Because Luomu didn't eat, Luoyu silk finished the noodles by herself. She was very satisfied and began to clean up the house.

Luo's mother went back to her room to finish her sewing. She came out to see her daughter tidy up and come out of the kitchen.

Before, Luoyu silk felt that she didn't have much time to accompany her mother. Now she has a chance. She decided to stay at home all day to accompany her mother.

"Mom, why don't we go watch TV for a while?" She thinks it's a good time to watch TV with LOM.

They sat on the sofa and turned on the TV, but they didn't know what to choose.

Luoyu silk can't make a choice, not to mention today is to accompany Luomu, she gave the choice to Luomu: "Mom, what do you think you want to see? You choose. "

Luo's mother took the remote control and saw her daughter insist on it, but she couldn't twist it, so she chose a documentary to watch.

After watching the documentary, Luoyu silk stood up to move her muscles and bones, and in a twinkling of an eye, she saw the sunshine overflowing on the balcony.

"It's really a nice day today," she said with emotion

She thought of the cotton padded clothes and quilts piled up in the closet. She could take them out to wash and air them when she had time and the weather was still so good.

Think of doing, Luoyu silk ran into the room, took a little quilt out, Luo mother just changed a film, saw her daughter holding a ball of white quilt out.

Looking at her like this, Luoma Lake couldn't figure out what she wanted to do, so she quickly asked, "Yuxian, what are you doing?"

Luoyu silk holds so many quilts, which is hard to support. She puts them down for the time being and gasps to answer her mother's words: "it's such a fine day today. Of course, we have to wash the quilts to dry them. There won't be so much trouble then."

She's mainly free, but she doesn't want to just stay in bed and surf the Internet, and she wants to do something else during these hours.

Luo Mu understood her meaning, nodded and watched the documentary by herself.

Instead of simply rolling these quilts in the washing machine, Luoyu silk moved them to a large basin in the bathroom for hand washing.

She turned on the tap, the sound of the water "Hua la la la", Luo Mu heard very clearly in the living room, but also very confused why she put the water.

Luo's mother went into the bathroom with doubts. She was going to wash by hand. She asked curiously, "there is a washing machine at home. Why bother?"

Looking at the water level in the basin, Luoyu silk quickly turned off the tap and answered her question: "if you can't wash it with the washing machine, it's more convenient to wash it by hand."

So she rolled up her sleeves, sat down on a small bench and began to clean the quilt covers.

She insisted on hand washing, but Luo Mu couldn't persuade her, so she decided not to participate and went back to the living room to watch TV.

Luoyu silk took out a lot of quilt covers, which were soaked by water. When they were mixed together, they almost felt exhausted and didn't want to move after washing Luoyu silk.

But there is another step after washing, that is to air, but with her own strength, she can't carry the quilt mixed with water. It's too heavy.

"Ma!" She quickly called up mother Luo, see this time mother Luo quickly should a, she quickly came to support.

Luo's mother came to the washroom and saw Luo Yuxian panting for breath. She asked, "what's this for?" Luoyu silk pointed to the quilt in the basin and said, "Mom, screw out the quilt with me, and then take it to the balcony to air."

The quilt is very heavy. It's hard to wring out the water. When their mother and daughter finish it, they feel exhausted.

After the quilt cover was transferred to the balcony, Luoyu silk felt that it was too hard for Luomu, so she said, "Mom, you go to have a rest first, just let me dry this kind of work."

Luo Mu nodded, just as she felt tired, so she went to the sofa to have a rest.

After that, Luoyu silk hung these quilt covers on the shelf by herself, and it was almost 12 o'clock after work.

Because Si Yeqing and Si Luoyu don't come back for dinner, only Luo's mother and Luoyu's silk will accompany them for lunch.

After dinner, Luo's mother took the initiative to do the dishes. She said, "you must be very tired after washing so many quilt covers by hand. I still have energy. I'll do the dishes. Go to bed and lie down for a while."

A mother is always the most concerned about her daughter. Luoyu silk felt a warm feeling. Looking at her mother cleaning up the dishes, she said softly, "Mom, you really care about me."

Hearing her daughter's words, Luo's mother was secretly happy, but still didn't show a smile, and urged her to go back to rest soon.

At school, Si Luoyu didn't have a good lunch break. He wanted to squint for a while before class.

But her deskmate was chatting with the front desk at this time. They were so happy that they even forgot that sloyu was sleeping.

Sloyu was so noisy that he couldn't sleep. He tried several times, but still couldn't sleep.

She helplessly raised her head, looked at her deskmate and said, "millet, I'm so sleepy. I want to sleep. Please keep your voice down, OK?"

Her deskmate realized that their voice was disturbing sloyu. She covered her mouth with embarrassment and looked at her bleary eyes. She said sorry, "I know, Luoyu. Then you go to sleep quickly. Let's keep your voice down."

The voice of the same table and the front table was a little lower. Si Luoyu continued to sleep on his head and gradually fell asleep.

Chatting was boring. My deskmate went out to fetch water. When she came back, she saw a boy standing at the door of their class, scanning the classroom.

"Who are you?" She was very strange to the boy in front of her and asked suspiciously.

Embarrassed, the boy scratched his head and said, "Hello, i... I'd like to find Si Luoyu in your class. Is that ok?"

He said a word and blushed.

My deskmate didn't expect that he would know Si Luoyu. He was very surprised, but when he looked back at Si Luoyu in the class, his deskmate was in trouble.

"Maybe it's not the right time for you to come, and you don't have the heart to wake her up when she goes to bed. Isn't it good for her to rest?" Said the deskmate.

The boy felt reasonable and nodded without refuting.

But what can he do for sloyu? My deskmate was very curious and showed his identity: "I'm her deskmate. If you have anything, you can tell me directly."

The boy's eyes lit up, did not expect things will be so coincidental, he met is to find the person's desk.

"Hello, hello." The boy got stiff and slowly took out a letter from behind. The boy scratched his head and said, "this is what I want to give to sloyu. Please give it to her. Thank you."

Looking at the boy handed over the letter, his desk mate was slow, and then rushed to the next, should say: "don't worry, I will give it to her."

She took it over, touched it with her fingers, didn't know what it was, and muttered in her heart.