After Lu Ming learned something about the Baizhan clan from Phil hilu, three days later, a huge magic array gradually emerged in a plain far away from Langyue city.

Countless people dressed in bronze battle armor came out of the array, and the army of Baizhan clan finally arrived.

They set up a three-day teleportation array, which was finally completed. The Legion also teleported from the far south of the continent.

Lu Ming, who is in Wolf Moon City, has already felt something wrong when he gets up in the morning. It seems that there is an extremely strong momentum towards Wolf Moon City.

So he directly found Philo and avilia and announced the arrival of Baizhan clan.

At the moment, outside the Wolf Moon Palace, Lu Ming and his wife are preparing to go to the city, but Felix Lu beside him can't help muttering:

"Have you arrived... I didn't expect the speed to be so fast..."

Generally speaking, except for the first three clans, the transmission array of the major clans is not chaos level magic.

Although the teleportation array has the meaning of space magic, it only realizes the regional connection, and the preparation and use process are very complex, which can't be compared with the real space magic.

But it took only three days for the Baizhan clan to connect the whole army to the Falun formation, and then to finish the transmission. This kind of time is almost as fast as the Falun formation speed of their holy clan. How can filhilu not be surprised.

"It's true that the clans who often wage wars have simplified the process of Falun to this point."

She murmured to herself, but did not expect that the present Baizhan clan had developed to such a degree that it was obviously to speed up the war process by constantly simplifying the process of Falun.

"Anyway, let's take a look outside the city first. I've been curious about the Baizhan clan, which has the real strength of seven clans."

At the moment, Lu Ming didn't pay attention to the serious look of Phil hilu. Instead, he was very interested. He had been waiting for the arrival of Baizhan clan for a long time.

"Well, let's go."

Phil hilu, who was beside him, also gave a soft response. It was time for them to face the battle with Baizhan clan and the reaction of other seven clans.

About two hours later, they came near the gate, and Anta, nagur and laki were kneeling down to welcome him.

After approaching the city gate, Lu Ming could hear the sound of battle drums from far to near. It seems that even if the Legion of Baizhan clan has not arrived, it should not be far away.

Lu Ming motioned to Anta on the ground. After they got up, he couldn't help asking:

"How's it going?"

It's no good staying in the city. Lu Ming wants to know if Anta ever sent people outside the city to see where the Baizhan clan has gone.

But for his question, Anta told him:

"Back to the Lord, it seems that the situation outside the city is not right. I didn't let the two legions go out."

"Something's wrong?"

Hearing Anta say so, Lu Ming is stunned. Anta's caution is always right. He must have noticed something.

For this reason, Lu Ming looked to the boundless horizon, and then he narrowed his eyes, as if he felt something.

"Let's go up and have a look."

He immediately decided to go up to the city.

But before he got to the wall, he suddenly heard Philo ask him:

"By the way, Lord, why do your subordinates like to call you Lord demon?"

Speaking of this, she has heard it many times, but she has not understood it. Even in the first few times, she did not understand it at all.

After all, she doesn't understand the meaning of Warcraft. There is no Warcraft in this world. Who can know what Warcraft is, the king of Warcraft?

But after listening more, she naturally had a deep curiosity. When she heard that Anta called her lord again, Philo couldn't help asking.

In response, Lu Ming's steps suddenly stopped.

He looked back at the puzzled Phileas, thought for a moment, and then said:

"This question... I'll explain it to you later."

Now it's hard to explain how to tell them what the devil is in a world that even the demons don't have.

Lu Ming shook his head and continued to climb towards the city.

When Phil hilu heard him say that, he nodded and thought that it was the same. Now, but at the critical moment, all the Baizhan clans have been fighting. Where has so much time to say so much.

She couldn't help sticking out her tongue at Lu Ming's back, and then she ran after him.

As soon as they got to the gate of the city, Lu Ming and some of them saw the rolling yellow sand drifting from afar. Vaguely, they could see some copper armored soldiers in all directions. They were walking towards them.

Seeing these people, a strange cry immediately rang out behind Lu Ming

"Oh! Are these the soldiers of Baizhan clan? That's enough! "

"Lord demon, let me have this fight! I haven't been exercising for a long time! "

Afar, the evil dragon king, didn't know when he came to him. He asked with some expectation.

It's not easy to come to the age of chaos. He has wanted to fight happily for a long time. Unfortunately, rodala, who was able to make sense of his strength before, only had a few moves with him, which didn't make him addicted at all.

This time, facing the Legion of Baizhan clan, he couldn't control his own dragon body. A burst of dragon Qi burst out all over him. It seemed that as soon as Lu Ming agreed, he would immediately turn into a giant dragon and go to Baizhan clan to make a big scene.

But for his request, Lu Ming did not answer.

However, Phil hilu, who is beside Lu Ming, suddenly stands up and says to afar:

"Please don't be so reckless. The Legion under the yellow sand is not as simple as you think!"

For the Lord's warriors, Phil hilu spoke to them with respect.

She began to remind:

"These faceless legions under the city can't fight with them at will. If you rush down, you will find that each of them has the same strength as you!"

"Equal to me?"

Hearing this, afar couldn't help but look unbelievable

"Hey, no, you're talking about those people, everyone has the ability to turn around?"

He looked around at the vast Legion under the city. How could there be tens of thousands of such a huge Legion.

However, Phil hilu said that each of these people is equal to his strength. That's too afraid. It's good that there are so many strong people in the chaos era.

Afar was surprised that he didn't know what to say. After all, he couldn't believe what Philo said.

However, Lu Ming glanced at him slowly and finally said:

"Haven't you found out, afar?"

"Not only you, no matter who is fighting with those soldiers, we can't defeat any of them, because we are surrounded by spiritual magic."

"The Legion soldiers under the city are the projection of your spirit. The strength will change according to the strength of the challenger."

He said faintly. When he approached the gate before, he felt that there was a wave of disobedience around the gate.

Until seeing the scene below, Lu Ming finally understood the way.