Luoyu silk just finished finishing, looking at the figure of Si Luoyu running out in a hurry, I felt a little funny and couldn't help laughing. After finishing the quilt cover, I helped her make the bed and clean up some things on the bed.

There are a lot of dolls on sloyu's bed, which are given by others in the past five years, and bought by siyeqing. Unconsciously, there are a lot of dolls on the bed, and she won't clean it up. Every time she sees her bed, it looks very messy.

In fact, Si Luoyu is already in sixth grade, and Luoyu silk has reminded her more than once to know how to clean her room, but every time she looks so tired, she can't bear to blame her.

After packing the things on the bed, when Luoyu silk came to the desk, she saw a letter on the desk.

After staring at the letter for a long time, she was curious: "what's in the letter?"

Although Si Luoyu also said that it was a girl's letter to her, Luoyu silk was still curious about the content. Her hand had been unconsciously stretched out because of her inner curiosity and gossip.

When her fingertips began to touch the surface of the envelope, she began to realize that it was wrong.

Luoyu silk thinks that siluoyu is no longer a child, and she has her own privacy. She is violating her privacy by doing so.

Thinking of this, Luoyu silk took back her hand, shook her head and said to herself, "forget it, don't look!"

In order to distract her attention, Luoyu silk tried to find something to do. Unconsciously, she saw the clock hanging on the wall. Now it's seven o'clock in the evening. She thought that she hadn't cooked yet, so she muttered: "yes, cook and cook!"

Luoyu silk just left the room. Not long after that, siluoyu went back to his room after going to the toilet. When he sat down, he saw the letter he had just taken out.

A little curious, she took a look at it and then opened it.

Open the envelope. Inside is a piece of pink writing paper with the figure of a villain. The contents of the writing paper are as follows:

"Dear Luoyu, I have a very important thing to tell you. You are really cute. I like you very much. Can you be my girlfriend?... "

After reading half of the content, she realized that it was a love letter. No wonder the letter looked so exquisite, but she had no interest in the boy at all.

She shrugged her shoulders, without any fluctuation in her heart, so she directly lumped up the letter paper and threw it into the garbage can next to her.

She looked at the paper ball in the trash can and sighed silently. Her tone was full of helplessness: "boring!"

Immediately, she began to take out the exercise book, books and stationery box from her schoolbag and began to do her homework. It just seemed that it had not happened. Sloyu had good self-control. As long as she didn't want to accept it, she would be isolated.

After a while, about 7:30 in the evening, the voice of Luoyu silk came downstairs: "Luoyu, come down to eat!"

Si Luoyu put down his pen and went downstairs. He washed his hands first and then sat down at the table. Luo Mu and Si Yeqing had already taken their seats. Luo Yuxian brought out a pot of chicken soup from the kitchen.

The steaming smoke in the pot seems to have just come out of the oven. Si Yeqing looks at Luoyu's posture of holding soup. She gets up with eye disease, takes the bowl in her hand, and says: "I'll come, be careful to burn it!"

Although this kind of operation has been going through for five years, it seems to be a very common thing, and it should be taken for granted. There is no reaction, but Luoyu silk will still be a little shy and even moved. It's been going on for five years, and the relationship between them is as sweet as falling in love. Over the years, it's only increased but not decreased, and sometimes it can't even be seen by sloyu.

Si Luoyu didn't go to see how they loved each other and how they let them go. Instead, she quietly lowered her head to eat, sandwiched vegetables, and then drank soup. In this way, she finished the dinner procedure.

After dinner, she got up and said, "Daddy, Mommy, grandma, I'm full. I'm going upstairs to do my homework."

"Well, remember to drink water!" Romu answered first.

Si Luoyu nodded. At this time, Si Yeqing didn't feel very good. Every time she went upstairs after dinner, and then she just sat down to do her homework, and there was no activity.

He said: "Luoyu, don't sit down when you go upstairs. Stand for a while and recite. It's OK to walk around. Don't take a rest immediately when you have just had a full meal. Do you know?"

"Well, I know, daddy. These teachers have said that. I'll go up!" Si Luoyu said in a tone of "I know everything, you don't have to ask.".

Luoyu silk did not speak, but ate silently. The letter still flashed through her mind. She could not understand what was in it, and she would feel very uncomfortable.

The division night Qing looks at her to be in a daze of appearance, can't help but ask a: "rain silk, what's the matter with you?"

"Ah? what is wrong with me? I'm fine! " Luoyu silk immediately recovered, a little at a loss.

She absolutely can't tell them that she saw the letter of Si Luoyu and has the impulse to read it, otherwise Si Yeqing must educate her to protect her daughter's privacy, don't be sensitive and so on.

The division night Qing although still feel a little strange, but also didn't ask finally export.

The next day, it was a good day. Even better, at the weekend, she didn't have to go to class. As soon as she got up, she had breakfast and was watching TV in the living room. When Luoyu silk was cleaning up the dishes, the phone suddenly rang.

Naturally, she went to pick up the phone. There was a tender voice on the other end of the phone. She said politely, "aunt, is Luoyu at home?"

"Yes, please wait a moment. I'll ask her to come and listen." Luoyu silk said.

Then she called sloyu, who was sitting in the living room. She heard that a friend was calling to find her. She couldn't wait to get up and run to answer the phone. Her face was full of smile: "hello... Go out to play? Well, yeah, yeah, I'll tell my mom and we'll go out and play. "

Having said this, it seems that some agreement has been reached between the telephone side and Si Luoyu, and they hang up the phone soon.

At this time, Si Luoyu came to Luoyu silk with a flattering smile on her face. She said, "Mommy, today is Saturday. My classmates ask me out to play. I'll go out to find them now, OK?"

"All right, but come back early and don't eat anything." Luoyu silk gave an advice. Although she knew that she had said this many times, she might have heard that her ears were cocooned, but she was still not at ease.

Si Luoyu nodded with a smile, obviously very happy. She went upstairs to change her clothes, took her schoolbag and went out. After she left, Luoyu silk cleaned up the kitchen and living room, and then went upstairs to clean up the house.