Seeing Lao Chen throw the bracelet to himself, Chen Hansheng couldn't help rolling his eyes. He just came home from vacation.

Chen Hansheng opened the bedroom door with a "creak". Liang Meijuan was very happy to see her son at first: "acridine, are you back?"

"Mom, that bracelet

"It's all right. That bracelet is worthless. I bought it cheaply at the night market."

"No, it's not me

"Cough ~"

At this time, Lao Chen suddenly coughed: "I just got paid today."

Chen Hansheng suddenly understood that at home, Chen Zhaojun's salary cards were put in Liang Meijuan, who would give Lao Chen fixed pocket money every month.

If you are in a good mood, give it normally. If you are in a good mood, give it less. If you quarrel, don't give it at all.

In short, Liang Meijuan cooks every day and buys clothes on time. Lao Chen doesn't have to worry about food or drink. He has some money and all run to contribute to the Hong Kong City Calligraphy Association.

However, Lao Chen has no other hobbies. He doesn't gamble or drink. He never participates in the second round after dinner. It's just two extremes with Chen Hansheng.

Empress Dowager Liang lamented more than once whether she had held the wrong child and was too unlike her parents.

At this thought, Chen Hansheng suddenly softened his heart. It was not easy for old Chen to change his tone: "I didn't break it on purpose."

Liang Meijuan was very strange: "you certainly didn't mean it. Did you mean it?"


Liang Meijuan pointed to the tea table and said, "why is there a watermark here? It seems that it is still a Chinese character, 'Quan' or 'gold'?"

Now, it's embarrassing for Chen Hansheng.

Just now Lao Chen asked him to choose one from the other. Chen Hansheng was not happy. He didn't write "Shen" or "Xiao". He wrote "Quan".

"Quan" means not to find a girl surnamed Quan, but "I want all".

If Liang Meijuan knew such a skinny answer, Chen Hansheng would be scolded bloody tonight.

"This is' all '."

Old Chen suddenly hesitated: "I wrote it with water. I suddenly thought of it and felt something."

People who like calligraphy prefer to study the radicals of Chinese characters. They often have to write them down. At that time, they used other things instead of a pen.

Liang Meijuan did not doubt, but scolded: "there is no paper at home. What if the tea table is broken?"

But the "I want it all" thing was exposed.

Chen Zhaojun and Chen Hansheng looked at each other, and then pretended that nothing had happened. The father and son took advantage of their respective advantages and disadvantages to jointly deceive empress dowager Liang and ensure that their interests were not damaged.

Old Chen continued to watch TV programs. Chen Hansheng accompanied empress dowager Liang to talk in the kitchen while sending a message to Xiao Rongyu.

"I'm back in port city."

Before long, a message came from the "Ding" of the mobile phone, and the little fish came back.

"I thought you were going to celebrate the new year in Jianye."

Chen Hansheng smiled "hey hey". He didn't leave school until the morning of the 15th. In addition, he sent Shen Youchu back to Sichuan and Chongqing. He also delayed one day to attend the wedding. It's already the 17th today.

The Spring Festival in 2004 is January 22, which is 26 years old according to the lunar year.

Chen Hansheng: things are too busy. I'll see you at your house tomorrow.

Xiao Rongyu: relatives will come home tomorrow.

Chen Hansheng: OK.

Xiao Rongyu: what does that mean?

Chen Hansheng: it means to go another day. Aren't you a relative at home.

Xiao Rongyu: my family comes to relatives. Does this conflict with you looking for me?

Chen Hansheng: I%#*&······

"Shit, it's too proud!"

Chen Hansheng thought to himself that this was a magical logic. Since he wanted me to go there, he just agreed. He also said that some relatives had come.

"Hum, I knew you didn't want to find me."

Xiao Rongyu has another message.

Chen Hansheng sighed and replied crisp: "I'll go to your house for dinner tomorrow noon. I'll take some wine with Uncle Xiao."

This attitude satisfied Xiaoyuer. She let Chen Hansheng go.

"There is wine at home. Just come directly."

"Forget it, I'd better show some sincerity."


Chen Hansheng quarrels with little fish. Liang Meijuan is not very satisfied when she sees it.

"I know to play with a mobile phone. I know to hold a mobile phone as soon as I go home during the holiday!"

Chen Hansheng raised his head in surprise. In the next few decades, Empress Dowager Liang's classic sentence "you know to hold your mobile phone as soon as you go home during the holiday", was it from now on?

"No, the company's business."

Chen Hansheng made a perfunctory remark, relied on the sliding door of the kitchen and continued to send messages.

"Xiao Shen is home safely?"

Liang Meijuan asked while cutting vegetables.


Chen Hansheng nodded.

"Is everything all right at home?"

"Very good. My mother-in-law is in good health, and my little cousin is a little fat."

"I also want to see it when I'm free. A long time ago, my unit organized study and went to Chengdu. At that time, you went to kindergarten and now you're in college."

"Yes, but don't go to Liangshan. It's hard to walk there. The altitude is still a little high. Don't be unbearable."

Chen Hansheng paused and said, "I'll pick up my mother-in-law and them to see you."

"How can I?"

Liang Meijuan shook her head and said, "the man's parents must go home. The rules can't be broken casually."

"Oh, that's up to you."

Chen Hansheng didn't dare to say that he planned to buy a house in Jianye, so Liang Meijuan felt that she was young and made a blind decision.

"Do you have Baijiu in your house?"

Chatting, Chen Hansheng suddenly remembered that he was going to Xiao Rongyu tomorrow and wanted to bring wine.


Liang Meijuan pointed to the storage room: "go and look."

Erguotou Baijiu carry off all that one has been searching for a long time, and it is all a few low and medium liquor. Chen Hansheng can't help complaining loudly. "You have to work in the organs for years, how can you find that the two pot heads are small confused gods, and Moutai and Wuliangye are not."

"You can't let the bad social atmosphere blow at home."


After dinner in the evening, Lao Chen and Liang Meijuan discussed going to relatives in the new year. Chen Hansheng had two aunts and a uncle. After his grandparents died, they got together less.

Chen Hansheng is watching the legend of the Eagle Shooting hero. Like journey to the west, Huang Rihua's version is a classic that can never be tired of seeing. Even if he knows the development of the plot behind, he will still look at it with great interest. This is probably the charm of the classic.

However, Liang Meijuan was a Pacific policeman at home and had to take care of everything. In the twinkling of an eye, she saw her son lying on the sofa watching TV. Subconsciously, she corrected: "sit down and watch TV, and then go out."

Chen Hansheng was seeing the wonderful clip and replied angrily: "Mom, you are too real. I was always happy when I came home. You scolded me for my dirty clothes when I had dinner. Now I only watched an episode of the legend of the carving hero. You have to drive me away. Can you stick to it for two days?"

This is the normal operation of the parents. The children haven't been home for a long time. They were happy when they first met, but they began to dislike it after staying for two hours.

Liang Meijuan is also unwilling to show weakness. She is No.1 at home.

"Can you blame me? When you were in kindergarten, I wanted to train you into a genius. When you were in junior high school, you felt like going to college. When you were in senior high school, you felt like growing up healthily."

"If only you didn't feel angry when you went to college."

Chen Hansheng shook his head. Just as the legend of the carving hero was over, he immediately stood up and said, "I'm sleepy. I'll go to bed."

"Come back."

Liang Meijuan stopped him: "how about the final exam?"


Chen Hansheng was stunned: "Mom, if you want to talk about the exam results, I'm not sleepy."

