“Do you think it’s appropriate to feel sympathy considering the image of that woman we’ve built up so far?” Lania slowly pulled her younger sister’s finger and whispered something into her hand. Rebecca, who had been staring blankly, belatedly widened her eyes in surprise.

“Uh, sister, this is…”

“I think it’s time I give it to you.”


The large diamond ring sparkled larger than her eyes. Rebecca had grown tired of ordinary gems, but she knew better than anyone the significance of this particular gem.

“Sister, are you giving this to me?”

“Who else should I give it  then?”

Lania slowly closed her fist and showed a rare warm smile.

Rebecca couldn’t fully trust it, but there was a certain comfort in the fact that they both desired the same thing as sisters.

“You should return this to your lover when you put on the ring.”

“Uh, sister!”

“Of course, that will depend on how this situation unfolds first.”


How about it? With Lania’s alluring laughter, Rebecca, who had been staring blankly at the ring, looked up again.

Normally, it was a gaze she wanted to avoid, but after putting the thing she desired the most in her hands, her eyes lit up.

“What exactly do I need to do?”

“Your Highness, may I come in for a moment?”

Entering Rashid’s study, Peyton once again encountered Rashid standing by the window as usual.

As always, Peyton smiled at the peaceful view of the lake.

“I always wonder why Mother liked this place so much.”


“Pardon? What do you mean———-”

“If I were to kill one of them, would they notice?”


“Well, that won’t work. A witch would know.” He mumbled to himself.

Rashid’s eyes full of anguish turned towards a flock of birds gathered under a tree on the hillside. Among them, his gaze particularly grimaced at one.  ‘Who on earth is this opponent?’ Peyton approached the window, curious. If it were just a simple hunt, this person would have the skill to slaughter every living being over there, even from this spot. Peyton’s attention was momentarily drawn to the bluish-green body that seemed grayish at first glance. “Ah, this, this is…”

“QUACK! QUACK!” Not only did it fly into the Emperor’s window without permission, but it also let out a loud cry. Peyton, who was startled for no reason, quickly tried to shoo it away, but then she stopped and fell silent. “Uhh, could this teal duck be the friend of the aristocratic lady’s daughter?”

“Ah, Selene?”


Peyton’s voice trembled as she smoothly approached Rashid after calling the teal duck by its name.

What on earth is happening here?  It was already startling enough when his older brother called the name of the duck, but it was even more shocking when he reached out his hand to greet it.

“I see that You’ve come to me.” “Brother! Why is the friend of the duchess’ daughter here?”

“Well, upon closer inspection, she seems quite clever.”


As if in response to those words, the duck spread its wings, and something fell from its feathers.

As Rashid picked up what appeared to be small black buttons, his laughter deepened.

“Well done. You’ve worked hard.”

“Squawk!” With a wry smile, Rashid plucked a ribbon from the shelf and wrapped it around the duck’s neck. Though his touch was now quite skillful, Peyton, who was watching, felt a sense of unease.

“Your Majesty, what are you doing?”

“Consider it a sign of alliance.”

“An alliance? Then, are you planning to raise it for military purposes?”

“That’s ridiculous. If that were the case, I would get rid of it.”

With a nonchalant laugh, Rashid wiped Catherine’s button with his hand.

Considering its dull color, one shouldn’t be fond of it, but it wasn’t easy to discard it when thinking of its owner.

He tightly held it in his palm. “By the way, seeing you here, is it already time for me to leave?”

“Oh, yes. There is still time, but you should choose your attire in advance. Dion informed the dressing room to prepare as quickly as possible.”


Finally realizing the purpose of coming here, Peyton gestured toward the door, and the attendants waiting outside brought the emperor’s garments inside one by one. Even for the brief moment the door opened, the bustling sounds indicated that the preparations were being made with great enthusiasm.

“I’m not sure if what I prepared for your visit to the northern region will please you, brother.”


Setting aside Peyton’s concerns, Rashid gradually began to walk. After all, it was just clothing.

He didn’t particularly enjoy social gatherings due to his personality, and if there was an event he had to attend, all he needed was a black formal attire suitable for national ceremonies.