When they came outside, they walked side by side, enjoying the surrounding scenery and thinking about each other.

Lin Fu Ping's dress is mainly comfortable, but today he is quite ceremonious.

At such a close distance, Lin Yi can clearly see the fine lines on his father's face and the black nevus on his eyebrow, as well as the stiffness that he does not adapt to at such a close distance.

The old people in their hometown often say that the mole grows at the end of the eyebrow. They are blessed in their old age and enjoy the happiness of their children and grandchildren.

Lin Yi recalls the absurd things she did when she opposed Lin's father and mother together, and feels guilty.

Stepfather's hair seems to be blacker than it was two years ago, probably because he dyed it to look young, with a faint fragrance of plant hair dye.

A gust of wind blowing, leaves rustling, floating yellow leaves virtually wrote a line of Poetry: "the tree wants to be quiet and the wind does not stop, the son wants to raise and kiss not to wait."

Lin Yi sorted out her expression, turned to her father and said, "uncle, move here to live with us. It's not convenient for you to live abroad alone. Wu Jin and I can take care of you when you move here."

Although father Lin looks young and strong, but things are changeable. He is not afraid of ten thousand.

Wu Jin was so careful during her pregnancy that she almost fell down once!

If something should happen to his old man, far water can't save near fire, and the consequences are unimaginable.

What's more, the physical quality of the old is no better than that of the young. Every time they get sick, they are like the protagonists in the fantasy.

Lin Fu interrupted his thoughts with a smile: "now that you have your own family, Wu Jin and the children need to have their own space. I won't follow you."

Lin Yi frowned and said eagerly, "but..."

Before he finished his words, he waved his hand pointlessly and laughed easily: "I know you are thinking for me. I'm afraid that if something happens to my old bone, I'll cry again!"

Being told of the worry in the center, Lin Yi suddenly tightens up and listens to his father

"Foreign welfare is very good. There is free medical care. Moreover, the elderly should have their own personal life. Private life is not exclusive to your young people. My old friends and I write, play Tai Chi and bring the good things of our country to foreigners! You know what? When I used my high brush to write running script on the ground, the eyes of those foreigners were as big as those of Niu Ling.... "

Father Lin talked on and on, smiling and bending his eyes.

Seeing that he looks like an elegant scholar, Lin Yi is very open about everything. Then he is relieved and doesn't mention the matter of moving back to China.

The cobblestone path winds down from the hill to the lotus pond.

Several small boats for sightseeing floated on the water and nodded frequently. Slender willow leaves accumulated in the empty cabin.

In cool autumn, the summer lotus is half withered. Occasionally, in the middle of the pond, there are several lotus pods standing stubbornly. The water in the lake pushes up waves by the wind, swaying the Yellow branches of willows.

Two or three nameless waterfowls flutter by, and their graceful flying posture is fixed in the visitors' photo album.

After a while in the park, Lin Yi feels that his father's steps are slowing down. He wipes his sweat from time to time. He is obviously tired, but he still insists on playing with him.

Not far in front of the rockery, there is a small wooden pavilion in the shape of a cross resting on the top of the mountain. It is painted vermilion up and down. Only the columns with couplets are made of gold. Surrounded by green trees, it is a good place to enjoy the cool and rest. So Lin Yi said, "there is a small pavilion over there. It's very chic. Let's go there and have a sit."

"Good." Father Lin nodded and said nothing more.

In the distance, there was a middle-aged man pushing a wheelchair. The wheel rolled over the smooth bluestone Road, making a grunt sound.

A 15-year-old boy was sitting on the wheelchair. His feet were plastered and covered with a thick layer of gauze. He was wrapped like a snow-white bucket.

Seeing this, father Lin suddenly sighed: "look at the father and son, we used to be like this."

Lin Yi didn't speak. Looking around, he saw that the middle-aged man carefully covered the blanket on the boy's leg, while the latter listened impatiently to his nagging: "all said, I don't want to stay here. What's good about a pool of rotten lotus leaves! Dad, I'm going home! I'm going home! "

The middle-aged man earnestly advised his son: "it's good to come out and relax. Take a look at the scenery outside and breathe fresh air. It's better than playing games at home every day. "

"Well, give me your mobile phone. There's WiFi in the park. I'll play games outside." The young man's rebellious and unruly attitude made the middle-aged man frown and unable to start.

Lin Yi pursed her lips in a straight line.

Naughty and rebellious children, distressed and helpless parents... How similar the father and son were to their original self and stepfather!

At that time, my biological father had just passed away. He was sad, sad and afraid. He never told anyone.

Lin Yi is just trying to adapt to this strange world without a father. After all, he has a mother to take care of, but later, a man intervenes in his life.

Fate has robbed his father, his father is not cold, this man will take his mother!

Besides, this man is the brother of his father!

Don't deceive a friend's wife. Don't these adults understand the lines he can recite in junior high school?

Since then, Lin Yi remembers that the man's kindness to his father and mother has become purposeful, and even his relationship with his mother has been split - this is betrayal!

Then, fate made a big joke on him. When he held his father's funeral, he was too excited to stand in front of the ice coffin and not let people cremate his father's body.

Although they can understand his situation, they can't let him be willful. They hurt Lin Yi's leg by pushing and shoving.

His biological father lived in a small box and he was trapped in a wheelchair.

Going to the toilet, going down the stairs, taking things from high places... Things that used to be very easy to do have become very difficult.

At that time, Lin Yi was the most gloomy and decadent.

One day, he suddenly had a fever, but the medicine box was placed in the high closet. He was 15 years old and was nearly 1.8 meters tall. It must be easy to get it when he put it in the normal time, but the situation is special!

He didn't believe in this evil, and felt that he could get it by himself. He twisted down the mop pole and finally didn't open the door of the cupboard. As a result, the medicine was put inside. The pole is too short to reach!

Just when Xiao Lin Yi was in a mess, a big hand sent the medicine to him.

Then, the big hand touched his forehead again, and the familiar voice rang: "it's so hot! No, you can't take medicine indiscriminately. You have to go to the hospital. " Touch his head is now father Lin!

"You don't care." Lin Yi, of course, refused. He was so angry that he threw the medicine back into the cupboard and even said a lot of ugly words.

But he couldn't bear his father's persistent care and his mother's advice. He finally accepted his help, but only sneered at his father.