Prince Carlo knocked again.

The door began to move.

The girl's soft voice, which seems to be coquettish with her lover, mingles with me or one or two beautiful male voices and spreads out the door.

Prince Carlo can imagine each other almost immediately.

She must have looked at the elf like teenager with her talking eyes. She nestled up beside him and spoke of her missing sincerely and passionately --

"Prince Carlo, knock again."

The man behind him coughed and urged him.

Prince Carlo knocked twice more.

At this time, the closed door "squeak" opened.

A pale, tired teenager stood by the door, his silver hair streaked in the light - and when he looked up, Carlo almost thought he saw himself.

"Wait a minute, Prince Carlo, the emissary."

The boy nodded his head lightly and politely.

The blonde girl next to him tightly tugged at his arm. Maybe she couldn't adapt to the sudden sunshine. Her blue eyes narrowed slightly and her eyelashes bent down innocently. At this moment, she looked like a cat waking up from a deep sleep in the afternoon.

Her pure white skirt was blown up by the wind, revealing her delicate and smooth legs -

there was no more pale and weak when she was dying last night. Her naked and exposed skin was like the cleanest bunch of first snow in Andi mountain range:

No, it may be even more crystal clear.

The wounds are gone.

It's a miracle.

"Miss Fergus, you look wonderful, better than ever."

Thank you very much

The girl gave him a sweet smile.

But Prince Carlo couldn't help thinking about last night.

He was also present at the grand ceremony. He watched with his own eyes how the miracle like "blessing" came to the scarred girl, and how she was reborn again --

thinking of this, Prince Carlo saluted Gaia more solemnly.

"Mr. Leslie, do as you please."

"Thank you."

Prince Carlo noticed that Mr. Leslie had changed a lot since that ceremony.

His silver hair grew suddenly, the gentleness of youth began to become handsome, and gradually showed a man's preliminary edges and corners -

cold, straight, of course, still gentle and polite.

"Prince Carlo, Miss Fergus and I will go together. Please wait a minute."

"Mr. Leslie's demands are naturally obeyed."

The emissary behind Prince Carlo bowed respectfully.

"Gaia..." The girl reluctantly looked at him, one hand still refused to let go.

Gaia looked at her:

"change your dress, I'll wait for you at the door."

He walked away with great strides.

The sun cut a hazy shadow behind him. Liu Yu looked back and laughed at Prince Carlo:

"Prince Carlo, do you mind if I change clothes?"

Of course Prince Carlo knew how annoying it was to come at this time:

"Miss Fergus, of course."

Liu Yu stepped back and closed the door.

Spot walked up and down in the cage and looked at her from time to time with black bean eyes, as if to explore her emotions.

"Mottled! It's mottled... "

What are you going to do, babe? Don't give up natashi. ]

Liu Yu glared at it and poked it in the head.

"A servant doesn't serve two masters, and a bird doesn't recognize two masters, mottled -" she said in a long voice, "forget natashi."

[Oh, babe ]

mottled covers his head with his wings, trying to avoid the problem ]

Liu Yu raised his chin high:

"since you miss your natashi, why do you sacrifice yourself to save me

Black bean eye:


[for a moment Brain fever? ]

the bird was hit on the head immediately.

[the big villain bullied a female! A female! In our birds, we should protect them well Besides, babe, you're the only rare female who can talk to mottled. It's precious ]

there are two groups of blushes on the hair covered face.

In fact He did not know whether he preferred the great Mr. Leslie or the female in front of him:

it was clear that she had neither bright feathers nor beautiful wings; she had a particularly bad temper.


[belia, you look like a puffer puffer. ]

the mottled and dull tunnel.Liu Yu:

"Anyway, motley, you must not like natashi. You're my bird, you can't remember her. "

You didn't do that before? ]

mottled crooked his head and was confused by her.

"It used to be, it's now, now -" announced the girl haughtily, "you're my bird."

[can be spotted It was before? ]

dappled, touch your head with your wings.

Its small brain is doomed to it will not understand, a person who has never had relatives and friends, the weight of this sentence.

Liu Yu went to the bathroom.

Rinse your mouth and face.

When her hand reached underwater, she found that the wounds on her arm that she had cut had disappeared. She pulled up the skirt and the wound on her leg was gone.

Better than any scar surgery, it was a magic trick -

and last night, she almost thought she was hopeless.

“…… It also has its own photo rejuvenation effect. "

Looking at the broken skin in the mirror, Liu Yu can't help but think of the scene in her dream.

Gaia was enveloped in bands of light, his silver hair and bare feet, as if he were the center of the world. As soon as the scepter fell, those forces of light came from him to her.

Pure, comfortable, people can't help but think of the hot spring in winter night, warm swaddling clothes.

She has a vague feeling that some changes have taken place in her body -

good changes.

After washing and gargling, she looked in the mirror. Her cheeks were too ruddy and her lips were too bright.

Liu Yu took some pearl powder and threw it on her cheeks and lips. She gently pressed her finger belly. Then she looked at it again, and there was a poor girl who was recovering from a serious illness.


[babe! It's not good-looking, like sick. ]

Liu Yu put the things away and put on a plain skirt from the wardrobe. He didn't take any jewelry and wore a pair of cotton shoes with flat bottoms.

"Mottled, human beings are cunning." She said, smiling, "especially me."

[blotches don't understand. ]

"you don't need to understand."

She pushed the door out, and the sun came in. Prince Carlo turned around. She was pleased to see the amazement and pity in each other's eyebrows -

women's weapons are not only beauty, but also timely and occasional weakness.

"Miss Fergus, please follow me."

Prince Carlo bowed gracefully, his right hand in front of his abdomen. "Mr. Leslie is waiting for you outside the door."

"Thank you."

Liu Yu walked to the door.

Gaia is standing under a huge locust tree outside the house. The girls happily pass by him and look back at him.

Under the sparse green, that head of Galaxy like long hair like falling shallow starlight.

He heard the movement and looked up at her:


Liu Yu laughed cunningly.

She picked up her skirt and ran over:

"Gaia, you're really there."

She thought that if you put aside all the trial and process of twists and turns, and only look at the results -

gaiakon accompanied her, it showed that he did not have the heart to her.

Tolerance and pity, even if not the beginning of love, are much better than indifference, contempt and hatred.

She had a good start.

Now the question is, how to survive this game that is not easy to see -

if the other side uses "lie breaking", how can she break the game?