"Suning team came to report," a young Suning family Shangren led two ninjas in.

Ninh is a few years older than Fuyue. It is a rare talent in the Japanese family who can fully control soft Boxing at a young age. Compared with rizu, who is a few years younger, Ninh is no less than two brothers.

Members of the two families often compare yuzhibo Fuyue and Zhining. This action was somewhat unexpected for Fuyue and even divided into a team with Zhining.

Both rihe and yuzhibo think they are Muye's first family. The two families have a lot of competition in the dark. I don't know whether it was deliberately arranged by Muye's senior management or a coincidence.

Yuzhibo Fuyue doesn't believe in coincidence.

Now the talents of the two ethnic groups are arranged into a team to perform the task. The arrangement of Muye's high-level is somewhat intriguing.

Two more ninjas came in behind the three. They were two middle ninjas. The upper ninjas of the team had died. After completing the task, they encountered a sneak attack by Sha Yin ninjas. The captain retreated to cover them and dragged Sha Yin's ninjas with his own life.

"Shinji Yamada, Fukuda Maru came to report“

Yuzhibo Fuyue took a look at Shinji Yamada. He and the killed elder Yamada are a family. The family has no blood inheritance secrets.

Elder Yamada is the highest ranking member of the Yamada family. Relying on his seniority, he established Muye with the first and second generations when he was young. He made a lot of contributions and became an elder of Muye.

With the killing of elder Yamada, the Yamada family had no genius, and finally became an ordinary family of Muye.

Qi Mu Shuo Mao nodded and said, "the people are all here. You should understand the situation of the rain country. The single three person team is almost extinct. Yu Zhibo Fuyue is the captain of the team and RI Ning is the vice captain."

Qi Mu Shuo Mao took out a scroll and handed it to Yu Zhibo Fuyue. "This is a sand hidden stronghold detected by the intelligence department. There are a batch of sand hidden materials in it. Your mission is to find a way to destroy these materials and destroy the supply system of sand hidden."

Yu Zhibo Fuyue glanced at Qi Mu Shuo Mao. The other party's expression was flat and couldn't see anything at all.

Arrange rihe and yuzhibo into the same team, including the people of the former Muye elder and a suspected member of the dark Department.

This mission is a test for yourself.

Fuyue took several people to his tent first,.

"First introduce yourself," Yu Zhibo Fuyue said, "the team just formed is not familiar with each other. Tell us about each other's strengths and cooperate with the tasks behind.

I'm your captain Yu Zhibo Fuyue. I'm good at fire escape and writing wheel eye illusion“

"RI Ning, a member of the RI family, is good at white eyes and RI Rou boxing."

"Yamada zhener is good at TU Dun and family knife."

Fuyue nodded. Muye's elders who survived from the Warring States period basically have their own family Sabre skills, many of which have slowly evolved from the previous Samurai family into ninjas.

Including the Qimu family, which used to be a samurai family, but the Qimu family has completely risen in the generation of Qimu Shuo Mao. Qimu Shuo Mao's son kakasi is famous in the tolerance world mainly for ninja and writing wheel eyes.

"Xingtian pill is good at water escape."

"Oil girl yeze is good at controlling bad insects."

"Sato pill is good at fire escape and sabre."

Fuyue looks at the original two team members of Xiang rining.

"Qiu zedaye is good at TU Dun and sealing."

"Wild wood, good at fire escape and sabre."

Yu Zhibo Fuyue nodded. Muye has been established for more than 20 years. Many families still keep the sabre art of the Warring States period. Ninja and sabre go hand in hand. We really can't underestimate it.

Yu Zhibo Fuyue takes out the task scroll and opens it. A map appears with the task target marked on it. A stronghold of Sha Yin is also a supply point.

The supply point is located in the southwest of shayin, close to the country of Sichuan, and the assembly site is in the southeast of the country of rain, which needs to span more than half of the country of rain.

"Prepare yourself and set out in ten minutes," Yu Zhibo Fuyue said. "This mission is our first mission as a forward force. This mission is definitely a strict test for us. I hope you will be mentally prepared."

According to Yu Zhibo Fuyue, it is difficult for two Shangren and six Zhongren to destroy the materials of a stronghold in shayin. As a supply point, there are at least three teams of nine or twelve people stationed all over the place

There may even be a sand hidden team receiving supplies at any time.

The eight member Muye Ninja Team walked in the rain, and countless bad insects flew around the team.

From time to time, rining turns on white eyes to investigate the situation nearby. White eyes and bad insects can complement each other and better prevent the enemy's ambush.

"Captain, there is a situation ahead," oil woman yeze suddenly said. "Six Yuren are found ahead. If we continue to move forward, we are likely to meet each other."

"Pay attention to concealment," Yu Zhibo Fuyue said, "hide yourself, stop moving forward, and wait for the other party to pass before moving on“

"Captain, there are only six ninjas on the other side. Qiu Ze Ono said:" we can kill the other side and continue to perform the task. "

Starting from the morning, this is the first time someone has put forward different opinions. Fuyue knows that now is just the beginning.

Yu Zhibo Fuyue glanced at Qiu zedaye, and San gouyu kept turning his eyes and said, "the movement from the battle may attract more ninjas, and it is likely to lead to the failure of the mission or the reduction of personnel before performing the mission.

As a Chinese forbearance, you need to lead forbearance to carry out tasks in the future. Your intelligence analysis ability is not qualified and you need to learn more. I repeat again, try to avoid complications before carrying out tasks.

Everything will wait until the task is completed. "

Qiu Ze Ono's face turned a little red. All eight ninjas were hidden. Six Yuren gradually disappeared and couldn't see a trace.

Along the way, as a vice captain, rining kept silent and basically did not express his own opinions.

However, Fuyue could see that some people in the team were still unconvinced and resented being the captain. They thought that a 13-year-old boy was not enough to lead them to complete the task.

It was getting dark. Fuyue had ordered the team to hide several times to avoid the Ninja Team of other countries.

The team members are quite cooperative. After all, the main task has not been completed. Any fight with the enemy may lead to the failure of this task.

No one is willing to bear the label that unauthorized action leads to mission failure.

"Yeze, look for a clean cave and have a rest in it tonight“

It's still half the way to the target location and half the way tomorrow.

Zhining, who has been silent, said: "Captain, there is a good cave in the south of the team, which is hidden enough, and the internal space is not small."

Yuzhibo Fuyue nodded and said, "go to the cave you found first."