"Oh, how nice to be young."

Looking at the children who were laughing again for a while, Professor Lovell pushed his glasses and looked nostalgic.

"But I guess it's going to be a good night."

Professor Edward squeezed his eyes narrowly I just hope that I don't feel too happy. When I wake up tomorrow, I can walk on my way and I won't be whipped back by Lord Malan

Professor Lovell shook his head helplessly:

"Professor Edward, you should change your bad mouth. Lord Bruce was still worried about your marriage a while ago..."

Professor Edward beat the nagging and ran away with his short legs: Lovell is really getting more and more wordy as he gets older

The family members were arranged to stay at the villagers' houses by Prof. Luo Fuluo. The late food was much better than that at noon. A bowl of hot broth was filled with several pieces of wild vegetables dug by the villagers. Then the cold and hard Nang cake was softened and dipped in the broth, which had a unique flavor.

Even Princess Mary, who was always critical, ate with relish.

Liu Yu followed a dark skinned girl into her house.

The wall of the Loess Horde is a long hunting gun, a basket, a table and two chairs. The inner room is an earthen Kang, covered with a layer of Floral Cotton cloth. The whole room is empty -

it can be called a house without walls.

A mouse leaped across the room, and the girl who led the way seemed to have committed a crime of death. She sprawled to the ground and swayed her body:

"Miss Fergus, Miss Fergus..."

She closed her eyes, waiting for the coming punishment.

"It doesn't matter." A soft voice came, and then, a pair of beautiful white hands stretched out in front of her, the snow-white silk shook her eyes, "get up, don't panic."


She looked up.

The fair haired girl, more beautiful and more noble than the Viscount she had ever seen, gave her a gentle smile:

"just a mouse."

"Don't you blame me?"

"God holds all beings except darkness."

The snow-white face of the blonde girl seemed to be suffused with holy light.

"Believe in my God."

Look, one more.

Liu Yu found that being a prodigy is addictive.

She took the personal belongings that had been sent to Professor Luo Fuluo --

it was also the experience of Emerald Forest in these three days and three nights. She let her know that there is a kind of God stone in the world, which can be used to hold things, and the effect is roughly equivalent to the "bag of heaven and earth" in ancient mythology.

However, the cost of this stone is too expensive. For example, there are only two Vaticans with power and money in one, such as the temple of light.

One is carried by Bishop Bruce and the other is sent to the Holy See. Only when he is on a mission can he apply:

for example, at this time.

Liu Yu brought three sets of underwear to be changed. In this place, there had been tight chests and clothes similar to b.r.a. for a long time

Before she came to college, she asked her to do ten pieces that were not alike.

on her first day in the world, Liu Yu discovered one thing:

people here, men and women, don't wear underwear!

Under the man's loose silk trousers, there are no eggs. And the woman layer after layer under the nightdress, is also no fat times.

In this era, it is not a dream, but a reality.

Even in the unofficial history of Ellen, it is recorded that when a king was riding through a crowded street, a young girl fell in front of him and fell to the ground. The beautiful girl cried, and the young king observed her with joy and said, "the gate of heaven is open." ①

- in any case, Liu Yu can never accept that his "gate of heaven" is so casually opened.

She also brought a dress.

Fire red long skirt, silky and drooping texture, when the skirt blooms like petals - the original owner's wardrobe, there are always such surprises waiting for her.

And lipstick.

The nobles in the land of Ellen advocated paleness, but they also pursued strong colors. Magenta, orange, purplish red, blue and black

Noble women's make-up boxes can be short of pearl powder, but there will never be a lipstick that is expensive and can make her famous at the banquet.

If you go to the campfire at night, your facial features will be softened by the flame. Of course, Liu Yu won't let himself make this mistake: in peacetime, it's OK.

After all, Gaia was blind, no matter how keen he was.

But now, since she wants to get the most flowers, she has to pay more attention.

She put aside the usual light lipstick, finally chose the positive red, outlined the lip line, full lips slightly toot, such as blooming roses——Liu Yu smiles at the mirror with satisfaction and goes out.

At the sight of her, the girl waiting outside seemed stunned.

After a long time, he came to his senses:

"Miss Fergus, you are beautiful."

"Thank you."

Liu Yu raised the skirt and walked briskly across the threshold, "it's time to go."

The village of remlo at night is not the same as the day.

It has faded the cold and the scar under the bright sunlight, exposed the warm inside.

It is a rare full moon in the sky. The big leaves with sparse branches seem to have been gnawed by insects. As Liu Yu passes by, he can't help but stretch out his hand to pick a piece and twist it in his hand, wet and dewy.

The Sentinels came by in twos and threes, and they cheerfully said to her:

"Oh, Miss Fergus, it looks very different today."

"Thank you."

Liu Yu raised her skirt and saluted gracefully.

All the way to the lake, she was also dazzled by the excitement and the bonfire.

Villagers have put on their most beautiful clothes, of course, not the aristocratic style of luxuriant skirts, silk and satin clothes, but colorful and beautiful cotton robes.

They sang and danced around the bonfire.

On the platform set up by the lake, a girl with a naked upper body was wearing a short skirt woven by leaves. Her posture was strange and dancing. Her wheat skin was like flowing honey in the moonlight.

People looked at her without blinking.

The girl's face painted a one horned cow with bright dyes. Her dancing seemed to contain some mysterious and primitive rhythm. Together with the flaming bonfire under the stage, the whole space was rendered restless and ambiguous.

"It's a blessing dance." The girl who led the way looked at the high platform with admiration, "Hanny danced so well."

"Blessing dance?"

"Yes, pray for a good harvest in the coming year, pray for God's blessing, and..."

Someone took the past:

"pray for a baby to be born after tonight."

Louis came up from behind.

His voice was low, and his eyes were full of aristocratic pride. Instead of the wild beauty full of primitive vitality, the arrogance fell on Liu Yu's body, hair, skirt and lips:

"Miss Fergus."

The young man's dark eyes looked at her deeply. If Liu Yu had not known his virtue, he would have thought he had fallen in love with her.

She saluted him:

"Professor Lewis."

"Hodge Lewis," said the young man, "as your sincere admirer, you can call me Louis directly."

"I'm sorry, professor. It's out of order."

Liu Yu flatly refused him.

Her eyes were wandering around the lake, and finally found a thin teenager among the lush green plants.

He was dressed in white, and his silver hair flowed wantonly behind his back, looking quietly at the lake.

The bustle and noise seemed to have nothing to do with him.

"Miss Fergus, I think I have the freedom to pursue you."

"But I, belia Fergus, swore that Mr. ellesley would be the only one in my life

Liu Yu believes that the wind will give him her confession.

As expected, the young man turned his face. In the moonlight, his face was like a delicate and fragile jade.

Liu Yu Chao waved to him:


"Miss Fergus has the loyalty that Louis was ashamed of."

Lewis also looked to the lake.

"Thank you for your compliment." Liu Yu smiles at him. "I'm sorry, professor. I'll excuse you."

The blonde walked away like an elegant reindeer with her head high.

Louis laughed:

I haven't seen such a funny one for a long time Human.

"Does Lord Lewis feel that..." Natashi came over. "Sister belia is like a fire. It doesn't go back. She just burns everything."

And she would rather she beat her, scold her, or humiliate her, as she had done before.


Lewis leans lazily against the tree. "Natashi, what you see is destruction. And what I see is hope. "

His dark eyes seemed to be able to suck everything in, burning a big fire that seemed to destroy everything.

Natashi stopped talking.

She's been thinking a lot lately, and what she can't understand is more.

Can always feel, seem to have a very important thing, was forgotten by her.


The bonfire party began.

Every young girl of the right age was given a small bamboo basket.

There is a flower in the bamboo basket.

They sat around the campfire, with one and a half arcs for men and one and a half for women, just forming a circle, and the bamboo basket was placed in front of them.Professor Edward and Prof. Lovell, who had agreed to attend, were absent. The sentient and villagers sat together and cast their eyes at one or several targets of interest.

The old village head coughed:

"now, you can give the flowers to your loved ones. An hour later, our villagers will come to count the number of flowers. The person who gets the most flowers will be able to appoint another person to spend the night with him. Of course, during this period, you can also show yourself to your loved ones... "

The old village chief repeated the rules without any breath, and then slowly backed away.

Young young girls are bold and unrestrained, at this time also because of unfamiliar, and some can not let go.

However -

a honey colored figure stood up.

The girl named Hanny, whose totem had been washed and her amber cat eyes showed, walked up to Gaia and dropped her flowers into the basket in front of him.

The voice is rusty, like her honey skin, it has a natural allure:

"Dear Mr. Leslie, I'm Hanny."

The half bent girl was covered with only two thin leaves on her body. When she walked around, the short skirt woven by leaves showed her honey colored skin, and

Liu Yu is not worried, a blind man

I can't see it again.

What's more, if the great God of light was so casually seduced, how could he survive the earlier days of the day Sports Party? That's the real wine pool, the flesh and blood.

"Thank you."

Thank you, silver haired boy.

That seems to be the end of the matter.

Hanny seemed unwilling to take a step forward. The plump honey fruit almost broke through the leaves and swayed to the tip of the young man's nose, but was blocked back by a white barrier.

The boy nodded gracefully:

"sorry, thank you."

Hanny stood up regretfully:

"Mr. Leslie, even if you don't get the most flowers, Hanny will."

Liu Yu couldn't help but stare at her:

she snatched food from the mouth of the tiger. She should take up the white glove and throw it on Hanny's face now.

However, the other party is not an aristocrat.

She thought with some regret.

At this time, a bright rose appeared in her eyes -

it didn't seem to be a flower prepared by the villagers.

Most of the flowers they brought were collected by the roadside. They had just experienced magma, and most of them were wilting. But this rose, however, blooms extremely warmly, the red is rich and full, the petal also has the dewdrop, forms the sharp contrast with the pale finger which delivers.

Louis's handsome face appeared in front of him.

He smiles at her:

"Hodge Lewis, ask for a dance for Miss Fergus."

If Lewis asked her to dance, Liu Yu refused. Now, however, he was asking to dance for her - and if she refused, she would appear aggressive and ungracious.

Thank you very much

She stood up and saluted.