"How sad." Si Yeqing pinched Luoyu silk's cheek and joked, "my husband comes to pick you up from work. Be happy and smile!"

"So many people are watching." Luoyu silk leans back to avoid his hands. Her high-heeled shoes suddenly step on a small stone and slip. The whole person falls back. The sudden sense of weightlessness makes her look pale and scream.

Si Yeqing quickly grabbed her waist to avoid letting her fall down the steps. He said with a smile: "madam, this is... Let them see more?"

Don't be physically honest!?

At this time, a colleague passed by, joking: "the president and her husband have a good relationship."

"Let go of me." Although husband and wife have done what they should and shouldn't do for many years, Luoyu silk is not used to flirting with Si Yeqing in public.

Her face turned red and white. She pushed aside Si Yeqing's shoulder and walked to the parking lot. Her high-heeled shoes made a loud noise. Si Yeqing looked at his wife's shy little figure and laughed helplessly.

In the closed space, the distance between them is very close. Embarrassment grows out of the seat like a vine, prompting her to say something to break the peace: "do you still remember our cat?"

In the middle of the story, Si Yeqing put his face together and vowed to carry on the strong lift to the end: "well, remember, that little guy is up to you."

For fear that he would next say, "no one here kisses one," this kind of amazing local love words, the rain silk is shrinking back, and most of the body is squeezed into the copilot: "don't come over."

"Just wear a seat belt, you think too much!" Looking at the rosy face of Luoyu silk, Si Yeqing was very satisfied. He pulled out his seat belt and stuck it in the slot. He went back to his seat and drove, laughing like a fox.

I think too much!? Didn't expect the other party's cheekiness, Luoyu silk felt like a firecracker lit wire, almost exploded: "interesting? Is it interesting for you to make such a fool of yourself? "

"You are lovely!" The other side gently dropped three words and succeeded in turning Luoyu silk into a "steam train" with smoke overhead.

After appreciating his wife's smiling and crying face in the rearview mirror, Si Yeqing said, "OK, stop making noise. Let's talk about it. What's wrong with that cat."

Luoyu silk tidies up her mood and reports what the little girl said on the phone to Si Yeqing.

After listening, the other party didn't respond for a long time, just driving seriously.

"Hello, Si Yeqing, what should we do?" Luoyu silk bent its elbow, not angry to pound people around.

However, the division night Qing did not directly answer, but said: "something to ask her husband, well done, this I am very satisfied."

Smell speech, Luo rain silk raises eyebrow high. What's wrong with this guy today? He's so addicted to teasing himself!

"Don't make a fuss and get down to business!"

"It's not up to you and me to decide whether to send it back. For you and me, it's just a cat. You can buy another one if you give it to me. But for Luoyu, it is unique and irreplaceable. Let's go home and discuss with Luoyu before making a decision. "

Luoyu silk nodded, deeply thought it was, so she said, "I think so, too."

"Yes, it's called the unity of husband and wife."

Luoyu silk cover face, she has given up resistance. Vehicles are crawling slowly in the flood of the evening peak. As soon as they brake, the tail lights are on almost at the same time. From a distance, the bridges carrying countless vehicles are like slow flowing magma.

Out of the crowded traffic, the two finally returned home.

As Luoyu silk expected, siluoyu is still playing with kittens, and the nanny stands next to her and takes videos with her mobile phone. It is said that the videos are sent to the short video platform, attracting a considerable number of people who love cats.

A big cat and a small cat are having a good time, but Luoyu silk who knows the secret sighs at the cat.

I saw the blue cat stick flying in the air, the little cat's fluffy head swaying with the frequency, two glass like eyes staring big, and soon was attracted by the electric mouse toys on the ground, running around.

Too excited to run, he didn't stop the car and fell upside down, which made everyone laugh.

It rolled on the ground in chagrin, revealing its white belly, as if to say, if you laugh at me again, I won't get up to play with you. Its coquettish appearance is funny and lovely.

"Don't laugh, don't laugh at it." Snow rain cold hum, wrinkly small nose, fierce eyes one by one swept the crowd, quite lioness protect cub posture.

Pick up the kitten, rub it to the place, learn the tone of adults said: "the baby does not hurt, the baby does not hurt, mummy blow to you will not hurt."

As slough scratched the front of the cat's chin and neck, the kitten also purred comfortably.

Seeing that siluoyu loves the kitten so much, Luoyu silk doesn't know whether she should be happy or sad for her. After thinking about it, I decided to tell her the cruel truth: "Luoyu, this cat used to have its owner. Now the owner has come to find it. We will give it back to her."

Snow rain blinked her big eyes and thought about it. She asked suspiciously, "the day we took the kitten home, Mommy, did you forget to pay?"

"Paid." Luoyu silk replied.

Snow rain eyes a turn, suddenly said: "the cat was taken out by the original owner to sell, I bought, is my, right?"

This little smart guy is going to cheat the adults!

The daughter's childlike innocence made Luoyu silk speechless. She gently explained: "at the beginning, the cat and its owner separated because of some unavoidable reasons. In fact, after losing it, its owner was also very sad..."

She gently persuasion, did not want to suddenly angered her daughter.

"I will be very sad if I leave the cat, so I don't want to return it. It's mine! It's mine Si Luoyu yelled, holding the cat in his arms and hiding it tightly for fear that Luoyu silk would take it away, and then said gently to the cat, "cat, you don't want to leave Luoyu, do you?"

The kitten gave a weak cry.

Slough rain raised his chin, proud face: "you listen, it also said yes."

Later, no matter how Luoyu silk advised, siluoyu stood firmly in place, holding the cat, leaving her only a figure. If you turn around, you can see the stubborn tears in your eyes.

"Well, Mommy is a bad person." Don't want to listen to Mommy's persuasion, Si Luoyu holding kitten ran back to his room, and locked the door.

She is not unreasonable, although it does not come a few days, but she is not willing to.

"Luoyu..." outside the door, the phone rang, Luoyu silk face showed embarrassed look. That girl again! Looking at her daughter's closed door, she sighed. After all, she was her own daughter. She would unconditionally stand on her daughter's side and politely refused each other.

At the other end of the phone, the girl was very sad, and her disappointed eyes fell on her parents.