Lu Ming was invited to the audience by Queen Bailu and sat alone in the compartment with her.

For example, the important positions in front of the auditorium cover a large area, not only for one person, but also for their entourage.

There are even separate compartments here, and Lu Ming and queen Bailu are sitting opposite each other in such a place at the moment.

In the face of the unknown referee's arrival, Queen Bailu first expressed her gratitude to him

"First of all, on behalf of polvala, I would like to thank you for helping her at the previous conference."

Although she was thanking, Bailu kept her queen's demeanor very well. After all, she was also a strong woman. Even in the face of the demon king's army, she didn't need to be inferior.

When Beilu finished speaking, Lu Ming just nodded slightly and responded:

"It's just to keep order in the assembly."

He took a sip of the tea on the table, and was not at all relieved of the Queen's thanks.

After all, this time is not to help any elves, but simply for himself, so that he can accurately find the existence of the goddess.

She hesitated for a moment. Then she suddenly asked:

"I don't know which commander you are in the demon army? Why didn't he... Appear at the meeting this time? "

It's not only her who is curious about the question that Lu Ming didn't appear in public at the meeting. I'm afraid the whole mainland is surprised. It's the meeting initiated by the Lord of the Empire, but only he didn't come to the meeting.

The question of Queen Bailu made Lu Ming laugh

"Do you mean our demon king? Naturally, he was busy making plans for the conquest of the whole continent. He didn't have time to attend such a small meeting. As for me... "

"I'm the head of the black beast mercenary regiment affiliated to the warlord army. Have you heard of me?"

He leaned back on the chair, showing a very arrogant look, as if this black beast mercenary regiment was very powerful.

When he said this, Queen Bello was slightly stunned, and then extended her smile

"I really heard that in ancient times, there was a demon king who often pretended to be the head of the black beast mercenary regiment before he became famous."

"It's always been a secret. I didn't expect it to be true."

Queen Bailu looks at Lu Ming with a look of great interest. It seems that she has seen through his identity.


Lu Ming almost didn't spit out the tea in his mouth. He felt his hair awkwardly and thought:

It turns out that I started to use the identity of the head of the black beast mercenary regiment in ancient times. I almost forgot if Bailu didn't mention it.

Then he coughed a little, looked up, looked at his Bailu with a smile, and said:

"How do you know if this rumor is true, even if there is a secret? What if there is really a black beast mercenary regiment on our side of the demon army? "

He began to think about it. Next time he came back to the Devil King City, he would make a plan to really build a black beast mercenary regiment. When he came out to play, he would say that he was the head of the mercenary regiment, and everyone would have a trace to follow.

But with regard to his question, Bellu sipped her lips and then told him:

"Of course, it's the assurance of your identity that I said so..."

Her bright eyes looked directly into Lu Ming's eyes. After a pause, she told him:

"Just now, when you mentioned the word" demon king ", you didn't have any respect in your eyes. On the contrary, you had a kind of funny feeling. It can't happen to your subordinates."

"Obviously, you are the only one in this continent who dares to treat you so disrespectfully."

She slowly shook her head, for the opposite demon king, even she, also had to admire his existence.

The camp does not mention that the strength of the other side is really enough to make her feel respected, so although she is the queen of the elves, she has never been superior to anyone at ordinary times, but when facing Lu Ming, she still can't help feeling that she has bowed her head.

So that when she first met Lu Ming, she felt at a loss.

"Well, you're very good. You know who I am."

Now that he has been seen through, Lu Ming simply doesn't pretend to go on. He shrugs his shoulders and can't help asking:

"So what did you call me for this time?"

He felt that no matter what kind of demon king he was, or whether he was a member of the demon king's army under him, since queen Bello had called herself here, she must have something important to discuss.

On hearing his question, Queen Bello could not help but restrain her smile and nodded her head in a serious way

"There's one thing I really want to ask for your help."

Lu Ming did not speak, but listened quietly, motioning to Beilu to continue.

Then, the queen said:

"This matter, but also from your help before polvala's body

"Do you know who she is in our elf family?"

At the beginning, she didn't directly say what she wanted to do, just asked Lu Ming a strange question.

To this end, Lu Ming answered without raising his head

"The polvalla? I guess she's either a long-time defector or a prisoner you've imprisoned. "

He doesn't have to think about it.

With the talent and strength of polvalla, his status in the elves can't be lower. Even if he's not an elder, he should be the leader of the guard or the assassin group.

But it's obvious that Lu Ming didn't see her when he went to the elves last time, and she didn't even have a place in the high level.

Well, as long as you can guess, she should be a person who has been deprived of her rights because she has violated some taboos.

Beilu was a little surprised at Lu Ming's guess. She didn't expect that he was so accurate

"That's right. Polvala is indeed a prisoner in the prison of our spirit island..."

When it comes to the word "prisoner", the brow of Queen Bailu jumps slightly. It seems that she does not want to use this name to call her.

Then she explained to Lu Ming directly:

"What she has committed is a taboo that the elves forbid to have an affair with other people."

"She's having an affair with humans?"

Lu Ming could not help but be surprised at what Beilu said, and then felt a little pity.

I didn't expect that nice looking fairy girl would have been a goddess for a long time?

If she is really a goddess, it would be a bit embarrassing.

But to his surprise, Queen Bello seemed to understand what he was thinking. She gave him a glance and told him:

"Of course, it's not. It's polvala's sister who has an affair with human beings, and she's just a charge of helping."

At this point, Bailu's face slightly declined. It seemed that she thought about the fate of the polwarra sisters and told him:

"The elf who had an affair with human beings, that is, polvala's sister, had been executed by the elders, and polvala, who helped her, was permanently imprisoned by the elders."

Listen to her words, she seems to be very dissatisfied with the internal policy of the elves, which is autistic and not free.