A small town by the sea.

It's raining too hard.

Pedestrians on the street went to shelter from the rain under the eaves on both sides. They looked at the angry day with sadness, and raised their hands above their heads to pray to God.

But God did not listen to their prayer, on the contrary, the rain is more and more urgent, like someone carrying a basin, basin by basin from top to bottom.

"The kadanube has overflowed its banks, and if it goes on like this I'm afraid the cities on both sides of the river will be destroyed. "

"Don't mention it. The day before yesterday, I met a man from malmaire farm. Their farmer was so anxious that he would hang himself with a hemp pole A hundred mu of farmland is rotten... "

"What's the matter recently? It's never been like this before..."

At this time, a man came along the street.

He looked tall and skinny, with a black umbrella and a black cloak covering him. His hands and chin were white as if he had never seen the sun.

The complaints of the passers-by stopped.

They looked at the man in silence, only to feel that he was full of gloom.

The man raised his head, and his face was strangely handsome:

"I heard that the rain in this world is the tears of gods It seems that our God is not very happy

"Who are you?"

People were infuriated by the meaningless tone in which he mentioned God.

"Why have we never seen you around here?"

"Oh, don't worry, I'm just a bard..." The black haired young man's eyes were so dark that he could not see any light. He asked kindly, "excuse me, is there a boat going to sea recently?"

"To sea?"

People shake their heads. There is a harbor nearby, but no one has been sailing for more than half a month. "The sea is very rough, and several good boaters have been swept away. Young man, you can't find a boat here. Go further."

"Ah, that sounds like a pity. It seems that my ten crystal will be wasted... "

The crystal in the youth's hands is as beautiful as a gift from heaven.

There must be a brave man.

After a while, a thin old man ran out from under the eaves:

"young man, I can take you out to sea!"

"Little, you're not going to die?"

It was a small town, and most of the people in the market knew each other, but they were silent when they thought about little.

Little was only a daughter. She was beaten and half dead by her husband's family. After she was brought back, she had been using medicine for hanging her life. Little didn't receive life for half a month, and the medicine was about to be cut off.

Little went after the mysterious bard and asked him to examine his big hands, which were still covered with traces of being pulled by ropes all the year round:

"Dear Sir, you can inquire about it nearby. The best helmsman in this town has never made a mistake in 20 years."

"I want to find a place, Mel Island, have you heard of it..."

The old helmsman called little looked confused:

" If you still have a chart, sir, little can help you find it. If I can't, I'm afraid no one in the neighborhood can do it. "

Ten crystal, enough to buy a big house in the ten main cities.

"No charts."

The Bard seemed to see his hesitation and said with a smile, "maybe we'll spend more time on the sea, but before we leave, I can deposit you with five crystals, and the rest will come back."

Five crystals, enough for his daughter to take medicine for three years.

Little did not hesitate to answer.

The beautiful bard generously gave him five crystals, and when little was ready to go home to explain and pack, he said in his ear:

"don't run away with the crystal, or I can't guarantee it. "

"Don't worry, little swears to God that he will never run away with your crystal!"

"Yes, the little family are devout believers of light, and they never cheat."

There's a helper next to him.

"Believers of light?" The smile on the Bard's face was more sincere. "Good. I'll be waiting for you in an hour. Oh, by the way, Mr. little, you can call me Louis

"See you later, generous Mr. Lewis."

Little settled down the family affairs, and when she rushed to the appointed place, there was an extra child beside her.

"Mr. Lewis, this is my assistant, milaka Moses. Although he is small, he is a good swimmer."

"I'm a villager of kana village. I grew up by the sea. Now I'm an apprentice to Uncle little."

"Kana village..." The mysterious bard looked at a vast sea and said, "are you going to be an apprentice so young?"

"Milaka wants to find her benefactor."Red haired children's swarthy face, teeth white reflection.

"Benefactor? What a coincidence, I'm looking for someone, too... " The dark haired Mr. Lewis held his hand and looked out to the sea. "She's on Mel island Unfortunately, the island is missing. "

Milaka looked at him. "The man Mr. Lewis is looking for must be very important to you."

"Yes, very important, very important..."

Looking at the smile on the new customer's face, little shivered for some reason, and he made a prayer gesture to the sky.


and in this vast ocean, Mel island is like a floating leaf, floating with the waves, no one can find its trace. It hides in the sea and the wind and waves alone until one day, it ushers in its master.

In the dark sky and the ground, continuous drizzle hand over.

A young man with silver hair and white robe passed through the drizzle and fell on this isolated island.

On his shoulder stood a fat gray bird, which had a pair of sneaky eyes. He was looking left and right cleverly, and from time to time he made a strange cry of "spot".

Young people don't talk much.

His whole person is shrouded in a dim light, between heaven and earth, as if only he exists.

He is like the beloved of heaven and earth.

His long silver hair hung gracefully behind his back, occasionally lifted up by the wind. His white boots clearly touched the muddy ground, but the dirt of the world seemed to have nothing to do with him, and could not touch him at all.

He is holy and inviolable.

Now, through the rain curtain, the holy young man comes to a dilapidated black building which does not match him.

A low row house with a pointed roof and wooden doors locked. The only access to the outside world is a small flat window on the high wall. They stand on the island, out of place and dilapidated.

It's hard to imagine people living in it.

He stood for a long time, and the gray bird on his shoulder patted its wings and made a question of "spot" --

but the sound seemed to touch a layer of bubble, turned around and disappeared in the air.

What's the matter, my great God? ]

the lively grey bird tilted its head and did not know why.

But God has already stepped forward to a low room.

Mottled wooden door for some years, sent out a bad smell of stale, gray bird quickly covered its nose with wings: [stink! ]

God stopped.

Where is this? ]

the grey bird's black eyes looked left and again, and finally fell back to his side.

The young man's silver hair was blown back, revealing his beautiful forehead, nose and side face as high as a mountain, and his skin was frighteningly white in the dark night.

The grey bird shivered.

Little brain can't help but think back

Not long ago, God was still sitting quietly in his room, drinking wine one by one The wine is very bitter. God has finished drinking it all, and will give it a cup After drinking, the God raised his forehead and seemed to lean against his chair to squint for a while --

the next moment, he came here with it.

So, where is this?!

The grey bird's black eyes glared at the wooden door. It thought of a possibility, and its voice suddenly became loud:

[it's babe! God, is this where you keep babe Are you going to forgive and pick up babe Oh, the light is on. You've locked babe in such a place It's like a ghost house -]


the noise of the grey bird is stopped.

Its beak opened and closed, but there was no sound. It flew up angrily, flapping its wings, and flying up the clouds near the eaves. But soon, it was squatting on the ground again, and no one looked at it.

God did not move.

So he stood outside the door.

There was neither a push nor a step forward.

As if this is the most suitable distance.

The wind lingers on the corner of his white robe. The rain outside is getting heavier and heavier. A few threads float across the eaves and fall on the youth. The sound of "rustling" rain all over the world. Under the gray eaves, a kingfisher did not intend to fly in, but was scared to fly out.

The spider slithered into the corner crack.

The youth stood all night.

When the next day, the light gradually light, the white figure disappeared.

Liu Yu opened her eyes.

That pair of beautiful, rippling blue eyes, a cold. She turned over, the straw shop made a "rustle" sound, through the gap between the wooden door, you can see the vast sky between heaven and earth, heavy rain after day.

It's going on and on, she thought.

Turn over, close your eyes and fall asleep again.

God left Mel island in the early morning.The grey finch stepped on his shoulder and followed him over the clouds to the end of the sea.

There's a magical look here.

The edge of the sea seems to be surrounded by a huge bubble, the water is flowing, but also static. It can't break through that bubble and reach the other side of the sea.

"This is the end of the world."

God quietly looked at the water can not reach, there, is a fog like turbid air mass, line of sight can not penetrate.

"Can't you go there, either?"

"It's a place where rules can't be extended. I was born in this sea, and I watched the gray fog devour everything in the sea Chaos, no order. "

God said in disgust.

He stood quietly on the sea, handsome cold eyebrows like mountains, silent and quiet watching the rolling fog, and then fell on the sea level.

White boots dripping water did not touch, so step on the sea, step by step to the confusion of the fog.

Where are you going? ]

in horror, all the feathers stood up. Its fat body shrinks into a ball, shivering, and it feels so uneasy there, just like a huge beast lurking in its sleep? ]

“…… Forget it. "

God said a word that he could not understand.

[who? Who are you going to forget?! ]

the gray spotted finch's head swayed back and forth, but in the end, it was scared back to its neck by the water coming from its face.

No bird is afraid of water unless it is a waterbird.

At this moment, the simple, seemingly unwise little brain suddenly reacts:

[what you want to forget is babe?! What are you doing here? Oh, you've had a drink and you want to see Babe But when you got there, you suddenly didn't want to see her, so you just stood outside And then, again? ]

[no, no, what does this have to do with babe ]

"I hate deep sleep, but compared with belia Fergus -"

before he entered the fog, God stopped and walked in as if nothing had happened. "Whenever I enter this chaotic and disorderly fog, I fall into a deep sleep..."

"Ten thousand years."

[no! ]

they screamed.

It won't!

A huge suction came and sucked the gray bird in.

After a while, my black eyes closed in a daze:


Mottled doesn't want to.

On the ground, a small stone statue rolled forward, and the golden iris flowers on the stone statue glittered in the neck.


but when the God was imprisoned in the fog, Liu Yu tried to persuade Natasi.

"Don't you want to go out, natashi?"

"No, I don't want to."

Natasi's voice is too gloomy. After yesterday's refusal to communicate, she is showing her hatred today.

"Why not? Because you hate me

Natashi didn't speak.

Her voice seemed to be destroyed by something, and it was no longer clear. After a long time, she answered her in a rustling voice:

" Yes, I hate you, sister belia You have broken my dream. You let me know that I am nothing in this world. I am not a princess in the palm of my parents' hands, but a humble maid who will be abandoned at any time No one thinks highly of me. They look at me like JOJO. Ah, JOJO is the grey spotted bird

Liu Yu did not speak.

"Why do you always look for your own value in the eyes of others, natashi."

She sighed softly.

"Sister belia, if you were me, you would be the same A commoner, unattractive girl, she has neither a dowry of 10000 roubles nor enough intelligence She has no value But without you, I wouldn't have noticed that. "

Natashy finally stopped crying.

Liu Yu:

"No, there will be others without me, natashi. You're always staring at what you don't have."

"Don't talk so lightly. How can a person who has everything understand my pain? I can't compare anything to you I can only make myself more docile and kind. Even a compliment from European servants can make me happy all day So I keep telling people about my pain, and I have to be gentle and kind, even if I'm so jealous... "

Liu Yu sighed.

People's past, the image of people is really deep-rooted, whether it is her, or natashi.

No one is perfect.

The only thing we can do is not to let the weak stay in the body for a long time.

She didn't say a word, but natashi became more and more excited.

She repressed the mood for a long time, once burst, can not help but: "I know, you are laughing at me Yes, sometimes I look down on myself I want everything, and I don't dare to ask for anything The only thing I've done is to change my face like yours"But what then? God still didn't see me... "

"Natashy Leonard, you are also trying to tell a hard hearted person about your pain," Liu Yu sighed. "No one is born to have everything."

At least, she also enjoyed real father's and mother's love.

She was born in a happy family and lived a rich life.

"You have!"

"No, believe me, No. I don't have a father, I don't have a rich family, and when your father becomes my stepfather, I'm even worried about the three meals. "

If Liu Yu wants to return to Mrs. Fergus, she won't take the initiative to uncover the fact that she is not belia.

Her half truths angered natashi:

"but your mother even killed my father in order to get his property! He is so good to you, even better than me! He also sang songs, played the piano and coaxed you to sleep... "

"My mother has no power to command the winds and waves of the sea."

"They all say that!"

"You should see with your own eyes, natashi."

Liu Yu could not describe Mrs. Fergus's distress to her, but said:

"Uncle Leonard turned all his property into goods when he was at sea, and those goods floated away with the sea. If you don't believe it, when you return to Nathaniel, you can ask the surviving sailors. I remember At that time, the Leonard family's cashier survived. "

"You can lie, natashi. You can ask the truth to me, to the surviving sailors. "

Natashi's movement is getting smaller.

Liu Yu knew that she was a little loose.

This problem has always been a problem in her mind.

She kept up her efforts.

“…… And now, you're just like me. They are not loved by God. Are you going to spend the rest of your life in this dark place? Don't you long to find someone who really loves you? "

"No, it's too late My face has been destroyed. No one will love me again. "

"I made a deal with the devil, and God judged me and destroyed me," natashi said in despair

The power of Holy Light swept away the darkness in her body, and made her body suffer indelible damage.

"I will cure, the most advanced cure, I can cure you."

As long as we realize that love is still possible, we may regroup.

"But I don't believe you, sister belia. You're not so kind."

Liu Yu:

It's hard to do.

"I can swear to God of light."

"You've made a lot of vows," natashi said mercilessly. "Obviously, your vows don't work."

Liu Yu:

My sister suddenly became smart.

She thought about it.

"I just want to leave, but God has imprisoned me. I need to use your power to dig a way out of here It's not good, it's a deal. I'll teach you what to do. You take me out and I'll fix your face for you She said with pride and disdain, "besides, your face is no threat to me. I don't need to destroy Nuo."

In Natasi's hesitation, Liu Yu added another weight to her:

"God has imprisoned my divine power. To you, I am just a mortal. Even if you want to cure you, it's only with your power. You can take it back at any time


She can control her.

Nata's dark face was pockmarked. She looked at the window above her head, and a trace of desire flashed in her eyes. She said:


"We trade."

As soon as the hole was dug, it took nearly two months to dig.

From the underground hole connecting the prison, natashi, according to Liu Yu's instructions, puts out a five pointed star array which is exploded. Along with the mountain shaking of a position, a tunnel leading to the outside is blown out.


Liu Yu was the first to step into the tunnel with his waist bent.

Natashi looked at her back, touched her face, and followed.

Far away.

Wrapped in a dense mist, the God opened his eyes.

That pair of green eyes haze heavy, seems to see through the misty sky to the distance, the next moment, that tall figure disappeared in the mist.

On the other side, the boat floating in the sea seems to be pushed by a force, like a string, rushing to the suddenly emerging island.