After taking a bath, Luoyu silk feels very comfortable and cool, accompanied by the unique temperature in winter.

She wiped her hair, very comfortable, all of a sudden, she saw the information on the table, the corner of her mouth smoked, can anyone tell her where the information came from.

She sighed, then went out and looked through the cases at random.

It seems that Lin Yi sent someone to deliver it again. She continued to translate. A red post it note fell out of it, with several typing on it: come on, this is the final information. The signature is Lin Yi.

Luoyu silk rolled a white eye. Who said at the beginning that there was no need to worry? Take your time to see. Why did you bring a pile of documents now? Did you deliberately cheat her?

Even though she thought so, she still looked at it seriously. After all, she finished it early and didn't have so much time to wait for her.

At four o'clock in the morning, she finally finished watching it, but her eyes were sore. She rubbed her eyes, and then went to the toilet to wash her face. Suddenly, she felt very fresh, her eyes were much better, and she didn't feel sleepy.

She slowly lay on the bed, did not feel insomnia is a good thing, you know, she would like to get up early, will not get enough sleep.

She blinked her eyes and simply began to listen to the radio. The soft pure music sounded, accompanied by a clean and thorough male voice.

The anchor's voice is full of magnetism. He talks about some emotional topics, which attracts people's emotion.

Luoyu silk has no feeling. Those stories are too sophisticated to move her heart. Slowly, she goes to sleep and breathes rhythmically.

Night, dark, and bright.

When the noisy alarm clock rang, Luoyu silk fell asleep and hung up subconsciously. Then, the bell rang again and she turned it off again.

When she woke up again, it was already eleven o'clock. Oh, no, she was late.

She hammered her head, then ran out of bed to wash, flustered.

Luo's mother was surprised when she saw her. She called her in the morning, but there was no response. She thought she had gone to work, but she went to bed late.

Before she could stop her, she ran to the company in a hurry.

She started the car, one hand away from her hair, is very eager, early know she didn't see so late last night.

She got off, then ran into the building, directly into the elevator, but found that Lin Yi is also inside.

He glanced at her and then said, "cut your hair?"

"Yes, yes." Luoyu silk just ran out of breath. She calmed down. Then she looked at Lin Yi, blinked her eyes and asked uncertainly, "are you late too?"

"Me?" Lin Yi pointed to himself and suddenly began to laugh. He understood what he was doing. He shook his head helplessly and continued, "I just came back from the outside after talking about my work."

"So it is." Luoyu silk nodded to herself. She didn't look like someone who would be late.

Lin Yi patted her on the shoulder. Comfort: "well, don't be so nervous, you are the president, you have to establish their own dignity, can't be like this."

Lin Yi knew what she meant. She nodded and answered in a soft voice, "Mm-hmm

The elevator door opened and they came in and went back to their offices. Luoyu silk always remembers that she is the president, and she wants to show her dignity. With a sigh of relief, she straightens her back and walks slowly. When the staff next to her sees her, they respectfully shout, "good president."

"Yes, yes." Luoyu silk nodded slightly, her face was incomprehensible, which was quite different from her when she went out.

Luoyu silk went back to her office and stretched her waist lazily. Because she had finished reading the materials, she also had other spare time to officially contact the business of the company.

Slowly, someone knocked on the door of the office. It was the secretary. She said softly, "president, someone is looking for you."

Luoyu silk raised her head and said with no expression: "mm-hmm, let her in."

The Secretary answered. Wu Jin came in from the outside. She carried a small box and gently put it on the Luoyu silk table.

Luoyu silk looked at the pink box, eyebrows pick, she is not suggesting what?

Wu Jin naturally put herself on the chair beside her and said in a soft voice, "I made it myself. Thank you for your help."

Luoyu silk gently smile, hands crossed in front of the chest, slowly said: "in fact, do not, after all, all know."

Wu Jin took a breath and said, "no? Then I'll take it back. "

"Ha?" Luoyu silk obviously didn't expect her to say such a thing. Sure enough, it was just like what Lin Yi said, and the way she had been in her home before must be fake.

She nodded to herself with a serious face.

Wu Jin see her this appearance, can't help but laugh, funny said: "cheat your card?"

Luoyu silk naturally knows, but she still pretends to be grateful and says with a smile, "I knew you wouldn't do that."

Wu Jin nodded acquiescently, then looked at her short hair hammered on her shoulder and asked suspiciously, "did you have your hair cut?"

Seeing her as like as two peas, Lin Yu's silk blinked and blinked.

Wu Jin did not ask her why. After all, it was a private matter.

However, the next thing she wants to say has something to do with her and also with Lin Yi.

She coughed a few times, then said with a serious face, "when are you on vacation?"

For a moment, Luoyu silk didn't respond. She asked in return, "hmm?"

Wu Jin blinked her eyes and said in a soft voice: "that is, the company has a holiday. Isn't it almost a new year?"

Luoyu silk understood it, but she didn't know how to say it. After all, she had never been in touch with it before.

Wu Jin saw her face blank expression, also understood. In fact, she asked this to be proud of Lin Yi's rest time. Their affairs have not been settled yet, so they have to seize the time to arrange them.

She was embarrassed to ask Lin Yi directly. It seemed that she was too urgent. So she came to ask Luoyu silk, but she didn't know.

After thinking for a moment, she can understand that Luoyu silk is also the first time to contact company affairs, and there are many conveniences she does not understand. Luoyu silk really didn't know what to say. She looked at Wu Jin and said nothing.

Wu Jin sighed. She stood up with a peaceful smile and said, "forget it, I'll come again next time."

Luoyu silk nodded. That's the only way.

Seeing Wu Jin leave, she continues to work, but remembering the problem she just had, she takes out her mobile phone, opens her calendar, and frowns slowly.

It seems that she still has to ask Lin Yi, but it's not good to keep asking her?

She stretched out her hand and scratched her head. She felt very upset. She didn't expect to be so troublesome.