turn around to leave, leave fruit dish to let her review while eating.

Si Luoyu reviewed very late, then turned off the light and went to bed.

The next day, the weather was fine, and there was a gentle breeze on the campus. The warm sunshine was shining on people, which made people feel more relaxed and lazy.

"Ding Ling Ling ~" the examination bell rang quickly, and the students entered their examination room like swimming fish.

Si Luoyu sat next to a seat by the window according to the ranking of the last exam, bathed in the sunshine, she could not help a long sigh of relief.

Before the invigilator came, some boys talked quietly about something and looked around the students from time to time.

One of the boys pointed to Si Luoyu and said, "that girl looks like she has good grades. I'll ask her if I can help us in the exam."

The boy said, was about to get up, but people around him grabbed him, advised: "forget it, that person I observed in class, she generally do not listen to class, you go to her is useless."

After listening, the boy gave up with some regret.

At this time, a sound of high-heeled shoes from far and near, and then, wearing black and white dress of the female teacher came in, suddenly, the voice of the classroom quiet down.

The papers were handed down one by one. Si Luoyu took the papers in her hand and looked at them. She was a little relieved. Fortunately, she knew all these questions. After the papers were sent out, the invigilator told us some rules of the examination room to warn everyone not to cheat; And two invigilators in one examination room are very strict.

Sloyu sat by the window and wrote hard, but the warm sunshine made her too comfortable, so she couldn't help sleeping.