"Although the magic is enhanced, it's still useless if I can't suppress the magic of my tree..."

On the other hand, Chris, who is in the space world, can't help talking to himself when he looks at the majestic AI Lu standing on the broken earth.

At the beginning, the biggest reason why Klose could suppress him was to limit his divine tree ability.

Although AI Lu has strengthened herself, she still has a long way to go before she can pierce her armor.

Then, creels' eyes could not help looking at the foot of AILU in the distance.

On the ground smashed, there was a flame burning fiercely, and it became more and more intense, which reduced the ground to ashes.

Then, creels suddenly bowed his head, and on top of his armor, there were a few wisps of small flames swaying.

"Did you just rub it?"

Creels can't help but recall that AI Lu's strike just now, and the staff really rubbed his divine armor. For this reason, he left such a flame on the divine armor.

"The second ability of the core of the holy family, the fire of the sun that will never be extinguished..."

He murmured to himself.

Then, pieces of broken armour came out of the armour and fell to the ground, wrapping the flames.

At the moment when the fragments disappeared, the flame inside was still burning. It didn't mean to destroy it.

It is said that the inheritance ability of Saint Lord level uses the flame of the sun core.

These flames, with the blessing of the goddess, will never go out. They guarantee the normal operation of the sun.

"It seems that I'll do it as soon as possible..."

Creels muttered again:

"Although these flames can't hurt my armor, I have no way to kill them..."

"It's a problem waiting for them to burn all over the world."

Although he had just decided to do it, before he could use his magic power, his body suddenly tilted, and the ground in front of him suddenly collapsed.

"This is..."

Criers slightly a Leng, also in his Lengshen moment, AI Lu appeared in front of him.

But if you look at it from Lu Ming's point of view, you can see that AILU didn't move at all. It was kriers who appeared in front of her.

To be exact, it was the earth under creels' feet that sent him to AILU.

Without waiting for the reaction of the sky crystal Lord, AILU attacked quickly, and this time it was toward the face of creels which was not blocked by divine armor.

"Bang" a, although AI Lu is under the blessing of the magic, the hand is extremely quick, but the side of creels seems to have the self-help body protection function of the divine tree, the divine armor quickly covered his cheek.

With the protection of divine armour, creels, AILU can't hurt him at all.

"Holy tree, take me away from her!"

After a blow, creels was dissatisfied with his reaction. Instead of escaping from the ground this time, he directly summoned a strong branch of the divine tree, standing on it and quickly away from AILU.

There is no way, even if AI Lu can't hurt him under the divine armor, if he is beaten by a woman, he will feel that he has no face. This is a mental attack.

"The third ability of the sun's core..."

Standing on the branches of the sacred tree, creels, who is farther and farther away from AILU, once again plays the role of interpretation.

Lu Ming, who was standing outside, really doubted whether the self talk of creels was intended for him.

"The sun moistens and favors all things. Therefore, at a critical moment, those who have the core ability of the sun can get help from all things in the world..."

In other words, in the face of the ability to enter the core of the sun, everything in the world is his enemy, whether it is the land under his feet or the stars in the sky.

Even if all things do not want to listen to the call, as long as they are under the sun, there will be residual solar magic in their bodies.

Depending on these, those who can enter the core of the sun can forcibly control everything.

Just as he was thinking about it, he felt the trunk of the sacred tree tremble, and the speed of his escape slowed down.

Seeing this, creels suddenly showed a wry smile:

"No... do you still want to plunder the ownership of Shenshu with me..."

As a tree, the divine tree is still such a huge and vigorous tree. There is a lot of magic left in it by the sun.

As a result, Shenshu, who has always been completely obedient to creels' orders, is rarely slow in the face of AI Lu's manipulation.

"Well, it's OK. If you are weak in controlling the tree, maybe you have a chance to control it."

Looking at AILU, who was sweating and pursed her lips tightly in order to control his sacred tree in the distance, creels could not help shaking his head

"But... I'm different..."

As he said this, creels could not help stroking the branches of the sacred tree, with some pity in his eyes.

Then he suddenly drank:

"Holy tree! Eat the magic of the sun inside you, and then help me isolate the continent of the world from the outside

With the end of creels' words, the trunk of the sacred tree far behind him gently shakes the leaves, as if in response to him.

Then, AI Lu on the other side suddenly stepped back. Just now, her magic of manipulating the divine tree suddenly broke. It was the divine tree that didn't know how to expel the solar magic in her body.

AI Lu bowed her head and took a few breaths. For her, it's really a little reluctant to forcibly control the sacred tree of creels.

However, the next moment, she suddenly found a shadow spread under her feet.

AILU raised her head in a hurry, and then she found that the whole sky was covered.

Even on the whole continent, the branches of the divine tree spread all over the whole continent, and even the sky couldn't show any light.

For a moment, AILU seemed to be in the dark.

Can the sacred tree even cover the mainland?

AI Lu is marveling at the reproduction ability of the divine tree, but the next moment, light comes from all around her.

It was the green light from the sacred tree. Not only that, seeing the bright AI Lu, I found that the whole world here had changed.

This is a world lit by the green light from the divine tree. There are green branches spreading all around. Green leaves envelop the whole world, and the faint green fluorescence rises from the air.

A closer look, the world has become very beautiful, as if the world of elves in general.

Just when AILU was a little intoxicated with this beautiful world, I didn't know where it came from. Suddenly, there came the voice of creels

"Well, his highness Phil AILU, now that there is no sunshine, how much of your ability can be exerted..."