Luoyu silk felt that the ice cream was over, so she didn't care too much, and the serious expression on her face disappeared. She also stretched out her hand and held her in her arms.

Si Luoyu felt that when she was hugged by Luoyu silk, the smile on her face was constantly expanding, and she gave a kiss on her face.

Feeling her action, Luoyu silk shook her head helplessly, her face was full of doting smile.

Si Luoyu raised his face, looked at Luoyu silk and said with a smile, "Mommy, children's Day is coming, have you prepared holiday gifts for me?"

Her face showed excitement, she asked for a gift, and she wanted to know what gift Mommy would give her.

But when Luo Yu silk heard this sentence, she was shocked. The first day of the June 1 children's Day is coming. Since she was unconscious five years ago, she did not attach much importance to these ordinary festivals. She never had the energy and time to go. How could a coma person spend the holidays?

But the child is still young, and the children's Day is just right for her.

Although she didn't want to disappoint her, she told her the truth: "Mommy hasn't prepared a birthday present for you yet."

When the little guy heard this, the excited expression on his face suddenly disappeared, pouting, a face of unhappy, showing that she wanted a gift.

Looking at the expression of Si Luoyu, she was a little sad. The daughter of Si Yeqing was either coquettish or pouting. No one could resist. Who called her so lovely.

She reached out and touched her head, then continued, "what gift do you want? Will Mommy buy it for you? "

When she heard these words, her face immediately showed a smile, just like the thing just now, I don't remember, written off, but the tone of speaking is still so proud.

"Mommy, since you've asked me what I want, I'll tell you." She said with her chest in her hands and a proud look on her face.

"Good." Looking at her like this, Luoyu silk began to laugh, but did not make a sound, and then replied to him.

"I want a Barbie doll." Although Si Luoyu is a child, his tone is not polite at all. It is estimated that he inherited his father's gene.

Luoyu silk looked at her like this, suddenly a little funny, she reached out and poked her forehead, could not help saying: "you little guy, who did you learn from, eh?"

Smelling speech, Si Luoyu blinked his eyes and said: "I learned from Mommy. Will Mommy buy me a gift?"

At the same time, I am happy and unhappy. Happily, she is her mother now, and unhappy that she may not be able to stay with her for such a long time, because he also needs her to kiss her.

But soon, Luoyu silk was able to adjust her mood. With a smile on her face, she said softly, "how can I not buy it? It's from Mommy. Your first holiday gift. You should keep it well and don't lose it."

"All right." She nodded to her, and she would do it.

Luoyu silk face also immediately showed a smile.

Si Luoyu suddenly thought of something and said to her Mommy, "by the way, Mommy, we are going to perform on June 1 in our class. I am also in it."

At the same time, there was a proud expression on her face“ Is it? My baby is so powerful. " Luoyu silk pretended to be surprised and said, in fact, the smile on her face never disappeared.

Snow rain quickly nodded, can't wait to say: "yes, Mommy, I tell you, I'm leading the dance."

Luoyu silk looked at her proud appearance and felt funny. She is really a smart girl. Let alone, since she is the leader of the dance, she really wants to see how she dances.

It should be very lovely. After all, she is so smart that she always has some talents in various fields.

"Yes? Then Mommy will definitely come to see you dance. " Luoyu silk put out her hand and put her in her arms, and said with a smile.

To tell you the truth, Si Luoyu is really excellent. It can be said that she is more than twice as good as an ordinary child. She must be very happy. She has such a treasure at home, so she should be well spoiled.

"Mmm, Mommy, you promised me." The little one held out her hand and said with his little finger.

Luoyu silk also knew what she meant by holding out her hand, so she also held out her hand and hooked her little thumb.

Then they said something about the hook. When they let go of the hook, their faces were full of smiles.

Si Luoyu is very happy now, she decided to wait for their father to come back, she also let him go to the kindergarten to see her June 1 performance.

Seeing the sudden silence of Si Luoyu, Luoyu silk had some doubts in her heart, and then she said, "what are you thinking?"

Sloyu came out of her mind, then looked up at her mother's eyes, holding her mother's neck in her hands, smiling on her fleshy face, two eyes bending, looking extremely lovely.

She puffed up her face and said excitedly, "Mommy, I want to tell Daddy about this when daddy comes back. I want daddy to come with me."

Luoyu silk heard this sentence, Leng for a while, how, want to go with him?

After a moment's hesitation, he agreed.

Now, on the surface, she still has a better relationship with him, and don't show up. Anyway, she doesn't have much loss, but she will feel a little uncomfortable. After all, he has done harm to her family.

She still hated him very much in her heart. The family that used to be so good was destroyed by him.

After a long time, she shook her head. Instead of thinking about it, she turned her attention to sloyu's June 1 performance.

"Well, you remember to tell your daddy." Luoyu silk tried to maintain her expression and gave her a smile.

Sloyu nodded, ran away from her arms, jumped up on the sofa, and said, "great, daddy and Mommy can spend 61 with me."

She is very happy, maybe children are so easy to meet it.

Looking at her daughter like this, Luoyu silk just smiles and doesn't speak. Since her daughter is so happy, she doesn't have to think so much.

Then, Si Luoyu is excited and kisses Mommy on the face, "Bo". This time, her voice is very loud, which also shows that she is very happy now.

The day of June 1 came soon, and the night engine also knew about it. Luoyu silk is the first time to watch children's June 1 performance. Naturally, she has some excitement in her heart. Si Yeqing, as Si Luoyu's father, must have been there more than once.