At the moment when the last wisp of felist's soul ascended to heaven, Lu Ming looked at the situation in the space world and muttered with deep eyes:

"Fenister has lost. The last use of the first brave is the grace of the goddess, which comes from the anti magic ability of the Wolf Moon Clan."

Although I don't know whether the ability of the Wolf Moon Clan is strong or weak, Lu Ming feels that the ability of the first brave is better than that of the ancestors of the Wolf Moon.

Perhaps it's because Riad's ability is directly derived from the ability of Warcraft itself, rather than relying on its blood inheritance. His goddess's grace can even block the impact of the ability of the gods.

Most of the temperature of Shenwen was protected by grace, and only a trace of heat was transferred into his body, which instantly burned the magic of the holy sword in his body, causing him to fall into heavy damage.

But this kind of trauma can't affect Leander's mind.

He stood up straight and watched the body of "fenister" fall towards the mainland. This guy could never know what his ability was to defend him at last.

Fall into the ground of "fenister", slowly opened his eyes, now he, has become a Phoenix.

And the soul of the real fenister has begun to disperse completely in the sky. Before he disappears, he seems to be reluctant to murmur:

"My family's... Holy sword..."

His voice seemed to wake up finil who fell to the ground. Finil suddenly opened his eyes.

Looking at the vanishing in the sky of felist, she seems to leave tears, and then her body turned into a flame streamer, chasing the last trace left by felist in the air.

Finally, the streamer disappeared in the sky, and finil's figure didn't know where to go.

Maybe it disappeared with felist. In the final analysis, after she and felist chose to fit together, they shared their lives.

Once fenister disappears, Fenir's existence will not last long.

With the disappearance of Fenir, Leander has completely solved fenister and won the war.

His body, still floating in the air of the space world, can't help but take a few deep breaths in his mouth, with a trace of fatigue on his face.

This war is the most lasting battle he has ever fought in his life. The process of this battle even brought him a sense of hardship for the first time.

But he won.

Although I don't know what kind of battle is waiting for him next, Leander won't choose to retreat.

He slowly stretched out his hand and looked at his arm with a crack on its skin. The numerous wounds on it witnessed how powerful an opponent he had defeated this time.

Then he slowly closed his eyes and breathed steadily, recovering his breath as smoothly as possible.

After the battle with fenister, his body has become scarred with the last blow of the opponent, but time does not allow him to treat his injuries.

Leand knew very well that his next battle was coming.

At the same time, the outside world, after the battle between leand and fenister, the dawn is approaching, the sun has slowly risen, and the battle between them has lasted for one night.

However, this morning's sun, has not the previous bright red, seems to be a lot dimmer, that is because its core no longer exists.

The death of felist made the sisters more or less sad.

Seeing this, Lu Ming was a little surprised. He didn't expect that they still had some kinship with the Holy Lord.

After thinking about it, Lu Ming suddenly asked:

"Come on, that fellow of fenister, how can he be so persistent with the sword?"

Before his death, the Holy Lord was still chanting the name of the holy sword. Lu Ming had already seen this. He was a little curious and naturally asked the two sisters, Philo and AILU.

As soon as his question was asked, AILU lowered her head in a bad mood and seemed to recall some bad things.

Instead, Phil hilu bit his lip and told him:

"Because everything... Starts with the holy sword..."

Lu Ming didn't know what Philo meant, but he listened patiently.

"When we were young, my brother was still a very cheerful and loving person. At that time, my father was also very kind. Although we were very rare because of the busy family affairs, we were still a good father for the time being."

"But later, after the sword was lost, my father changed a lot..."

Filhilu told him that after the sword was lost, their father, the former Lord of the holy clan, collapsed completely because he could not bear the responsibility of losing the sword.

The holy sword represents their first position in the mainland and the glory of the holy people.

Not only that, it also integrates the ability of thousands of chaotic Warcraft. If you lose such an important thing, I'm sorry, the ancestors are one yard. At the same time, the other seven people will certainly come to ask.

In order to find the holy sword, the former Lord of the holy clan did his best to find it for eight years, and finally got nothing.

One day, after he was out of his mind, he called the two sisters to the Lord's hall.

"You three, do you know why I called you all here this time?"

Phil hilu reappeared the dialogue in her own voice.

Moreover, according to her, the father they met at that time had deep socket, prominent cheekbones, and his body was not in shape. It seemed that because of the holy sword, he was worn out of shape.

In the face of her father's question, AILU and Xilu shook their heads blankly, looked at her mother who rarely appeared in an important meeting and asked for help.

However, the mother also shook her head helplessly. It seemed that she was not very clear what was in her father's mind recently.

Only fenister noticed that it was not right. He quietly pushed AILU and Xilu back two steps, deliberately protecting their sisters behind them.

But without waiting for them to step back two steps, his father puffed up his eyes and suddenly roared:

"It's not that you guys are too useless!"

"Five people, at the beginning, your mother and I gave birth to five of you!"

Their father stretched out his bony fingers, opened his palms and spat

"But you! The only one who has inherited the Lord's talent is felist! It's the lowest in the history. The talent of your generation is the lowest in the history of the holy family! "

"The existence of your two sisters is an insult to the saints and the greatest humiliation to us saints!"