Suddenly, Si Luoyu saw many parents with their children on the carousel, so he was so excited that he took Luoyu silk by the hand, pointed to the carousel and said, "I want to play that! I'm going to take that pink horse. "

Looking in the direction of Si Luoyu's finger, I saw a pink disc, some kinds of Trojans and carriages, full of maiden hearts.

Luoyu silk bent down and said softly, "do you want to be with Mommy or daddy?"

In the face of this multiple choice question, Si Luoyu tilted his head, blinked his eyes, and asked softly, "can't we play together?"

Si Yeqing stands behind and looks at their interaction. She feels a little warm. Although she feels that the carousel is childish, if her daughter wants to play, she can be childish.

Luoyu silk patiently said: "but if you want to take the pink Trojan horse, you can only sit with Mommy or Daddy. That Trojan horse is too small."

"Can we take that pumpkin cart? So we can all sit together. " Si Luoyu thought for a moment, in the Trojan horse and a family like to play together, or choose to play with a family. After all, daddy can come out to play together when he has time.

At this time, Luoyu silk turned to see Si Yeqing, as if asking for his advice.

Si Yeqing saw that the mother and daughter finally noticed themselves. Of course, they had to give some response, so he nodded and said with a smile, "I'll buy the ticket."

Because the family's appearance is not low, it has also attracted the attention of many tourists. Some also guess if they are a star couple. Luoyu silk is not used to tourists.

But before long, Si Yeqing came back with the ticket and said to them, "let's go up."

Because it's not a stimulating project, it doesn't need a seat belt, and the speed is not very fast after starting up.

This is the first time that Si Yeqing has played with this kind of thing, so he was a little novel at first, and then he felt bored.

However, seeing the excited appearance of Si Luoyu, he sometimes uttered "wow" exclamations, but he was not willing to be disappointed. From time to time, he answered Si Luoyu's questions and had a chat.

And Luoyu silk is the same as siluoyu, looking left and right excitedly.

After she came down from the carousel, sloyu was in the mood to play. She played with bumper cars, mermaid island and other amusement facilities. She sat on the bench of the amusement park, waiting for siyeqing to buy water. After a while of playing, her best physical strength was almost consumed.

Luoyu silk took out a wet towel from her bag and wiped her hands for siluoyu. She asked, "are you tired?"

Si Luoyu nodded, and immediately shook his head, finally some hesitation, see her this pair of tangled small appearance, can't help but smile. Knowing that she was tired, she planned to take a rest and go back.

After a while, Si Yeqing came back with two drinks.

Luoyu silk reached for a cup, handed it to Si Luoyu, and asked Si Yeqing, "why only buy two cups? Can't you take it? Shall I buy another one? "

In fact, Si Yeqing thought it was inconvenient to take three cups, so he only bought two, but he couldn't admit it, just replied: "no, I'm not thirsty, you can drink it." With that, he handed another drink to Luoyu silk.

Luoyu silk didn't ask much. After taking it, she took a sip, and then asked sloyu, who was concentrating on drinking: "do you want to play any more?"

Although she wanted to, she couldn't keep up with her physical strength. Si Luoyu could only shake her head. She looked up and found that her father didn't have water, so she handed the cup to Si Yeqing and said softly, "Daddy, drink water." Si Yeqing picks his eyebrows, but he doesn't dislike the saliva. He takes a drink directly. Finally, the family is ready to go home and sit for a rest. Si Luoyu pulls Si Yeqing and Luo Yuxian to the exit.

When we got to the exit, we found a group of people around there. The family member who had just reported the loss of the child was discussing with the staff: "up to now, there is no news about my child. Can you help me? Let the staff look for it. I'm afraid of being abducted by human traffickers. Can we close the door and not let people go out? "

The staff are in a bit of a dilemma because the amusement park is very big and most of the staff have jobs. If they all go to find someone, it will definitely delay their work. And close the door, afraid to bring inconvenience to some tourists, no way, the staff began to discuss internally.

Some of the older employees in the amusement park, because they also have children, know that feeling and can't bear to look at the families who lost their children, so they are very understanding and willing to help. Hastily came forward to comfort: "you don't worry, we try our best to help you find, later to see the monitoring."

But some young employees are not happy, some mutter: "all day so tired, how to help find children? I can't see my children well... "

"How much work will it take?"

Because I contacted the general manager before, and the general manager came to understand the situation. Just in case, if there is a peddler taking the child out, it will not have a good effect on the amusement park. Decided to close the door, if there is really an emergency, need to check the identity to go out. Then the general manager appeases the family members of the lost child and goes to the monitoring room to prepare for the investigation.

Seeing this scene, Si Luoyu didn't understand what these adults were doing. Luoyu silk wanted to take this opportunity to educate Si Luoyu about some problems.

Therefore, she said to Si Luoyu, who held her hand: "when we encounter problems or difficulties in the future, we should think about problems from the perspective of others, understand others, and help if we can."

Si Luoyu felt that mummy was too profound. She looked at Luoyu silk in a daze. She knew she didn't understand it, so she said in another way: "it's like if mummy is missing, you need to ask mummy for help. Do you want others to help you?"

Sloyu nodded and said in a tender voice, "let's find mummy together! Understand! Help

Looking at her action, Luoyu silk touched siluoyu's head with satisfaction.

Having been praised by mummy, Si Luoyu felt that he was going to do something now, so he pulled his father's pants and suggested, "Daddy, daddy, let's help too!"

Si Yeqing, who was satisfied with the way Luoyu silk was taught, took Si Luoyu in his arms and said with a smile, "does Luoyu know how to help? If you really want to help once, let's find it together. "

Si Luoyu was said to be a little shy. He tightened his hand around Si Yeqing's neck and rubbed his neck with his small face.

Luoyu silk in the side watching, the heart also flows through a warm current, he was so happy.