As soon as Luoyu silk's proposal came out, the couple looked at each other, and then they discussed it in a low voice.

Only listen to the man whispered: "so cheap them?"

"That woman is right. It's the mother of the child. We didn't understand the child's condition at the beginning, so we won't buy it if we knew he had relatives, right?" The woman suddenly felt a little sympathy.

After hearing her words, the man nodded in agreement and muttered, "but our money is just floating away?"

"What's the point? We buy our children. Even if they want to take them back, they will at least give us the money. " The woman suggested.

The man thought what she said was quite reasonable, so they reached an agreement on this point.

Seeing that they were no longer whispering, Luoyu silk asked, "have you discussed it? What do you want? "

"We bought the child. If you want to go back, you can, but on one condition!" The man spoke out.

At first, when they are willing to give up their children, the woman's eyes are full of gratitude, but when it comes to the conditions, she is afraid, because she has nothing, and she knows that she may not be able to meet their needs.

Luoyu silk is very calm, she saw the woman did not speak, asked for her: "what conditions?"

"Give us the money we paid for this child, and you can take him away. We bought him for half a million dollars. " The woman replied.

When a woman hears about this huge amount, she feels that the whole world has collapsed. She doesn't have so much money and can't afford to pay for this huge amount.

The woman cried and pleaded, "I don't have that much money. Can you please be merciful and have less money?"

"No!" The woman refused decisively.

Luoyu silk knows that women's situation is very difficult, but she managed to find her own children and finally get together. She really can't bear to let them separate like this.

"I'll pay it back." Luoyu silk said, at the same time, took out a gold bank card from her body.

When the couple saw the card, their eyes lit up instantly. Luoyu silk came up to them and gave them the bank card.

Later, she said, "I know that you are also cheated, so I bought this child. If you know that this child has a mother, you will not buy him. So I am willing to trust you and give you 500000 yuan. This card has 500000 yuan. If there is no secret code, we will redeem this child."

In front of money and children, she thinks that children are more important. If she is allowed to make a choice between siloyu and money one day, she will definitely choose siloyu, because this is family love and maternal love.

She believes that as long as she gives her love to others and helps other people's children return to their families, she will return to her side in peace and she will wait for that day.

The couple left with the money. The woman finally wanted her son back. The mother and son cried and hugged each other in the street.

Later, Luoyu took them back to the hotel.

Their mother and son are finally reunited, and Luoyu silk has bought them something to eat for fear that they will be hungry.

When a woman saw the food, she remembered how the child came back to her. She could never afford the money“ Miss Luo, thank you very much this time. If I didn't have your help, I would not be able to go to Yangyang smoothly. One day, I will return the money to you. " The woman was so grateful for her help that she almost knelt down when she said these words.

Luoyu silk shook her head with a smile and said in a soft voice, "you're welcome. This is what I should do. Don't worry about money. It's not too late to return it to me when you have the ability."

She didn't refuse her offer to pay back the money. After all, her money is not windy, but she has to save a little. When she came out, she didn't bring too much cash with her. The basic money was in the card.

Women didn't know about it, and luoyuxian didn't intend to say it, so as not to increase their sense of guilt.

That night, when they had dinner together, the woman wanted to find her child, so she said to Luoyu silk, "I want to take my child back to my hometown. We don't want to stay here anymore. There are too many bad times here."

Yes, she spent a lot of time here looking for her son. It's really not a good memory.

Luoyu silk expressed her understanding and agreed with her idea, but looking at the darkness, she said, "since you want to go home, you can go back tomorrow."

The woman agreed. That night, the three of them were forced to live in a room. In the middle of the night, when Luoyu silk woke up, she stuffed thousands of yuan in their luggage to show her heart.

The next morning, the woman left with her children. She didn't find the money. Luoyu silk looked at their back and sincerely wished them happiness forever.

And she also in this process of envy, and began to look for snow rain journey, she took her own things on the road.

Along the way, she met a lot of things and the same people.

Along the way, she rescued many children to return to her parents. This process is very gratifying, but it is also a bit uncomfortable. She often thinks, why every time she saves other people's children, not her own sloyu?

But after a long time, she also slowly did not think so. She always felt that as long as she helped a few more children, she believed that her children would be rescued by others one day.

In this way, it has been more than half a year since she started to look for her children. During this period, she hasn't been home for a long time. Occasionally, she just talks with lomus Yeqing on the phone.

Although simple chat can know that they are all well, Luoyu silk will still miss that home, as well as Luomu and siyeqing.

On this day, Luoyu silk was lying on the bed, talking with Si Yeqing on the phone as usual, looking at the time a little late.

Si Yeqing heard that she was tired and a little distressed in her tone, so she said: "rain silk, go to sleep, you are tired all day today."

"Well, you can rest early too. Don't be too busy, you know?" Luoyu silk answered with concern.

Luoyu silk nodded to herself and said, "well, I understand. Good night."

To have no more than half a second, opposite spread the voice of division night Qing: "good night."

Luoyu silk raised a smile at the corner of her mouth, and then hung up the phone. She put her cell phone away, turned off the light and lay down. When she was ready to close her eyes and go to sleep, there was a strong wind outside, and there was a crackling sound outside the window.

She felt very noisy, then got out of bed and looked at the window. She opened a small opening in the window and looked at the white solid falling from the sky. One by one, when it touched the ground or the iron fence, it would make a sound. Then she knew it was hail!