After creels led his army out, there was no army left in the whole sky crystal clan.

Only a few bodyguards near the palace were able to send for krisha.

Listen to kreissa say, originally last night, kreisles wanted to leave a legion of more than 1000 people for kreissa, but in the end, kreissa refused.

She felt that if creels lost the war, it would be useless to have an army on her side. She could not resist the army of the third clan.

For this reason, it's better to take them all by creels and strive to win the war with the third clan.

Since Chrissa said that, kreels didn't say anything.

For his sister, he knows very well that the other side is stubborn. Even if he has to keep a legion, he will be called support by krisha and sent back to him.

Therefore, in this expedition, creels directly took away all the legions of the sky crystal clan, which made the sky island of the whole sky crystal clan particularly desolate.

After Kreis left, kreissa was melancholy for a while and went back to the palace to deal with the clan affairs.

And Phil hilu went to help krisha keep an eye on the crystal city below to prevent any accident in the city.

Lu Ming went back to his room alone.

As soon as he opened the door, Lu Ming noticed a shadow under the bed. He spoke without thinking

"What's the matter?"

Lu Ming has become very sensitive to their breath because he has been with the shadows for a long time.

Soon, the shadow under the bed surged up and finally turned into a faceless shadow, kneeling in front of Lu Ming

"Lord demon, I have something to report."

Lu Ming nodded and went straight to the seat by the window. After sitting on it, he looked at the shadow and said:

"What's the matter, say it."

When he came to the second clan this time, he naturally brought a few shadows with him, in order to get information from all sides of the mainland at the first time.

Although no one else knows, Lu Ming knows that these shadows are usually scattered in the palace or even in the crystal city below. If he receives any news, he will come to him as he does now.

After getting the Lord's nod, the shadow began to say:

"Well, the war in which the saints sent ten warriors to invade the Western clans has come to an end."

This shadow says, Lu Ming is tiny a Leng, he didn't expect this time to spread, unexpectedly is the news of Saint clan there.

But if you think about it carefully, now they are with the saints in the central mainland. Although the central mainland is not small, the saints are no longer far away from them.

Or they will meet in the near future.

"What happened?"

Lu Ming couldn't help rubbing his eyebrows and asked, although he had the answer in his heart.

"As a result, the Sheng clan lost..."

The shadow lowered her head and told Lu Ming the whole story

"At the beginning, it was really the advantage of the holy clan. No matter which one of the ten warriors of the holy clan was, it was not the Western clan that could compete."

"It's a pity that later, after they were defeated and even sacrificed a cadre for this, someone finally stood up."

"It is said that this man is the Lord of the Western clan. We suspect that he is the holder of the sword."

"Because in the next battle, he alone dealt with all the ten warriors of the Holy Family and buried them all in the battlefield."

When shadow finished, Lu Ming closed his eyes and was still thinking about the news that the other party had told him, so as to infer what happened in the original battlefield.

Judging from the defeat of the clan in the west, the strength of the first brave companions seems not good, at least not even the ten warriors of the holy clan.

If you think about it, all the talented people are among the seven clans. Where does a small clan in the West gather some talents.

Then, they deliberately hid the first brave man and his holy sword. Unfortunately, with the death of his companion, the first brave man came forward and killed all the ten warriors of the holy family.

So it seems that the holy sword is in the hands of the holy people.

Besides, he killed the ten warriors of the Holy Family with his own strength. The holy family should know that the first brave man is not simple. I'm afraid he won't do it so easily next time.

If you do it again, it will definitely be a big war. Even if it's not the Lord's own, at least there are some top players in the field or even the world class.

At that time, their battlefield will not be inferior to that of the Tianjing clan and the third clan.

"I'm really upset..."

Lu Ming couldn't help sighing.

A moment later, he suddenly opened his eyes and said as if to himself:

"I'll go to the West and visit the first brave man by the way."

Hearing Lu Ming say so, the shadow on the ground was stunned.

If it has an expression, the expression at the moment will be very wonderful.

He never thought that Lu Ming would take the initiative to go to the western continent, where the danger was no less than that of the front line battlefield of Tianjing where creels went.

You know, the affairs of Tianjing clan are not over yet. There are still many things waiting for Lu Ming to do.

Although the shadow was very surprised, he didn't dare to look up and persuade. After all, it was the decision of the devil.

However, Lu Ming has his own considerations.

At present, the Tianjing clan has just joined the army. Due to the large number of legions, it will take some time to reach the junction between the Tianjing clan and the third clan.

At that time, there will be a few small fights. Lu Ming can go back and forth to the western mainland during this time.

Whether it's to meet the first brave or to investigate the future Church of the sword, Lu Ming should go and have a look.

"Since it's decided, I'll just get up today, but this trip... Can't take too many people."

Sitting on the chair, Lu Ming began to knock on the table and think again

"On the side of Crystal City, creels has just taken away all his legions. Most of them must be left to ensure the safety here..."

"As for Phil hilu, he has to supervise the crystal city with krisha. I'm afraid he can't go with me this time."

"Well, who should I take on this trip?"

Thinking of this, Lu Ming can't help looking distressed.

Just at this time, the door of his room was suddenly pushed open, and a girl with a star came in

"Brave, brave man! Please allow me to hold a concert in this crystal city

Before she finished speaking, the girl was stunned.

Because she saw that Lu Ming behind the table, after seeing himself, seemed to see some prey, his face was shining, and suddenly vomited a sentence:

"OK, it's up to you, Youji!"