As time goes by, Luoyu silk and siyeqing also arrive at home. Siyeqing throws the rope back to its original position and whispers, "go and have a rest."

Luoyu silk nodded, then went straight back to the room, she was also very tired, had no more words.

Lying on the bed, she suddenly remembered that her coat was dirty. She closed her eyes and took off her coat. She didn't turn on the light, but her heart was clear.

Everything in the evening is deeply in her mind. Wu Jin is right. She hides a lot of secrets, but she can't tell others, let alone Si Yeqing, because the source of all this is him.

She hates him! She held her hands tightly. The softness in her eyes had disappeared. At the moment, she had only hatred in her heart.

On the other side, Si Yeqing stood in front of the window, but it was dark and could not see anything, just like his eyes at this time.

The night seemed too long.

In the early morning, the warm sunshine came down, the eyelashes of Luoyu silk on the bed moved, and the golden sunshine was running on the white skin.

She slowly opened her eyes, expressionless, no worries about the day, no hatred of yesterday, as if nothing had happened.

And in fact, is that true? No, she is young, but she has learned to control her emotions.

It's a gift from time, and it's also a punishment. Let her always remember that she needs revenge.

She pushed the door and went out. Si Luoyu and Si Yeqing were having breakfast. When they saw her, Si Luoyu quickly said, "Mommy, you wake up. I wanted to ask you to have breakfast, but daddy said you were very late last night. Let me not disturb you."

Smell speech, Luo rain silk glanced a division night Qing, then walked to touch division Luo rain's head, soft voice way: "it's OK."

Snow rain will be in front of her plate, said with a smile: "Nuo, there are many, eat quickly."

"Good boy." Although so said, but Luoyu silk and did not start, you know, she did not wash, and now, she has no appetite.

She smile, shallow voice said: "I go to wash, you eat slowly."

Si Luoyu blinked his big eyes and said two words: "OK." She specially left a lot of food for mummy.

Looking at the back of Luoyu silk, Si Yeqing touched her head and said in a soft voice: "Luoyu darling, eat quickly, I'll wait to see you to school."

"Yes, yes." Snow rain nodded, she was late yesterday, today can't be late again. The school has stipulated that parents will be invited if they are three times late. She doesn't want her parents to be invited. What a shame.

She lowered her head, quickly ate breakfast, three five divided by two then finished, very quickly, then, she ran back to the room, took out her small schoolbag, obediently waiting for Si Yeqing to finish.

Si Yeqing gets up, and then takes her out. Just before she leaves, she looks at the door of a bathroom, with a complicated look in her eyes.

When they left, Luoyu silk came out of the bathroom. Looking at the messy tabletop, she sighed a little. Yesterday, the nanny told them that she would ask for leave today.

She's not a cleanliness addict, but that doesn't mean she'll pretend to be invisible.

She went over, cleaned up the table, and then took the tableware to the kitchen. She washed the dishes gently. She looked like a good wife and mother. However, she was only in her twenties. According to her real experience, she was only 18 years old. She was quietly washing the dishes, but she could not calm down. It was like a huge wave. Although it was calm, there were still waves, which made her uneasy.

She thought she was too sensitive. Maybe yesterday, Wu Jin just said it casually? Perhaps, the division night Qing they never care, but, if they care.

At that moment, she was full of thoughts.

After washing the dishes, she changed her clothes and went out. She didn't even paint her make-up. Walking on the busy street, she was a little relaxed.

Nature is always the best healing artifact. Although it is in reinforced concrete, the green areas on the road all show its existence.

She found a chair to sit down, next to a blood donation car, quite a lot of people lined up, most of them are very young people, with a childish face, like college students who have not entered the society.

She suddenly felt that if she hadn't been in a coma for five years, she would have been like that. During her study, she was extremely intelligent and praised by people. She also made an appointment with her friends to apply for a university. But later, everything changed.

The more she thought about it, the more sad she was. Her eyebrows were drooping, as if she were very sad.

Not far away, the young man dressed in red volunteers saw her, walked here with a smile and said slowly, "Hello, miss, do you want to donate blood?"

"Er ~" Luoyu silk raised her head and did not answer her for a moment. In fact, she had made an agreement with Si Yeqing that she would donate blood on the day of adulthood, but ah... Now she thinks it's funny.

Mentioning him, she is not in any mood any more. She smiles and whispers, "no need."

The volunteer nodded, then turned and left.

Luoyu silk looks at the white blood donation car and doesn't know what she is thinking.

She has heard that before donating blood, she will check whether the blood type meets the standard, and can also check the blood type. She has been in the hospital for five years, but she does not know her own blood type.

Hesitated for a long time, she slowly stood up, and then walked to the blood donation car, but, when filling in the form, she looked at the back of the note, frowned, she did not seem to meet the requirements.

With a helpless sigh, she put down her signature pen and explained the situation to the nurse.

The nurse kind-hearted smile, gentle tone: "it doesn't matter."

Luoyu silk responded with a smile. Later, she came out of the team with a look of regret. She thought that she could know her blood type. Unexpectedly, it would be like this. But it doesn't matter. She will know sooner or later.

She raised a smile on her face and went on walking. Suddenly, a feeling of hunger came. She touched her wriggling stomach and pursed her lips. It seemed that she was hungry.

She went to the snack street and looked at the shops on both sides. For a moment, she didn't know what to eat. There were all kinds of food in the city. Everything was delicious. She really wanted to eat it all, but her stomach was not big, so she could only eat a little.

She went to a water boiling shop and sat down quietly. The waiter came up with the menu and asked what she wanted to eat. She ordered a few things and waited quietly.

When the meal was ready, she began to eat, with a happy smile on her face. Her past irritability had been washed away by the satisfaction brought by the delicious food.

After eating, she showed a comfortable expression and went home with satisfaction.