After a meal, people were boring, but Yang Jinsong didn't know it. He said with a smile, "I'll check out. You can have a chat first."

Then he got up, with a trace of noble spirit in his movements, but he was far less than the man in their hearts.

Wei Jinjin's hands crossed and his face showed a smile. He said slowly, "what do you mean by those words? On purpose? "

Luoyu silk didn't care about the dissatisfaction in her tone. She turned her mouth and said softly, "No

Wei Jinjin thinks it's funny. He dare not admit it.

Her chin slightly raised, her hair hanging on her cheeks moved up, her hands down, and she said, "I heard that Si Yeqing is still lying in the hospital. What's the matter now?"

Mention him, Luoyu silk eyes narrowed, eyes issued sharp light, on the knee of the hand consciousness clenched into a fist, sharp nails stabbing the palm, leaving a red imprint.

She knew that she was provoking herself, so that she could be out of control, but did she think she was still Luoyu silk? That's funny.

She held out her right hand and pinned her hair behind her ears, which covered her eyes.

She's a natural beauty, and her hands are full of beauty.

Wei Jinjin looked at her actions, and a touch of hate flashed in her eyes. Why, before and now, she was always so dazzling, and she was always ignored, she hated her, she would destroy everything.

Luoyu silk was aware of the change of the atmosphere around her, but she didn't say anything.

Wei Jinjin is not willing to give up, she suddenly chuckled, slowly said: "in other words, Si Yeqing is like this, can you still take good care of Si Luoyu?"

She deliberately accentuated the three words "snow rain", which seemed to imply something.

Luoyu silk finally can't help it. Why, does she want to admit herself?

She leaned forward slightly, looked straight into her eyes and said, "it's none of your business, is it?"

Wei Jinjin naturally refused to give in. She looked her in the eyes and said frankly: "you shouldn't have said that. How could Luoyu call me aunt Wei? How could I not care about her? "

Luoyu silk covered her mouth, as if listening to a good joke. She coughed a few times, then calmed down and laughed out: "aunt Wei? Do you deserve it? "

This words, Wei Jinjin is very angry, what qualifications does she have to say so, in her coma of those years, what did she do? Is she has been taking care of Si Luoyu, finally in exchange for a "aunt Wei". But she, Luoyu silk, easily got her "mommy".

She won't, she really won't.

Luoyu silk seems to be very satisfied with Wei Jinjin's present state. She shows a disdainful smile and continues: "do you know? The man who kidnapped sloyu has been caught

Smell speech, Wei Jinjin probably understood her meaning, she is to want oneself disorderly discretion, but, she can be like her meaning?

Her eyebrows pick, as if very happy to say: "Oh? Is it? That's good news. "

She doesn't care about this. When she dares to let someone kidnap sloyu, she makes a perfect plan. If the kidnapper is found, people will definitely not give up and want to trace the real reason.

Moreover, she has known the kidnappers for a long time and has a good relationship with them. She can guarantee that she will not disclose herself. Her self-confidence is like a gift from God, without fear, with a proud smile on her face.

Luoyu silk face becomes serious, she did not expect, for this news, Wei Jinjin did not care, however, she was overconfident.

In an instant, the atmosphere is full of arrows and crossbows, and the two people are against each other, with a dangerous look in their eyes.

"I'm sorry I'm late. I just went to the bathroom." Suddenly, a familiar voice rang up, and then, one sat down, relaxed tone.

Luoyu silk Yingying a smile, pretending to joke: "I thought you ran away, don't want to check out."

Yang Jinsong laughed and said in a soft voice, "how can it be? There are two beauties here. How can I leave? "

One side of Wei Jinjin looked at two people chatting is very happy, she also immediately said: "this can not say."

Luoyu silk glances at Wei Jinjin, and she feels funny. Is she willing to be ignored? Oh.

Yang Jinsong also had a good rest. He looked at them and said softly, "it's too late. Let's get together next time."

"Good." Luoyu silk answered. She moved one leg and stood up. Yang Jinsong and Wei Jinjin also stood up.

Three people came to the door of the hotel, lively crowd in front of us, flashing colorful lights dazzling, even compared the stars and the moon.

A cold wind came, but it eased the heat several people brought from the hotel.

Yang Jinsong looked at them and asked gentlemanly, "do you want me to take you back?"

Luoyu silk shook her head slightly and said softly, "no, I'll drive back myself. You can send Jinjin back."

Jinjin, how intimate she is. Even she feels a little disgusted.

Smell speech, Yang Jinsong nodded, voice again: "that I send her back, you are careful."

"I see." Luoyu silk shows a gentle look. She walks to her car, and her back looks very soft and beautiful under the light.

Wei Jinjin looked at her back and flashed a cold light in her eyes. She finally left.

Yang Jinsong saw that she had been staring at the direction of Luoyu silk leaving. He was a little puzzled. He reached out his hand and waved in front of her. He asked suspiciously, "what's the matter with you?"

"Nothing." Wei Jinjin returned to her senses. She gave a light smile and had a bright face. She was also a good-looking person.

Yang Jinsong moved his face to the other side and said, "come on, I'll take you back."

Wei Jinjin blinked. His eyes were full of expectation. He said seriously, "I don't want to go back. Can you take a walk with me?"

In the face of her request, Yang Jinsong hesitated for a while, then said helplessly: "well, I'll go back later."

Get his reply, Wei Jin is very happy, her hands hold, face, like a girl just out of society, simple and beautiful, she narrowed her eyes and replied: "OK."

On the other side, Luoyu silk got into her car, but she didn't leave in a hurry. She looked at Wei Jinjin's direction with a sarcastic smile. It seems that she is looking for a new target, but will she succeed? Seeing that the two had completely left, she started the car. The sound of the engine came, and the car moved slowly, leaving a mass of black exhaust behind.

The car was driving slowly, and she didn't worry. Suddenly, she glanced at a shampoo shop. She reached out her left hand and touched her long hair, which she had kept for many years. An idea came into her mind.

Since you choose to start over, you have to make some changes.