"Dong Dong Dong!" In the morning, a loud sound spread in the family.

Si Luoyu stood in front of the door of Luoyu silk. She was very excited and knocked on the door. At the beginning of the day, she felt full of vitality.

Seeing that there was no response, she immediately yelled, "Mommy, get up!"

It's eight o'clock in the morning now, and she is very puzzled that Luoyu silk hasn't got up yet.

At this time, Luoyu silk is lying on the bed, outside comes the cry of Si Luoyu, her consciousness is slowly awakened, hear her call, can't help but frown.

Her voice kept on, so she had to get up and open the door. As soon as she opened the door, the little figure immediately rushed up.

"Mommy Snow rain hugged her body, she felt helpless, but had to accept her lively.

She squatted down and asked suspiciously, "what's the matter? What can I do for my mother? "

Looking at today's sunny weather, Si Luoyu said: "Mom, the amusement park is exciting. Let's go." She looked excited and couldn't wait.

But Luoyu silk is still sleepy. She fell asleep very late last night, thinking about all the things that Si Yeqing did, and her hatred keeps rising.

She also wanted to have a sleep, so she gently stroked her head and said softly, "mom is still very sleepy. Why don't you go to your daddy?"

She won't let Si Yeqing live so well, so she encourages her to annoy him, so as to return a quiet morning, pacify Si Luoyu, and then she gets up and goes back to bed to continue to sleep.

Seeing that mummy refused to accompany her, Si Luoyu had to turn to Si Yeqing's room again. She was as noisy as before and asked Si Yeqing to open the door. Si Yeqing was sleepy and came to open the door when she woke him up.

"Daddy She threw herself into his arms and begged him, "Dad, will you accompany me to the amusement park? Luoyu is so boring. " She spoiled him and held him.

But Si Yeqing didn't have enough rest in recent days because of her work. Seeing that she wanted to go to the amusement park, she opened her mouth like Luoyu silk and said, "mom has time. You can go to mom."

He yawned and went back to bed to catch up.

Si Luoyu was left outside the room by them in this way. Seeing that neither of them was willing, she had to play her own killing skill.

"Mommy She came to Luoyu silk room, climbed into her bed, hugged her and pestered her from rest.

Luoyu silk woke up to see the little thing lying on her body, touched her head and said: "mom is really sleepy, didn't you go to dad? Let's go. "

With that, she went back to sleep. She couldn't stand the sleepiness.

Si Luoyu lay on her body and shook her body, but she didn't wake up. At this time, her temper came up. She ran to the living room and thought that they were driving themselves out. The more she thought about it, the more aggrieved she was. She burst into tears.

"Ah, my little ancestor, what's the matter with you?" When the nanny heard the cry, she rushed over and hugged her crying on the sofa.

Nanny hugged her and coaxed her, but the cry of sloyu did not abate at all. She explained intermittently: "my parents don't want Luoyu any more. They ignore me!"

Her cry rang all over the villa. Luoyu silk and siyeqing, who were lying on the bed of the room, heard the cry in a trance in their sleepiness, and gradually became conscious. Luoyu silk is the first reaction, she immediately ran out of the room, saw the division of Luoyu tears, very wronged.

"Oh, honey, what's the matter with you?" Seeing her crying, her own heart was wrinkled and leaned towards her.

See her come out, Si Luoyu more aggrieved, toot small mouth, crying and said: "mother ignore me! Mom won't accompany me to the amusement park

She was in a bad temper, but Luoyu silk didn't expect that she could make so much trouble because of this, so she took her from the nanny.

She held her daughter and said softly, "it's OK. Mom will accompany you. Mom will accompany you."

However, in order to appease her, she had to agree to his request.

The child's temper of Si Luoyu came and went quickly. After hearing her promise, the expression on her face changed immediately.

She looked at her mother in surprise and asked excitedly, "really? Mom, I love you Then he took her by the neck and gave her a big kiss.

This weird kid. Luoyu silk is very surprised to see her mood change. Si Yeqing wakes up from sleep. After the storm, she comes to the living room. When she sees him, her mood is covered with a layer of haze.

She won't let him have a good time. She laughed brightly: "shall we let dad go too? One more person for you. "

The division Luo rain a listen, feel is a good idea, immediately nod to agree, and the late division night Qing is very ignorant circle, after reaction.

As soon as he saw that he could go to the amusement park, Si Luoyu immediately cheered and jumped into the room to dress up. The nanny accompanied Si Luoyu into the room to pick clothes. Luoyu silk and Si Yeqing stayed in the living room. They looked at each other, and the atmosphere became more awkward.

She didn't know how to face him, so she hurried into the room. Looking at her back, Si Yeqing didn't have time to say anything, but sighed later.

Siluoyu is a little kid. She finds out a whole set of parent-child clothes from the wardrobe. She changes into children's clothes, leaving two adults.

She took it out and saw that they were all dressed up. She held up two T-shirts and said happily, "Mom and Dad, let's wear parent-child clothes. We bought the one twice!"

She showed off her parenthood and looked at them expectantly.

Luoyu silk smoked from the corner of her mouth. To tell the truth, she hesitated in her heart, but she couldn't bear to break her daughter's expectation.

"Or..." the voice of the division night Qing rings, she looked to him in the past, two people looked at each other, the meaning understood each other.

"Good!" They nodded and agreed to her proposal.

They put on this set of parent-child clothes, and when they came out of the room, they both felt a little uncomfortable.

Luoyu silk can only comfort myself in my heart. I wear it for my daughter, not for him. She comforts her heart and forces her heart to calm down.

Looking at her parents and her wearing parent-child clothes, sloyu's mood becomes excited. She smiles naively and says excitedly: "Mom and Dad, so that others can see that we are a family."

"Yes, yes." Luoyu silk also responds with a smile, but inadvertently looks at Si Yeqing. She has to pretend to look away naturally.

The three of them went out of the house, and this trip was driven by Si Yeqing. In order not to get along with him alone, Luoyu silk made an excuse and sat in the back seat with her daughter.

The car slowly drove to the amusement park nearby, Si Luoyu lying on the window looking at the appearance of the amusement park, excitedly said: "finally came to the amusement park!"

Si Yeqing found a parking space nearby, and then the three got off.