However, Si Yeqing is looking for the dumpling monopoly area. He sees a row of freezers with all kinds of frozen dumplings.

He focused on picking it up. It was boring for sloyu to stay by his side. He was too short to pick dumplings, so he thought of picking his favorite snack.

She pulled the corner of Lars's coat and cried, "Daddy, I want to go to the snack bar!"

Now the supermarket is a sea of people, she is so small, shouting is not loud enough, natural is to be those noisy voice to pressure down.

Si Yeqing didn't hear her daughter's voice. Looking at the dumplings from the freezer, she muttered, "what brand and what kind of dumplings do you want to choose?"

He ignores to oneself, the small temper of Si Luo rain came up, then a person crowded crowd ran to snack area.

There were few people there. She was quiet. She got a temporary peace, and then concentrated on snacks.

After a hard trip to the supermarket, she couldn't come back empty handed.

"What would you like to eat?" In the face of so many kinds of snacks, her heart is satisfied, but she doesn't know what to choose.

At this time, the salesmen in the snack area noticed that there were children coming to their area early in the morning.

Looking at her young and small, the salesperson came forward and said, "little friend, what do you need? My aunt will take it for you."

She shook her head and felt that she was an adult. She could do it by herself.

"Auntie, you're busy. I'll choose for myself." She took two packets of potato chips and held them in her arms.

She continued to pick. The salesman knew that she couldn't hold so much in both hands, so he had to bring her a small basket.

After doing these things well, the salesperson couldn't help thinking, are her parents so relieved to let the children choose snacks by themselves?

She shook her head helplessly and went to do her own business first.

On the other hand, Si Yeqing has already bought some dumplings. There are about ten packages in the cart. In order to prevent his daughter from having various tastes, he bought more.

"Luoyu, after buying dumplings, let's check out!" He said to his daughter happily, but half a minute later, he didn't respond.

He looked down, and there was no one around him. He didn't know where he was.

"The naughty one." Division night Qing is very helpless, but for her whereabouts roughly can also guess.

He went to the snack area with the feeling of pushing the cart. After all, before he came to the supermarket, siluoyu had done such a thing, and he was used to it.

Sure enough, he turned several containers and finally saw his daughter in front of the biscuit container.

"Naughty, I got you!" He held his daughter in his arms, but she looked strange and looked straight ahead.

"What are you looking at?" he asked suspiciously

She didn't answer. He only followed her eyes and saw a boy standing in front of the container next door.

Although some people are not surprised, the boy is doing some strange things. He carefully takes down the goods from the container and puts them in his coat.

He was very careful and didn't dare to move too much, because he was afraid to attract the attention of the salesperson and others. The division night Qing a see, frown to think of, this boy is completely stealing!

But he didn't know the risk of stealing. Most likely, he would be found. The cameras here covered the whole supermarket, so he couldn't escape.

Si Yeqing saw that the little boy was only five or six years old. He was determined to stop him when he made such a mistake.

He patted his daughter on the shoulder and said, "Luoyu, wait for daddy here. Daddy will deal with something."

Then he went in the direction of the boy.

After stealing snacks, the boy looked around to see if anyone noticed him. Unexpectedly, he turned his head and saw Si Yeqing.

He is weak, strong and calm, holding the snacks in his clothes and going in the opposite direction.

Si Yeqing saw that he wanted to run, and immediately stopped him: "little friend, wait a minute."

The boy was so scared that he stopped and thought he was caught on the spot and didn't dare to run.

See the division night Qing comes to him, cold facial expression, he frightens to take out all the snacks in the clothes.

"I took all these. Please don't call the police. I'll give them to you." The boy reluctantly gave him the snack.

Si Yeqing doesn't speak. He just looks at the boy. He is clean and tidy. He doesn't lack food and clothing. How can he come here to steal?

"Children, don't be afraid, uncle doesn't call the police, you tell Uncle, why do you want to take these things?" He asked the little boy calmly with a smile.

As soon as the little boy saw that he said he would not call the police, the stone in his heart fell, but his own situation was a little difficult to say.

At this time, his stomach growled, he was embarrassed to cover, division night Qing seems to understand, he is hungry.

"You didn't have breakfast so early, did you? Then why don't you go home and eat? " Si Yeqing lures him to tell the truth step by step.

As soon as the boy saw that he couldn't hide, he had to tell the truth: "actually, I ran away from home. I had no land to go and no money to eat."

He hung his head and felt ashamed.

It turned out to be running away from home. Si Yeqing didn't expect that such a small child would learn to run away from home. Mingming's home is such a warm place.

But he could see that the boy was rebellious, so he was not in a hurry to teach him a lesson.

"OK, well, I'll buy you these snacks. You can follow your uncle first, OK?" He didn't trust the boy to wander outside alone.

He nodded, and Si Yeqing was relieved, holding snacks in one hand and the boy in the other.

Back to Si Luoyu, Si Yeqing sees that the basket of snacks is more headache, but she sticks out her tongue playfully and pushes the snack basket away.

He couldn't stop her, so he had to take them to the cashier.

The children mingled and played together. They were fighting in front of them, and Si Yeqing went away with big and small bags.

There is a KFC near the supermarket, which is open 24 hours a day. Many people go in to eat in the early morning.

The boy saw the red store, swallowed saliva, stopped at the door, the snow rain unknown situation also stopped. Si Yeqing finally catch up with them, see the boy's eyes have been chasing KFC, see his desire.

"Let's go in." The division night Qing has no choice but way.

Upon hearing this, Si Luoyu cheered, took the boy's hand and went inside, leaving a door for his father who couldn't open the door.

After they went in, they found a place to sit down. After the things were put down, Si Yeqing's hand was liberated.

"Sit here and I'll order." He told the two children to go to the ordering table.

There was a smell of food in the shop. The boy smelled it, his stomach was growling, and he swallowed.