"Maggie! You haven't cleaned the floor yet

"Lola, come on! Apricot cheese, Madeline! Oh, damn it. Belia will wake up soon... "

Liu Yu wakes up in a burst of familiar jifeigoutiao.

Mrs. Fergus's lively voice reached the second floor with penetrating force. She looked at the ceiling for a while, and her consciousness gradually returned.

Gaia carried her back to her room last night.

He courteously said good night to her, tucked her up, and kissed her hair and forehead before saying goodbye to her - and most of the time, I must say, he behaved like a very distinguished, elegant and courteous gentleman of the nobility.

It made her feel a little unreal.

Gaia's image, constantly swaying in front of her, seemed to be split in two.

Half, belongs to the sunshine, when he is calm and happy, like an elegant gentleman, gentle and charming. Half, but belong to the night, when he is infuriated, like a dictatorial tyrant, and the object of dictatorship is only himself.

He loved to control her, and at that time, she could even feel his satisfaction from the body to the heart, as if he really had a warm, uncontrollable emotion for her.

Liu Yu froze in boredom.

He even fired a flare into the air, which was lifted out of bed when the flare exploded into fireworks.

She found a little rose at the edge of the window.

White petals, even rolling dew, as if just picked from the branches. The thorns on the branches and leaves were carefully pulled out, and she inserted the roses into the blue narrow necked vase beside the bed.

White flowers in the narrow mouth of the bottle stretch, very beautiful.

From Gaia.

There is no doubt about it.

She could even imagine that picture.

Facing the first ray of sunshine and morning dew, the young man in white walked into the back garden of Fergus's house, picked a rose flower, and then carried the bird to her windowsill so that she could see it at first sight when she woke up.

As he said last night:

" When I decide to accept your love, I will take it seriously and never perfunctorily

This is what he takes seriously.

Liu Yu gently plucked the corolla and began to smile. As she went downstairs, she ran into Mrs. Fergus.

As soon as she saw her, she shrunk from an arrogant crab to a timid mole.

"Bei, belia Are you up? Did you sleep well last night

She smiles at her pleasantly. It's strange that a woman of this age can even make people feel "naive". However, all this disappeared when she roared at the servants again.

and novels are as like as two peas.

Liu Yu thought with a smile:

"mother, I want to eat the Madeleine cookies you just mentioned, and And Gaia? "

"Maggie! Take Madeleine cookies, cocoa and cheese to the restaurant! These servants are really more and more lazy... " Mrs. Fergus complained as usual, and said, "Mr. Leslie is out of the house. I have prepared a carriage for him."

"Out of the door?" Liu Yu said in surprise, "mother, he can't see!"

"So what?" Mrs. Fergus shrugged. "We Fergus don't have the habit of forcing guests, and, you know Although I appreciate Mr. Leslie's help yesterday, I don't approve of your marrying him

"You had a good talk with him yesterday!"

"Yes, yes, there is no denying that Mr. Leslie is indeed a rather agreeable young man. But belia, you are my favorite daughter, I have to plan for you A blind man, how do you live in the future? He's your crutch, you're his eye? Oh, don't be naive, the world It's not as easy as you think. "

"Don't look at me like that, belia. I didn't force him to go. He's going out by himself. I've got a carriage ready."

Liu Yu reluctantly:

" I know, you must have said something terrible Some of them are polite, but he won't force me to leave. He's no ordinary person. Even Lord Bruce has a lot of admiration for him

She knew that when bishop Bruce was moved out, it would be useful.

Sure enough, Mrs. Fergus immediately changed her face:

"bishop Bruce? Oh, God of light, I said something bad Well, what about this? "

"It doesn't matter, Gaia. He doesn't care. He's tolerant."

To be exact, it doesn't care at all.

"Call me another carriage, mother, and I'll find him."

Liu Yu took a sip of cocoa and ordered Maggie to put up the cookies and sticks. Gaia left her, which made her uneasy, especially when she thought of the strange appearance of the statue of the God of light in the center of the city on the first day.

"Well, belia, how can you find it? It's better to wait for the coachman to come back"No!" "Mother, I'll try my luck!"

Mrs. Fergus had no choice but to call a carriage to take her out, and then she said with great care:

"Bella, remember to love yourself before a man proposes to you."

"Oh! Of course, of course! " Liu Yu's face was pure with a smile and vowed, "I won't forget it. See you in the evening, mother

"See you in the evening, belia."

She gave Mrs. Fergus a gentle kiss on the cheek and waved away.


Liu Yu, of course, is not aimless.

After coming out from the bottom of the lake, for some reason, she could always feel Gaia's position: East or west; South, or North. A general direction, though not so specific.

The fat coachman's temper was obviously very good, and he kept adjusting his route with the instructions of the noble lady.

After walking for more than two hours, the carriage stopped in front of a black lacquer door carved with rose patterns.

The young guard in front of the door, with a stiff uniform, watched the carriage warily.

The coachman bent down to open the door:

"here we are, Miss Fergus."

Liu Yu clung to the handle and clumsily got out of the carriage.

She saw the familiar spires, the music fountain, and the rosette gate.

This is Soren college?

Gaiatha, why are you here?

She thought.

"Miss Fergus, the door won't get in."

The coachman told her.

"Wait here."

The unregistered carriage was not allowed in: now that she had graduated from Soren college.

Liu Yu sticks to her umbrella and walks to the door like a proud aristocrat:

"I request to go to the college."

Her amazing beauty clearly impressed the guard.

However, in front of the girl's ankle long blonde hair and ice blue eyes, the young guard narrowed his eyes and carefully identified the meeting before bending down and saluting:

"Miss Fergus? Have you come back from Guangming college? "

Liu Yu noticed that when he fell on her left shoulder, his eyes were full of pity.

"Yes, I left my badge in the college. Would you like to go in and look for it?"

She gave the doorman a soft smile.

"Oh, of course! Miss Fergus can come in whenever she wants to! "

In the obsessed eyes of the guard, Liu Yu successfully entered Soren college.

As soon as you get closer, the sensing is not so accurate.

Liu Yu could only go all the way down the Boulevard, but she could guess what Gaia was doing here.

He is very interested in "finding himself" recently. I'm afraid he is coming to "find the source".

Stone statues

Music fountain

It was the rockery behind the fountain, she remembered, passing through a fiery red bush.

When Liu Yu walked slowly on campus with her parasol, she had already attracted other people's attention.

After all, such beauty is rare.

What's more, her graceful body is less than one arm. When the wind blows up her golden and Wavy long hair and her white skirt, her empty sleeve with a missing arm will also swing up --

a teenager stops her.

He was dressed in a white and gilt edged college uniform. He was thin and small. His hair was greased and combed back. A greasy passer-by gave her a romantic smile:

"Miss Fergus? Long time no see. "

Liu Yu also noticed that the man painted a lot of powder on his face.

It's a pity that it can't cover up the ten or so huge acne.

"You are..."

She lifted up the sunshade, and her ice blue eyes came out. When she successfully saw the dull eyes of the other party, she was ready to bypass him.

When passing by, he was grabbed.

The empty sleeve fell into the other party's hands, and the boy rubbed it:

"Miss Fergus, don't you remember me? At the prince's dance banquet, you and I danced several times Oh, you said you would marry me. My father is the Duke of Rodney

Duke Rodney?

The fat man Mrs. Fergus's generous patron?

Liu Yu was stunned:

this is a big pot of dog blood.

"I didn't say that." She denied with a cold face. She looked at the fire red bush in the distance, expecting Gaia not to be there. "You must have misunderstood me."

"Miss Fergus, that's wrong. You also took me a rose ring as a token Of course, it's wishful thinking, but the Rodney family doesn't mind having an extra mistress. "

Little Rodney is proud.

Rose ring?

Liu Yu thought of the ring that was buried in the snake's belly with his arm"No!" She stiffened her face and tried to tear the empty cuffs out of little Rodney's hands That rose ring was given to me by my mother. It's very cheap. It's fifty luxes. Mr. Rodney, you can't slander me just because you see me wearing it! God of light testifies

Seeing that he refused to let it go, he made a hard effort -

"tear --"

the sleeve cracked.

A piece of snow-white silk fell to the ground.

However, this scene seems to have angered the teenager:

"you, belia Fergus, a disabled, dare to refuse the noble Rodney?"

"Do you think you are still the noble one? Ha ha, a God without arms? What can you do to wipe the walls of the temple with your poor hand I Rodney is still willing to give you a mistress position, you should be satisfied!... "

Liu Yu would like to give him a "bah", but considering the noble culture, or gave up.

Changing sheep

She looked around. Just now, she was surrounded by Rodney's attendants, a dozen or so.

Time is too short, unless you turn yourself into a sheep.

But it can't escape.

She didn't want to be touched by these disgusting hands.

The attendants laughed.

"Mr. Rodney, you are not here. It's a pity that Miss Fergus will not be able to taste her when she becomes a God."

"She used to be so arrogant that she always looked down on people. If it hadn't been suppressed by school rules, she would have been a long time ago..."

"Now she's not from our college..."

Liu Yu's face is getting worse and worse.

"Hold her down!"

Little Rodney fiercely knocked down the sunshade in Liuyu's hands.

When the girl's beauty was exposed to the sun, everyone swallowed.

"Mr. Rodney, if you're finished, you'd better give it to us..."

Although the nobles can't harm each other, as long as they don't commit suicide, the city-state guards will turn a blind eye to the affair between the grand duke's successor and the daughter of a fallen Viscount's family.

They laughed.

At this time, the huge wind swept, blowing all the people around.

A white figure suddenly appeared.

His long silver hair danced with the wind, and his holy face was as cold as ice and snow. He reached out -

a vast golden light fell from the sky and turned into more than a dozen golden swords.

"In the name of holy light, in the Fu of God -"


Under the vast golden light, the sword mercilessly passed through the crowd.

"Ah --"

"ah --"

"my hand --"

"My hands are gone!"

In the countless howls, the teenagers who were just about to commit violence against Liu Yu rolled around in pain. The golden sword swept, and their left arm melted like snow, and disappeared out of thin air - not a trace of blood.

It just looks like someone's joking with them.

"Gai Ya? "

The youth turned around.

The girl rushed into his arms:

"you finally came..."

She cried.

The young man's hand stopped on her head for a moment, and finally let it down:

"sorry, I don't know..."

"I'd love to hold you, just like before." The girl raised her head, tears streaming down her eyes, "unfortunately, I can't. Gaia, I can't

"I can't hold you anymore."

She said.

The young man's face, however, had a faint sadness:


"You go with me to the temple. I'll try to cure you, I promise

"Really?" She looked up. "But what about my mother?"

"A star knight is enough for the royal family to protect Mrs. Fergus."

He bowed his head and gently wiped away her tears, then asked So now you can tell me about the rose ring