Lin Yi's tone seems to be coaxing a child. Wu Jin can't help laughing and nodding.

"Sleep!" She was smiling sweetly.

Then, she lay on the bed, Lin Yi helped her cover the quilt, quietly charged: "now season, don't kick the quilt, easy to catch cold, bad for the body." It's not good for the baby in the stomach.

Wu Jin attaches great importance to the child, for her husband's reminder, seriously nodded.

Put out the light, two people lie on the bed, close their eyes, try to sleep.

But Wu Jin was very excited because of the arrival of her child. She thought a lot, so she didn't fall asleep easily.

"Lin Yi?" She opened her eyes, looked at the person beside her and called him softly.

I didn't expect that he didn't fall asleep either, "um" responded to him.

Lin Yi wants to wait for her to fall asleep before she goes to bed. She's afraid of what's wrong with her.

Wu Jin saw that he didn't sleep, took his hand under the quilt and said, "Lin Yi, what can I do if I don't feel sleepy?"

He could feel that she was too excited because of the child to fall asleep.

"Then you don't want to sleep. What do you want to do? Or talk to me? " He helped her out and turned to look at her.

She thought for a while, think or chat, don't too toss, otherwise hurt the baby in the stomach.

"Lin Yi, do you think our baby is male or female?" She was still looking forward to it, and now she was imagining what her children would look like.

Lin Yi thought that she thought too much and felt that she was childlike. "Poof Yi" laughed: "how do we know that? It's going to take a baby's later development to know. "

Besides, he can accept both men and women, but Lin Yi still hopes to have more little princesses in her heart, hoping that she can look as beautiful as Wu Jin, and then dress her up.

"I want to know soon." Wu Jin has great expectations for this matter. She wants time to pass quickly, and she will know when it comes to production.

Lin Yi couldn't help joking: "in fact, if you like, we can have a man and a woman in the future, and form a" good "word."

She listened and lowered her head shyly, but her heart was thinking of his plan and thought it was feasible.

They chatted around the children for a long time, and then it got later and later, Wu Jin became more and more excited.

Lin Yi felt that it was no good to go on like this. She didn't have enough rest in one day, so she said, "you must be sleepy for such a long time. I'll pour you a glass of milk."

Wu Jin nodded, lying on the bed quietly waiting for his return.

He went to the kitchen, took out the normal temperature milk from the cupboard, unscrewed the bottle cap, and poured half a glass of milk on the glass.

He walked slowly into the room with half a glass of milk. As soon as she saw him coming back, she immediately sat up from the bed.

She felt the temperature on the glass and looked disappointed: "I wish I could drink ice."

She is used to ice milk, but also knows that this is a special period, combined with the previous failure experience, or can avoid.

"You can make do with it. Drink it." Lin Yi comforts her and looks at her holding a glass of milk and drinking it without dragging mud and water. After drinking the milk, they lie on the bed again. Lin Yi listens to the even breathing of the people beside the pillow and turns to look at her curiously.

"Wu Jin?" He gave a tentative cry, but she didn't respond. Her breathing was still evenly alternating.

She finally fell asleep safely. When he saw it, he was relieved, and then he fell asleep in ease.

The next morning, Lin Yi wakes up under the sunlight. As soon as he opens his eyes, he sees the dazzling sunlight. He frowns and blocks it with his arm.

"So bright." He complained.

Wu Jin is still sleeping, but the sun is also shining on her face. He is afraid that the sun will disturb her dream, so he quickly gets up to pull the curtain.

After pulling back the curtains, the room was gray, just right for sleeping.

He looked at the time, it was more than six in the morning, he put down the alarm clock, ready to go out to prepare breakfast for her.

In order not to wake her up, he crept out, the sound is very subtle.

Pregnant women's breakfast is required to be nutritious and healthy. Instead of going out to buy fried dough sticks and soybean milk, Lin Yi chooses to make it at home.

"Zizila." Fresh eggs under the pot, he stir fried a few times, two cooked poached eggs will appear in front of us.

Smelling the smell of eggs, he sighed: "good smell!"

In addition to eggs, there are porridge, dumplings, bread, in his here, everything.

When Wu Jin woke up from bed, she smelled a fragrance and couldn't wait to go out after washing.

"It smells good!" She exclaimed, ran to the table, found a dish of breakfast also exudes heat, a look is just out of the pot soon.

She uses the chopsticks on the table to hold a dumpling to eat, eating down, she feels everything is satisfied.

Lin Yi came out of the kitchen and saw that she was already eating. She said with a joke, "what's the point of standing and eating? Sit down and eat slowly. I've done a lot. These are all yours!"

Wu Jin feels how happy it is to have a husband who can cook, especially during pregnancy.

After they sat down, Wu Jin kept praising: "eat well!"

When Lin Yi heard her praise, it was not in vain for him to get up so early to make breakfast.

"If it's delicious, eat more." He also put two more dumplings in her bowl, hoping to let her finish all the things on the table.

Wu Jin looked at him and mostly looked at what she ate. She was a little embarrassed and gave him dumplings and bread: "you can eat more too. You can't just watch me eat!"

But watching her eat, in fact, Lin Yi can get a sense of satisfaction, but can't stare at her to finish eating, and then eat first to fill his stomach.

After breakfast, Lin Yi began to prepare to go to work.

Because Wu Jin is pregnant, so now she wants to stay at home to have a baby, but Lin Yi is not sure to leave her alone before she leaves.

"Don't worry about it. Now the baby is less than a month old, and I haven't got to the point where it's hard to walk." His worry was obvious, and Wu Jin comforted him. Lin Yi thinks about it, too. He thinks he's too busy to make a fuss. What can he do in the future?

But when he went out, he still turned back and told her: "be careful when you are at home alone, I will come back to accompany you after work!"

Wu Jin waved to him and then closed the door.

When the door is closed and she is the only one left at home, she will still feel lonely.

"What do you think? Lin Yi will be back after work. " She comforted herself, thinking about finding something to do for herself, so that she didn't think much about it.

She went to the study. There was a laptop in the study. She wanted to use the computer to inquire about the baby.

Now when it comes to children's affairs, she, a new mother, will pay close attention to it and can't wait to search it with her computer.